Welcome to Etherbox!
(from Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui)
mix of black and many kinds of white and many kinds of grey
infigenous but we have also orhter roots: Spanish
many elements confuse idenitities
it is alive, transforming all the time
composition of many things
contradiction is not problem
holobiont (s) :-)
semiology - how to read the science of how languages work
there is no individual, you're always a multitude of things
comes from biology: bacteria, ...
paying attention to other things rather than just the brain to make a decision, you can also listen to your stomach, your heart, the decision making of ...
the anthroprocene puts the human at the center, a colonial few on the rest of the earth
the network
humans invented it, its bacteria ruling it - outside of identity politics
you're steered around, not steering yourself
theoretical construction form Europe
Latin America: feels need to think other points of view, using the body & senses
centering other points of view, what you center/feel with the heart - is incredibly important
¿Cómo hacernos un cuerpo?” Entrevista con Suely Rolnik: http://lobosuelto.com/?p=19635
colonial concept is not only thing that happened, many things happened
need to think in another way
necessary to change the language/ideas, to ideas that 'we feel'
from the experience of the life in the mountains
'decolonial' is used in global context
every colonial state has its own history
colonial imagination is so powerful still, 'decolonial' helps to deconstruct it
you use language of the power to that (French in Belgium)
'decolonial' almost does not mean anything anymore, but 'decolonial' forces do exist
LA: if you think differently in academia, you are 'decolonial'; but have to think differently than European thinkers
Elodie: in academic insitutions you are already in colonial system
Tatiana: before colonialisation we have many knowledges, the past is in front
Is there an anology between the idea of de/colonial and not colonial contexts, and the anthroprocentic agency, the imagination is so big, that it also works in a way to use this terminology -
I have agency to change, take action...
links to idea of responsability that becomes difficult when you are aware / have ethical position
Not to be a puppet, to realise our agency, collectively
Can these be seen as tools? yes!
telepathy - human approach - we are seeing meaning in things (our shape in the cloud, it is already communal - our constant need and longing to connect)
antroposophy: study of plants, shape of the plant is related to what it can be used for
electromagnetic spectrum is very big, we only use small part, plants/meditation open spaces in these spectrum - wifi, bluetooth, this is not a fictional space, talking to trees (for instance)
extremophelia - plants that live in very extreme conditions -
Review: http://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/dasquestoes/
alge, fungi and bacteria - lichen
communicate -
you look at it with infrared light you can see it under the snow, rendeer can see it in Lapland
they can sleep for more than 100y before waking up again
from their point of view, maybe we are their hosts
a key tool for lichen, to see how well they're doing - has to do with the air quality (and more) - its like a bio indicator
we're stepping on the ground, and giving them signals -
using smells, through roots - how trees communicate
Humans have 5 senses, Trees have up to 12 senses
Quartz - use for memory in computers
was used in the past to send messages, come from the center of the earth including the human history / universe
you can meditate with crystals and travel to the past/future
it can store a lot of information
our body can be the software to activate the hardware of crystals and other minerals
we have the knowledge, the crystals awaken it
types of crystal refer to composition of universe
-> we are very small part in the universe
connection to activate possibility
amplify the power of the crystals, with the network
streaming workshops to teach
videos still online: 'Conneccion cristalina'
this actives other abilities, visions, a lot of information
Liesje used Tibetan crystal to 'record' performances of a festival
gestures to think about other ways of imagining
Garden in the middle
cloud in which we store information is based on water
water is powering the cloud, datacenter needs water power and cooled by water in 'green datacenter'
transformation of water: taken out of the loop, heathed
