present: Kate, Laura, Diederik, Hans
0/ meteo
- HANS going good, but a bit disturbed by longdistance working. Mixed feelings about 2022+ meeting, excited and lost at same time.
- LAURA enjoyed 2022 meeting, new voices, digresssions. 2 years this week as KM!! Satisfied with work so far. Being seduced by Mama... so thinking about possible futures. Mama role would be Navigator, guides young programmers & curators - helps them lead project (but not a producing function; overall view and sounding board) & makes program for curation exchange, and workshops. 40% but it's too little time... (last person left through over work) - they think 60% is possible, but their means are not great...
Aspiration is to connect more to Dutch field. Being between reduces possibilities to participate fully (in both field, Brussels as well as Dutch), clear desire to be more involved in the Dutch field.
- DIEDERIK struggling with time, as usual. Next week starts with 5 weeks of rehearsals. Juggling these spin-meetings with production work for Undead. Frustrated because needs to spend more time and energy on the artistic.
- KATE feels Fine and Excited! Let's do it.
1/ articulating the priority developments of SPIN till end 2020 (ie. which developments does SPIN focus its energy and resources on)
> see document with list of activities
EVALUATION (see notes below) & PLANNING (see calendar)
TO DO: spot fragile points and articulate actions for 2019-2020
Structural maintenance (daily running, coordination & implementation):
- Monthly meet (MoMe) : 1 per month (10 per year?)
- work well.
- what works = follow up of the last meeting as mental notes. KM does list are made for that.
- preparation inside the Evernote
- It's possible for Maternity Leave People to put things on the agenda and get's answers back!
- Money Meet: 1 per quarter
- framewoke: what is inside it? Financial decisions? Follow up? Development? Let's re-articulate that: evaluation, pro-active, changes into budgets. Or responsiveness and financial advice. To help the AD to think financially autonomously.
- For certain decisions it feels akward that AD take final decisions, even when it's not there field of knowledge. KM and FF take on the advisory.
- re-distribute that decision making?
- collaboration between KM and FF: by advising we also transmit knowledge, and the AD becomes aware of how the tool was developed. In order to make the AD more autonomous, and feel comfortable to deal with the budget.
- Good that the Money Meet is seperate from Monthly Meeting.
- Touch Base (TB): 2 per year – and possible to schedule spontaeneously
- Good when they can be called spontaneously.
- They are valuable, and issues pop up!
- confusion: we took the financial stuff out of it, in order to have them more about content development. We make sure to have this focus.
- Now we do the MegaLight. It's hard to get hold of and follow up digitally of MegaMeet members on mail, phone... Instead ask people to sign off in a light meeting on things that have been well prepared.
- >> fragile point
- Artist Pot exchange: 2 per year
- we only had one, we have to keep doing them
- Maintenance (previous: "2time"): responsive depending on activity…. 6 per year?
- follow up on the things that get decided in Monthly Meeting.
- these are "project" leading. e.g. the retreat
- maternity leave person is not present
NON-MEETINGS: irregular or ongoing work (mostly email and remote work):
- follow up with key master & financial finger on budget (including AD's communication on budget changes & projections): KM, FF, ADs
- IT updates and changes (tools & protocols): IT, KM, ADs
- website renovation: IT & ADs
- website updating: ADs
- newsletters: ?? ADs & outsource >> fragile point
- appointment and maintenance of board members: ADs, + KM implentation >> fragile point
Development (asks extra time investment & develops new content, relations, projects):
- DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: (asks extra time investment & develops new content, relations, projects):
- longterm development (previously: 3time): 1 per month is good rhythm
- new proposal to invite KM & Laura into these meetings, to close gaps between development & implementation
- maternity leave person is present!
- this meeting delegates to project leader
- Retreat 2 per year
- - Caretakers + Maternity + invited Spinnacles + invited outsiders (eg project specific)
- DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (prioritised by star rating)
- *****
- 2022 +1+1+1+1
- ****
- Co-learn (+VGC) +1+1
- ***
- Antenna +1
- ***
- Production Pow-How +1
- ***
- Colearn 2019 +1
- Colearn 2020 +1
- **
- Communication
- Antenna
- Production Pow-How
- Antenna – regularity?
