Maybe two kinds of entries, more extended personal accounts
And then more specific "recipe" style entries
Anecdotes, Histories, Experiences of specific uses of portable networks for collaborative writing
Using FACL to have actually usable group permissions
Using a CGI to allow drag and drop file uploading
Setting the hostname + using "avahi" to have foo.local names in a local network
tunnel recipes (publish the local machine online) -> tinc | pagekite
Adding an "include" to markdown
Publishing via compilation with pdftk... (evt using some kind of "Include" + (media fragment) hashrefs)
Using Makefiles for publishing workflows
Anecdotes (paragraph + image)
- Etherbox interview
- IRC Bot wrapper relearn 2014
- XMPP image collector relearn 2017
- Relearn Zinneke | IP Address self-assignment
- Kenneth Goldsmith/Relearn 2084 diagrams
- Machine Learning cgi for Python scripts
- Transmediale 17 - presentation video
- OSP: What's the matter with cooperation
- OSP: metapost 'image' => click to plot
- distribusi
Hey the Relearn 2015 documenation is pretty good!