it becomes a digital water
Google, colonial entity
safe space, not affected by climate cha nge war
efficient water suplly that powers the datacenter
water is also used as cooling liquid
parallel with how clouds function
'the more you stream, the more clouds you will have in the sky'
water is part of the system
NSA scandal: if we cut water to NSA, the surveillance is over
water becomes super important ressource
but very abandoned
the swamps, delta, they put rocket stations/datacenters, a place hwere you cannot access easily, but there is a lot of space, and you can bring heavy stuff through it, because you can float it over on water, fresh and salty water in the same place, constant exchange - collection of infrastructures that host a cloud
in a small town in Austria, Google bought this land, and the thing that is there, is the empty spot for their data center, and the square of trees around the empty space
datacenter in North of netherlands, next to coal mine & 2 large gas centers
promised green energy but it is not possible
last October - in Belgium
Nuclear Power Plant and Atomic Power Plant - had to shut down for the winter
there was a risk of a blackout
"switch off the light and leave the room"
Google data center in the north of the Netherlands - using the same amount of energy of the entire Netherlands in one year -
storing 150,000 liters of diesel on site, incase power goes, off so they can switch to this immediately
plants call the water
Decision environmental permit given to Deerns UK Ltd. for the founding and operation of a facility intended for data storage and hosting
"BESLUIT OMGEVINGSVERGUNNING verleend aan Deerns UK Ltd.ten behoeve van het oprichten en in werking hebben van een inrichting bedoeld voor datastorage en -hosting "
Energy usage in NL 2017:
120 bilion kwh (120 000 000 000 wh)
Quoting the environmental permit:
"Zoalsuit de aanvraag blijkt wordt binnen de inrichting een relevante hoeveelheid energie verbruikt. Binnen de
inrichting wordt naar schatting 1.842 GWh elektriciteit verbruikt, waarbij circa 960 GWh elektriciteit per jaar
wordt ingezet voor elektrische aparatuur en 882 GWh voor koeling. Daarnaast wordt dieselolie ingezet voor
het periodiek proefsdraaien van de noodstroomgeneratoren."
As becomes apparent from the application the facility will use a relevant amount of energy. Within the facility it is estimated that 1,842 Gwh of electricity is used, of which 960Gwh electricity a year is used for electrical equipment and 882 Gwh for cooling. Aside from that dieseloil is used for periodically testing the backup power generators
1842 Gwh = 1 842 000 000 wh
DEEP DOWN TIDAL: Tabita Rezaire
Artist working with fungi
In the evolution of plants, trees are the most advanced.
The stems can only stem up when they have water, otherwise they go down - unlike most other plants (please correct me if i'm writing wrong)
Find tubes that are strong enough to stand on its own, wood as a type of cell that is strong enough to stand on its own, the roots of the tree are larger as the crown, the tree occupies as much in the air as the ground, each tree has a specific fungi
because they produce wood
celluloid > lignine > tanine
wood is a tube that is strong enough to stand n its own
a tree occupies physicaly as much space in the air as in the groudn
symbiosis with fungi - they 'nurture' each other
the network of the forest, it takes a long times to build that network (it takes 100 years to grow a mycellium)
but if you have an older forest, it is (already?) a strong soil.....?
Secret life of trees - Peter Wohlleben (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Wohlleben )
Mother trees, that feed - trees live in a collectivity, you can measure the health of a forest, by seeing the weekest tree
you have nodes in the forest - that take care of less strong trees
you can talk to trees
Through Reiki - a healing energy practice
a master opens up a chanel, to receive healing
you are the chanel that receive the healing
crystals have the memorie of the universe and trees are anthenas
can communicate trough the layers (of memorie?)
they have to be at least 150 years old
they establish a field
La Gomera - primal forest never changed since Ice Age, misty, cold always in the clouds
own ecosystem - microclimate, these trees are different: powerful! complete different concept of a tree, get information that you cannot process - they are living beings and have much more power than we have!
