
1. General takes on access, disability justice, ableism (24)
y* Keywords for radicals by Kelly Fritsch, Clare O’Connor, A. K. Thompson, Joy James, Silvia Federici, "Accessible" nf (4)
y* Feminist Queer Crip, "Defining Disability: A political/relational model", pp4-9 nf (6)
y* Feminist Queer Crip "Time for Disability Studies and a Future for Crips" pp25-28 nf (4)
y* 10 principles of disability justice: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5bed3674f8370ad8c02efd9a/t/606e264c8c838d062a7b0fbb/1617831500521/10+PRINCIPLES+OF+DISABILITY+JUSTICE+-+Plain+Text.pdf (1)
y* Care work by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, “THE CRIP ART OF FAILURE: BASED ON REAL-LIFE EVENTS, pp106-108 nf (3)
y* Con(fuse)ing and Re(fusing) Barriers by MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr)
https://aprja.net//article/view/128188/174368 pp74-79 (6)

* Disease is not a metaphor by Cyree Jarelle Johnson
* Making access documents (Leah Clements, Alice Hattrick and Lizzy Rose)
* Disability Access Requirement Documents (Lizzy Rose)

2. About physical spaces, building access (36)
* An Icon as a verb https://accessibleicon.org/#an-icon-is-a-verb
* Accessible spaces: a fragrance-free toolkit https://csw.ucla.edu/toolkit

y* The Funambulist magazine, The space of Ableism #19  "Introduction: Abstract Normative Bodies vs. Anti-Ableist Architectures"
https://thefunambulist.net/magazine/space-of-ableism/introduction-abstract-normative-bodies-vs-anti-ableist-architectures (5)
* The Funambulist magazine, The space of Ableism #19 "Starting From “New Normal(s)”: Non-Normative Design Methodologies in Architecture Education"
https://thefunambulist.net/magazine/space-of-ableism/starting-new-normals-non-normative-design-methodologies-architecture-education-sarah-gunawan > https://sarahgunawan.com/Disrupt-Standards
y* The Funambulist magazine, The space of Ableism #19 "The Disordinary Architecture Project: A Handy Guide for Doing Disability Differently in Architecture and Urban Design" (17)
* Template for access audit made by the radical access mapping project
e* Protocols for unfinished technoscience by Aimi Hamraie
https://www.mapping-access.com/blog-1/2018/3/1/protocols-for-unfinished-technoscience (4)
y* Building access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability by Aimi Hamraie : Access knowledge - LEGIBLE USERS p.30-39. here => https://cloud.constantvzw.org/s/F2YsMGMGc3ap7mJ
http://library.lol/main/488F892C56B289B9D92EDB905300FAF8 pp29-38 nf (10)

3. Readability, language (21)
y- but maybe not the best in printed format* yes should stay digital ^^ Access guides on making sure text content is easy to read and understand by Alex Chen https://www.accessguide.io/tags/writing
e* It’s Raining Cats and Dogs: An Autism Spectrum Guide to the Confusing World of Idioms, Metaphors and Everyday Expressions http://library.lol/main/B3C110364EB214B0DC5FF792728F1F5C. (foreword + intro but we need to erase aspergers since its an old term)(i think just the intro is enough?) 11-15 (4) nf
y* Ableist language by Lydia X. Z. Brown (17)
* Metaphorically Speaking: Ableist Metaphors in Feminist Writing, "Introduction" + "Theories of Metaphor: Limits and Possibilities" by Sami Schalk

4. Website, online access, tech (22)
* Remote Access: a crip nightlife gathering: https://www.mapping-access.com/remote-access >> What should be included from this? the guide?
e* Making Websites Inclusive https://project.xpub.nl/makeinclusivewebsites/pdf/MaxLehmann_Thesis_compressed.pdf  pp.21-34 (14)
* Crip Technoscience Manifesto by Aimi Hamraie & Kelly Fritsch pp7-23
* Technology as characterological and fabricative in Contours of Ableism by Fiona Kumari Campbell pp51-54
* Feminist Queer Crip, "The cyborg and the crip", p103-104 + pp118-122 both overtly academic i realise
* A friendly introduction to accessibility on the web https://www.accessguide.io/
e* Artificial intelligence and disability: too much promise, yet too little substance? by Peter Smith, Laura Smith https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s43681-020-00004-5.pdf (6) or 3-6 (4)
m* ACCESS SERVER: Dreaming, practicing and making access by MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr) pp.3-6 (4)

5. Guides, manuals (only the list will be printed) (1)
* Casco Art Institute (Utrecht), Commoning accessibility 
* A primer on working with disabled group members for feminist / activist groups and organisations by Romily Alice Walden 
* Alt text as poetry workbook By Bojana Coklyat & Shannon Finnegan
* Access Guide for Cripping the space symposium by Cripping the arts 
* Building consentful tech by The Consentful Tech Project
* Access suggestions for public events by Sins invalid 
* Access guide for an event organised by Arts Everywhere 
* En accès limité ? Accessibilité des milieux culturels, associatifs et militants by Le poisson sans bicyclette (FR)
* Accessibiliser un événement pour le public porteur de handicap by Les Dévalideuses (FR) 
* Working with Neurodivergent Artists by NEUK Scotland 

I. Illustrations 
* "Talking stairs" by Sunaura Taylor 
https://hcommons.org/deposits/download/hc:14012/CONTENT/final-published-universal-design-and-the-problem-of-post-disability-ideology.pdf/ nf
* Medical Industrial Complex by Mia Mingus 
* Picture of an elderly  Singaporian person beeping for time priviledge in Sara Hendren's book 
* Wearable workarounds for "defensive architecture" by Sarah Ross (the sleep bench) 

* scared about this microsoft one but, seems to touch up on some weird stuffs i wasn't aware of before like the persona spectrum and network: 