- VGC structural application 2019(for co-learn 2020): due 30 October
- apply with the project co-learn 2020. Or a structural application for SPIN?
- who is the project leader for consolidating partners and funding?
- it's feels awkward that SPIN members are not really involved in the projects. It's fragile.
- It's maybe not one activity, or several. Who is taking care of the overarching (trajectory)? Should we?
- After the meeting tomorrow, we will know better how to address this.
- 2022+ structural application: now till end 2020
- - design team and Caretakers
- Production powow – when?
- - Caretakers & spinnacle producers (?)
- Colearn 2019– when?
- Communication development
- Monster follow up – till June 2019, possibly longer
- - project leaders & KM implementation
PAIN -this is 'outsourced' so it doesn't come in the tasklist of SPIN
2/ understanding which of us has time/energy/presence for the priorities we set as an organisation
> artistic coordination = monthly meet, money meet, touch base, maintenance (general follow up), artist pot exhange, mega meet, retreat. Longterm development, development projects.
> what stays when on maternity leave: artist pot exchange, mega meet, retreat, longterm development. Anything else that they want to sign in to.
> overview: personal priorities (in SPIN structural) roles / mandates / availability (maternity leave etc)
see preparatory notes below!
2020 availability problem for artistic coordination.
- hans: breaking down maternity leave. shooting is foreseen (hopefully) april, may 2020. Hans will be on maternity leave from January till June for sure. And from July to December on a light version.
- laura:
- kate: premiere is october 2020. Kate will be out of the country mid-january & mid-march.
- diederik: frustration of developing a practice (KASK research...) that is outside of SPIN and don't know how or where to bring it in. KASK research relates to co-learn, there are partners, money, it's already on! It feels silly not to take credit for that as SPIN. What am I doing that I put energy in now? The artistic symposia of Amicale e.g. How to bring those things into SPIN. How to materialize that long-term collaboration within SPIN? SPIN would profit from expertise, money, network, visibility. Common Wallet: it would be nice if an organisation could host this initiative. Diederik wants to come back from maternity leave from August onwards.
Discussion about artistic coordination 2020.
Artistic coordination shared between Diederik and Laura for a while? Laura finds it problematic that she is not in Brussels.
Diederik also thinks it's a moment to experiment with artistic coordination. A spinnacle like Marion? Or somebody of the design group.
>> discussion and agreement: articulate what does the organisation need from each of us? and what are we interested & able to put in? - visualised in a planning! (where?)
3/ designing problem-solving ways to achieve each SPIN priority development (with the resources we have) >>>> Do / Delete / Delegate / Post Pone
Do: decide what we will do ourselves (and HOW)Delete: drop things that we could do without, or that none of us get excited about Delegate: to spinnacles or megameet. orbring new people in. or outsource. or people that will be part of spin 2022+Postpone: decide what we can't realize now, but take to next year(s)
4/ planning it over the year, so each of us knows when they’re expected where.
> >> visualise in a planning = clear map! (where? to follow up?)
>>Let's ask Laura to also write a short chapter on these things?
Our personal engagement possibilities over the next 12 / 18 months.
- Maternity Leave options
- daily running (artistic coordination)
- co-learning trajectory (vgc)
- workgroup SPIN future (vg)
> I would be interested in Maternity Leave during thee period Feb-Nov 2020. But it’s likely Hans will need the same. For sure early Sept-mid Nov I’ll be out, and I would like another patch in spring….
> when not on maternity leave, I am fine with artistic co-ordination of SPIN general, and even enjoy it…
> But I struggle with the artistic development dynamics of SPIN general though - in the sense that I find it sporadic and not focused, things move slowly to my perception, and the artistic development team is not disciplined enough to make feasible plans with the time we have available.
> The co-learning trajectory is one I would like to opt out or be low-profile with. To me it looks necessary that we work with people who can be very autonomous (including us individually). I can put some time into preparing the partnerships and dossier, but not extended amounts.
> the workgroup SPIN future would interest me as my main SPIN-gen time investment in 2020 along side artistic co-ordination.
Our personal engagement possibilities over the next 12 / 18 months
- Maternity Leave until July would be great. I will come back to daily co-ordination SPIN-general with pleasure. But questions about the idea of doing it alone (in case of double maternity-leave K&H): getting someone else in?