on the tourist maps you don't hvae all the roads
Spirituality as empathic attitude
more ways of awarenesses to open up to
its not a metaphor, its a realation - its a way
the fungi are a channel and a place, and a way -
approached by plants - study the power of the medicine of plants
The network of 5G will cover the whole world so that you cannot connect to any other energies anymore, and in another way people would say that it would enhance that relation
there is a lot of fear involved
if you look at how IKEA is dealing with forests - we cut the trees but we re-plant them, if you cut them down the new saplings are not the same
they're not cutting trees in their own country - with Sweden, they are cutting them in other coutries
the amount of animals that is killed every year is more than the amount of animals that were born in history of human kind
Practice of Restoration Agriculture -- comes out of permaculture practices, but applied commercially also, think in yields -
fruit, and crop, and a pleasant/present/social environment
tries to think about this idea of yielding something rather than kilos of apples
compound yields
sooil building: in economic terms, what you produce allows for better food later + creating landscape
Dona haraway, the story of Camille / children of compost
how can make practises that can fall under this umbrella and can validate themselves in the current system (AND AND)
possible good resume of the first part of the conversation-research
Trans * Plant manifesto – first version – 2016 – fragments
[…] The greatest problem with the dominant ecology is that it is based on the notion of ‘nature’, a notion created historically to separate humanity from the rest of the universe and establish a colonial relationship. The binomial culture / nature structures an almost infinite list of other binomials found in modern Western thought: man / woman, white / non-white, hetero / homo, science / witchcraft, adult / child, normal / abnormal … The second term of each binomial is associated with nature and is therefore subdued to the same regime of violence. Through heterotrophy carried out to its maximum, a necropolitics is constituted so that it literally ‘consumes’ everything on this planet. […] It is time to conceive ‘ungrid-able ecologies’ (Natasha Myers), or ‘un-greening the green’ (Jens Hauser).
[…] In order to be able to think about a non-anthropocentric ecology we need to move from identities based on essences to identities based on relationships
Reading about 5G
On trees causing shadow
https://ul-we.de/studie-baumschaeden-durch-mobilfunksendeanlagen/?fbclid=IwAR3qe6o1M4n25Z5InpXdqB0nbXgz8LNX2oOLVxk3F2PTQTpVOJ_6dlu93fU - hm...talks about the influences of mobile antennas on trees, but no references, more like a conspiracy thingy
Activist platform
http://www.beperkdestraling.org -last post in 2014
Bullshitting about 5G to funny level
5G for connecting people, animals and things (sounds promising but... antropocentric...)
The fifth generation of mobile communications is far more than just the further acceleration of mobile internet. The Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities, with intelligent, autonomous vehicles, robots and drones, will in the future be operated reliably over the 5G network. At home, in companies or schools, 5G will ensure that very large amounts of data are transported as required by virtual and augmented reality applications or high-definition 8K television. Our mobile networks will benefit not only from high data rates of up to 10 Gigabit per second, but also from minimal reaction times (latency). According to studies, there will be 50 billion connected devices worldwide by 2020, around seven devices per person. "This network requires reliably fast infrastructure. A highway with enough space for everyone – people, animals and things," says Bierwirth.
250 meters is like 16 toyota camry cars lined up next to each other.
About insects: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-22271-3
Overview effects:
2017 letter to US federal communications service
Plan for the 'end of this day': make an index of possible other already existing networks which can be used next to or as a replacement of 'the internet'
creating multi-internets
as a start up for the second part of the workweek
Maybe it could be that our Tools become not only a toolkit but a new kind of a network, substituting the Internet as we know it - so it is dead!
Conversation with Roel about radiowevas & electromagnetic spectrum
Soundfile: http://etherbox.local/threads/chixi/chixi_conversation_with_roel.m4a
radio as field
beginnings of radio: very long waves vs short waves
has to do with frequency of signal, alterating electric current in metal object
creates magnetism around it
nail and copper wire, add battery, thing becomes magnetic
used to record voice/data
radio travels at seed of light (fastest thing)
determine wave length by looking at frequency (Hz), amount of oscillations per second
waves travel certain distance
ex sound creates echo, because wave fits perfectly and bounces back
it can pass thorugh others
you can focus or diffuse it
ex radio shadwos, depending on wave length: longer waves can pass thorugh objects easily
short wave radio is actually long waves, can pass thorugh the earth, like BBC radio, like bass sounds, the longer the wave per unit of energy you put in, the farther it travels, ex waves of disco travel through the walls, airwaves, shifting air pressure around (can make walls move)
short wave cannot go through obstacles, high sound
anything that makes an oscillation, 'frequency'
novelty of 5G: range of 26GHz (billion Hertz)
wifi has radio technology uses 2.4 GHz waves, 24 oscillations per second, one of the wave is 12cm long (size of hands), antennas correspond to size of the waves, ex wok
bigger antennas are for longer waves
if you're behind metal grid with opening less than 12cm, waves don't pass (shadow effect)
a lot of these waves occur naturally, universe is full of electromagnetic vibrations, ex Northern Light
electromagnetic radiation (coming from solar system into the earth) hitting gasses and lightning them up
muons are cosmetic particles travelling all the time through our bodies
statis on radio, ambient electromagnetic, always there
sun has solar flares, explosions, pushes a lot of electromagnetic energy to the earth
waves contain energy, expressed in Watts
ex boiler is 2 KW
look at amount of watts of radiated energy
ex wifi works on same frequency as microwave, no special licenses needed for it
highly regulated: what can be done by whom in which size of the spectrum
every device has registration with FCC, American Communications Agency, which telle exactly at what frequency they're operating
microwave can really damage you without the case: water molecules are dancing, becomes hot - 700 Watts focused in the same place
wifi is in miliWatts, which kind of wattage is safe for organic beings
the more modern smartphones become, the less loud they have to shout
3G, 4G, less power to save battery, solving it with software: increase the speed of transmission on the same copperlines that have been there for 15 ys
-> look at how much Watt is being emitted! 'effective radiated power'harmful for organic matter (which ones?)
GSM cell phone towers: are fenced, because you have to stay at distance, dangerous
old towers: less oscillations = less information on it, but go longer
5G: more oscillations, shorter waves, a lot of boxes everywhere, not emitting a lot of energy
the lower the frequency, the longer the wave becomes
300Mhz is 1 meter wave
FM radio 100Mhz is 3 meters (their antennas needs to be half or quarter lenght)
5G antennas can be so short that it can fit in phones
antennas can focus or disperse radio waves (like lenses), they can amplify the power:
wattage of transmitter vs effected radiated power
cfr sunbeam that is focused allows you to burn
speed of light is theoretical number, can only happen in vacuum space
light will slow down a little when it passes through obstacle
light is slowing down at angle with the earth, passing to lower frequency, colours occupy frequencies (red)
copper slows down 89% the speed of light
they might switch to other material, because they might have lower verkortingsfactor
density of atmosphere changes the colour, because of pollution
more particles
quartz has very exact freeuncy, therefore used for clocks
'Crystals go to war', US propaganda film from 40s
if you cut slices from quartz & polish it, you can decide speed of it (1000 vibrations == 1 sec)
tourmaline: used in thermocouples, if you heat it, resistance will drop
Pretty fly for a wifi (website Roel)
we can feel heat of the sun
why not feel radiation, different sensitivities, it is the same field
cfr radio art, people working with very low frequency (coming from outer space), chirps from birds
ex Guerland Martinet, Marseille
you have to make antenna in proportion to wave you rtry to catch
antenna is translator (receive radiated energy, will create tiny voltages that you can amplify and send to speaker)
-> what is the right antenna to get in touch?
standardization: setting limits to what is harmful for humans (for which humans? and what other beings are not considered)
Agentschap Telecom, Nederland
check for Belgium
ITU, International Standards Body for Radio Communications
* Conversation with Benjamin about MYCELLIUM-networks
Soundfile: http://etherbox.local/threads/chixi/chixi_conversation_with_benjamin.m4a
remote point of view - radio mycellium
Martin Howse
start a symbiosis with the myceellium network, linking all, forming biochemical networks to connect trees with mushrooms,
makes a really efficient communication and startt connecting with the mycellium network
UTOPIA: made the mushroom grow in a petribox, mycellium reacted differentt
Mycelium Network Society - Shu Lea Cheang (Taiwanese artist based in France)
diversity of mushrrooms try to grow differrent kinds
send waves to the plant and how the waves are coming back, radar - intrusive
bioelectrticity, Baxter in 1960ies started to interact with vegetables, building antennas to help plant grow, BIOFEEDBACK
GHOST LAB: microsensor connected to a plant, electromagentic waves, plant was catching them, set up a garden and set up some pollution sensors close to Loire, air pollution
Ethical question: should we instrumentalize another layer of tthe earth's surface? like the mycellium
Using trees as antennas, getting more sensitive towards fields happening around, we have to train our self more, we are underestimating our body as antenna
reproduction of mushrooms
Anna Tsing: The Mushroom at the end of the world
setting standards?