- Workgroup SPIN-future, if we / I decide to go for it, this seems high priority activity within SPIN.
- Co-Learning: yes, but less priority – will try to engage from the perspective of KASK research, which is related I think. Very interested in educational branch, however some decent amount of money for it is a condition. Maybe partner up? Amicale?
Since we got the VAF production money, it's more likely we will film in the spring of 2020. However the precise planning still needs to be made, and also depends on the speed with which we manage the rest of the financing.
- I'm a fan of the co-learning trajectory and therefor I feel very uncomfortable with launching it, securing the money for it (VGC application end 2019), but not engaging in it in 2020. It feels weird to stand behind something but not having your hands in it... Still, I want to be a good host of this trajectory untill end 2019.
- I also enjoyed doing the artistic coordination in the last year. I would like to opt out of it (take maternity leave), once I start the concrete pre-production of my film (possibly january 2020). During production (shooting) I defenitely can't do artistic coordination. Once I'm in post-production (no clarity yet on when that will be) I might be able to take on a few things, but to be seen, because I have no idea how intense a post-production is, and how time consuming it will be for me. Also, we have to have to make sure Diederik has good company, in case Kate and my maternity leave overlap.
- work group spin future: I want to be engaged. However, I would advocate for no meetings during the time of my shoot. (roughly 1,5 to 2 months)
Articulation personal possibilities
My timeline and future is maybe a bit harder to pin down until 2020 than what you expect. I’ll try to formulate current plans, aspirations and possible futures. But it is important to know that I have a history of jumping on an idea or collaboration that was unforeseen or unplanned and has a big effect on my time, head space and availability.
Key Master for the next 12/18 months
- Continuation of Role: being part of MoMe, Money meetings and Mega Meetings. =Preparation, clarification and follow up
- /MANDATE inflation?/: Additional Role of CARETAKER (?) with a coordination / managerial mindset. Being part of the preparation, actualization and follow up for the Retreat. Next to that: Proposing formats & software to follow up and have overview of development state of affairs.
- Work group SPIN future as participant and feedbacker, not writer
- Potential buddy for chaos actions
* 29th April (14-17h), L AVAILABLE
* 4th September, HOLIDAY
* 30th October, AVAILABLE
Time and availability
- 0,6 FTE on yearly basis, hot spots for Key Mastering are currently March, June and September/October
- Right now I can be flexible with taking more and less time when needed. If I engage in other projects I need to make sure to map SPIN’s flow more accurately. (Something I can do now, given the two year flow)
- Brussels: I would however want to propose to reduce my being ‘on site’ when there are no meetings, and no necessity of administration there. Of course the mail needs to be open once a week. This would give me more freedom to engage in Rotterdam, something I desire to do.
- Busy with other projects, taking two extra days availability per week: April- July, Octobor
- Current discussion: I got offered a job in Rotterdam by MAMA for 0,4 FTE with potential 0,6 FTE. I am in conversation with them. I find the job interesting and giving me potentials to grow and connect to the Dutch field more, and to work with a team irl. In the meanwhile we’re discussing possibilities. If I have made a decision this could change and affect my position within SPIN.
Laura’s focus next to SPIN, in Rotterdam:
- PERSONAL practice:
- Getting more connected to the Dutch arts & activist field
- organising network exchange for bottom-up initiatives in WORM (JUNE & OCTOBER 2019)
- Personal DREAMS and INVOLVEMENT within Queer Rotterdam
- connecting bottom-up, queer grass roots movements in the Netherlands and Belgium that go against the (PRIDE/PINK WASHING) grain. (SPRING 2020)
- Research residency in WORM: the Pirate Bay archive (perhaps with Aay Liparoto) (AUTUMN 2019)
- Building an ecological toolkit for ‘household’ management in Rotterdam (AUTUMN 2019)
- July takeover in WORM: month of activities (parties, games, exchanges, poetry, sports)
- Co-programming Motel Mozaïque 19th April (NOW)
- Developing a Drag trajectory (NOW - SUMMER)
- Ongoing: Organizing support groups
- Ongoing responsiveness: Facilitating actions/space for community needs + Focussing on development of queering practices with venues we collaborate with