MICROELECTRICITY - microchemical molecules that are charged (more complex than electricity) > bio-electricity
5G frequency is even higher, natural waves, the nature of the signal differs, multipelxing the signal and slicing you get harsh frequencies,
transformer to turn electromagnetic waves into sound, from 30Mhz to 60Gb
This environment ispolluted by electricity, 50Hz, you should go to places at 30km from electricity = electrosmog
hard to find a place for vlf-listening, sensitive people have to live in caves
with meditation we are also creating our own field of energy that can help us to cope with this constant presence of waves
sew your own little faradeic cages for phone
ancient networks (is it then about kinmaking - (growing) families)
our own body might be / is the antenna
- work on body to be more sensitive to these signals, we're underestimating our body as antenna
- build devices
traditional medicine India
hacking the body - change the spectrum > meditation, food, bodywork etc
the relation with the food production - not from a repressive perspective
--> does telepathy comes in at this point?
how mushrooms can safe the end of the world (book)
the mushroom at the end of the world - anna tsing
psychotropic mushrooms
the frequency of the human body?
the way mushrooms grow 'messes up our hetrogenius standards on what a family is
Scientist researching mycelium: Lynne Boddy, Cardiff University
Some références / links about
mycelium and electromagnetism
- Radio Mycelium workshop https://libarynth.org/parn/radio_mycelium http://www.psychogeophysics.org/wiki/doku.php?id=mycelial
- Martin Howse & Myceliums http://www.1010.co.uk/org/radiomycelium.html https://medium.com/aperiodic-mesmerism/approaching-the-inexplicable-7e1793b2a588
- Spectral investigation collective https://www.ewenchardronnet.com/semaphore/spectral_investigations_collective/page/2/ http://rixc.org/en/festival/festivalarchives/450/ http://ghostlab.org https://bureaudetudes.org/2015/04/20/electromagnetic-propaganda-2010/
- Ressource on our (french) wiki https://ressources.labomedia.org/capteurs_environnementaux_biofeedback#biofeedback
- http://hackteria.org/wiki/Plant_Electrophysiology
- https://libarynth.org/plant_sensing
- art project + sensors http://interspecifics.cc/work/pulsum-plantae-2012/ + now many art project on this subject and even a commercial device : https://www.midisprout.com/
- how to listen to electromagnetic waves https://ressources.labomedia.org/sonification_de_donnees#ecouter_les_ondes
- listen to VLF (high atmospehre and space EM sounds) http://abelian.org/vlf/
We are the way that water can walk on the Earth
5% of our bodies are made out of bacteria
Human body is like walking sea water republic, governed by a president
* Conversation with Niels
Soundfile: http://etherbox.local/threads/chixi/chixi_conversation_with_niels.m4a
Defending the invention of other netowkrs not from a health point of view (ethological)
itnerms of materiality of how to create a network
trees have to be cut and so many antennas have to be built, so much more plastic and copper and equopment has to be changed 10 years later,
ecological, political
and the control of the access, and its clearly, and for him its a conglormation
5G is for a conglormorate - those who provide the infrastructure and the content management, it feels like a battlefield for them to have control and income
and money, control
and the answe is not to take it to
3GPP - Body that is only accessible by industrials, and they have to pay a fee is 10,000/year - only allows for certain companies in
no transparency
no documentation
they then influence the ITU - which is where the UN Body where countries vote for specific law implementations, where their industry is not allowed in, but its a way to get in - is his point of view
Martino said
the radiation
look at the voltinge, Martino was saying this is working on very low energy, so its less energy - than the current 3G/4G its more the massive equipment that is needed
you need antennas and you need data centers close to you
-- Content Distribution Networks
the content providers, the Google, and Amazon, they want to get the ocntent to arrive as close to you as possible, without having to interfere with telecom providers - these CDN's function as local data centers they monitor the most popular content, where you can login without having to spend a lot of energy and time and with very little latency
the health issues until now, from the beginning till now are not in a peak - what is in a peak is how it reorders urban space and information society
--- What does small mean? --- with the data centers
---- finish today, to wrap up something -- inventing a futurutopua, so some sort of speculative story -- thats set in a hackers space where we train our bodies as antennas
the extended body ------
he doesn't see the need or the advantage of 5G - everything we can do now, is already what 5G can do --
its a new form of control
if we want to design the internet for the future, we need to design it for the past
----- in the current internet, it is the same protocols from the 80's
TCPIP - Potocol -- its managing the traffic of the internet net, there is a lot of packages that are killed on the way - the daily genocide of the packages - Wendy knows a lot about this, we can ask her
it came from everybody, we have to do it differently from everybody
US Block
EU Block
Chinese Block
- they're deciding on this
this is the distopic enterprize that wants to control the future -
in the future utopic hackerspace
- there is a hackerspace -- in the sun outside!
-- we need to be in the ground - to have mycillium growing in
-- under the basement there is a tractor wheel that allow for an energy shield around the hackerspace
Notes An:
'Standard' is a place where power sediments, where protocols are set
5G is not a standard, it is a marketing term with an inevitable force
5G is a combination of a lot of different standards, existing technologies. It is not finalized yet.
The slicing technique is a way to control the streams.
Everything 5G promises to do, can also be done with the current internet.
The protocol is developed inside 3GPP, 3rd generation Protocol Partnership
it is a closed industry body of the telecomsector, the 10 largest companies that are running low level infrastructures of the internet, a fight between EU block, US block, Chinese block.
Their negociations are closed, no transparency.
They develop guidelines that are to be adopted in ITU, the United Nations body for nations where standards are enforced
Only nation states can vote
ITUT: standards for telecom
ITUR: standards for radio, how the spectrum is used
ITUD: copy/paste of existing standards for telecommunication in 3rd world countries (some kind of colonial body with a lot of influence)
Google and other comanies cannot be part of ITU, with 5G telecom operators strike back
It is more a 'coup', a political network, rather than a new technology
IETF or the Internet Engineering Task Force is another organisation, it is informal, an open general purpose network
They only define open standards. It dates back to the times of the telegraph.
Anyone can join, they use humming to resolve conflicts.
They have a few keywords (see talk of Wednesday night), ao permissionless innovation.
Back to 5G: companies need mesh networking for self driving cars to talk to each other.
This infrastructure could also be used for community networking, but it will be closed networks on closed hardware, undermining the ability for FLOSS development.
EU is providing money to organise testbeds for 5G. Investing public money in company strategies...
There is a conflict between the content providers of the internet and the telco's (telecom operators like Cisco, Alcatel...).
The telco's work is not profitable anymore. They are the equipment providers.
With 5G they would sell more machines, more modems, ... we will 'need' a lot of modems.
Content providers fight back with CDNs (Content Distribution Networks). They are interested in end-to-end network where the intelligence is not in the center.
Their interest is to harvest data.
They want the cloud to be as close as possible to you, as a 'cache'. They don't want to be dependent on the traffic.
Their interest is to have datacenters near you:
- a lot more
- as local as possible
The CDNs will work as cloudfair: if a website gets popular, it will get more traffic, also bad ones.
CDN will be combined to analysis of traffic, 'what is regularly detected'.
It is a way aorund TCP-IP.
They encrypt everything in otder to fight the control of the network.
Health is not an issue in the debate.
The only known effect for now is heating up of tissue, like your ear when you talk too long on a smartphone.
The power needed for 5G is very little, 1 Ampère in phones now. It will certainly not be more.
We do not know what the long term impact is yet.
The health risks seem to be a distraction from the real problem:
- the reordering of information society
- the reordering of urban space
Trees are cut.
There is more extraction of ressources needed. Worth to look at e-waste, materiality of the implementation of 5G, the non-endurable equipment.
We will be connecting a lot of stuff to the internet (organised with copper, glass, satellite...).
5G is not healthy for the internet.
Complexities increase. There is a 'preinstalled userbase'. Our phone still contains a protocol for fax to gsm.
It was meant as an end-to-end network. More and more middle boxes are implemented. They are not transparent, non-communicative.
They cause 'ossification'.
'If we want to develop for the future, it needs to look like the past'
5G is part of the socio-technical imaginaries, that are so distributed that they become the new norm.
It is a need that is created.
But it is not a need that we need.
We need to find a way to inlfuence the negociations.
There is no end-user sitting at the table. We have to convince them that we should not go 'first', we should go second. But this goes against the wishes of the industry lobby.
it is between nation states, network providers, content providers.
Nation states can be played or playing, it depends.
Governements have longer timelines that anyone, because of the 'technocrats'.
- How to not network a nation
- The shock of the old
Hacking the hackerspace to make antena's from our bodies
1. Introduction
Ask people to wear jackets - when leaving the indoor space
Welkom at the Futurotopia-tour.
During this tour we will introduce you to our newly installed hackerspace
> hacking the hackerspace
when your entering futurotopia you are entering a healing-energy field that helps you to grow into a human antenna.
We will show you the different practices FT has developed to do so.
When your body has become an antenna it will take the healing-energy field with it, when one is again outside the hackerspace.
with that healing energy you can start your own space and become a node in the network
to ultimately create a network as dense as the 5G network
2. Cleansing at the river
To enter the space of the futuretutopia
clean the water but also yourself to be able to connect, bring compassion and leave emotion and ego behind
reflection of the sky, planted water collecting trees in 2019 that culminate in that creek underneath the hackerspace,
water having found containers to walk on earth - we are the containers
3. Magnolia anscestral network
We want to ask you to activate your imaginations:
"Please imagine a tree that holds a specific significance for you,
from your home town or whichever tree of importance that is with you in your memory."
Explain the connection to the micillium
Discuss the fact that the Magnolia tree has an aincent structure of flower
Practice: becoming Magnolia - mirroring the tree's structure
4. Crystal zone
The crystals are very old, have lived thousands of years, contain the oldest memory on earth.
Are composed of the same particles of the universe, they connect us with the universe and this lets us understand how small we are in relation to the universe.
The crystals are connected and are a network that is below us, when we connect with one we can connect with all, That's why we can connect through them.
5. Tree-wave (healing and listening)
Pines were given as presents by dictators & colonials, went thorugh large phase of healing
Serve now as a space to send out healing to group of beings/place in the world
The protocol is:
- form a wave
- connect to your neighbour without touching, feel the energy field of your neighbour
- 1 minute of listening
6. Closure (dna-free culture)
This hackerspace grew out of our collective dna-memory, not only physical but also shared history/memory of humanity
(Origin of idea: Gabriel Tarde, Monadologie & Sociologie (1893): http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/tarde_gabriel/monadologie/Monadologie_et_socio.pdf)
"Please feel free to use, distrubute, edit or adapt this to your needs, this process (and tour) is an open source technology." (yes?yes!)
Friday: proposal to add:
- Telepathy Garden
- references
Contemporary Art Connections
Interview on Crystals
-for the human body there are very low frequencies emitted
-7.82 hz is the frequency of the earth - this is the delta or the gamma - your brain is on the same frequency as the earth 7.82 -
-the desire to go back to nature can come from wanting to not be distracted from more waves as well
-- WW2 -- galena - certain type of crystal - that has the aspects of a semi-conductor -
giriam diode - needed for a crystal radio -
crystalogoraphy - a branch of math
orgonite - coil with a crystal
Crystal Gift Movement
project - thinking about print in 2079 -- published something about this
the quartz has a regular beat
BBC - Movie on Quartz Block - secret life of machines
Lee Edelman, No Future
Feminist fermentation reader: http://constantvzw.org/site/IMG/pdf/fermfemreading4thapril2019.pdf
Links to the articles that are mentioned: https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/compost
Alchorisma, Constant worksession in Dec 2018: http://constantvzw.org/w/?u=http://media.constantvzw.org/wefts/109/
Reader Alchorisma: https://alchorisma.constantvzw.org/Reader/reader_all.pdf
Laboratorios de arte y tecnología desde el saber ancestral: https://cuencodecera.org/
Selvatorium: http://intermundos.org/es/selvatorium/
Minkalab: https://www.minkalab.org/
Video 'The Purpose of DNA' by Dan Winter, on how the dna is constructed of long & short waves stored with information, and surrounded by a magnetic field:
Video mentioned by Roel in his conversation, propaganda of US:
Crystals go to war: https://archive.org/details/6101_Crystals_Go_to_War_01_20_16_21
Documentation research Marthe:
Crystelling, an open lab to grow crystals with piezoelectric intra-active frequencies