Socio-poltical Masters 2023-2024
SESSION 2, FIELDWORK, Pajottenland, 10 OCTOBER 2023
SESSION 3, PHD presentation, Sint Lucas Antwerp, (afternoon) 17 October 2023
SESSION 4, 30 minutes workshops, Sint Lucas Antwerp, 14 November 2023
SESSION 5, COLLECTIVE REVIEW, Sint Lucas Antwerp, 19 December 2023
SESSION 6, FIELD TRIP PAF, France, 29 January - 2 February 2024
SESSION 9, JURY, Sint Lucas Antwerp, 17 June 2024
SESSION 10, PhD Defence, xxx (voluntary)
insta: (name: Mushrooms Master 2023, harvesting_traces, password: Mushrooms2023)
This day we will set up small workshops. There is 25 minutes per person for setting up a small workshop, or 50 minutes if you organise the workshop with 2 persons, or 75 minutes if you would do it with 3 etc. Think of something that either you can share (a skill, a guidance, a drawing exercise etc.) or that you feel that the group needs (a slot of time to concentrate on something, a discussion on a certain toppic). Prepare this mini-workshop well (bring material, think of the location, know how to start and how to end it, what is your intention). Throughout the day we will host the workshops and take time to respond to it.
The intention with this excersise is to share and open up skills in the group, stimulate collaboration and thinking by doing, and to challange initiatives and guidance. Later, when we will be in PAF in France, you will be invited again to host workshops, but then from a longer duration.
FEEDBACK workshops:
—> associative writing by Inge
- - collective reading, different voices
- - interpretation of different thoughts and voices
- - collective reading to collective thoughts
- - Poetic, sensitive
- - It has great potential with characteristics of praying and collectiveness and pluriverse.
- - open, different perspectives (text)
- - induvidual gift and the unwrapping had a added value
- - the relation between the prayer and gift gave the gift (artwork) a different meening, context when the gift was given
- - the litteral feeling of the artwork/textile
- _ the gift was vert sweet and personal.
- – 'We can be different, but we can create a common groud'
- -truste yourself, no need to excuse if takes long etc - keep your intuition - if more time we could also do the exercise collectively?
- - not in your power but loved to have more time
- - You could see it as a small theater/performance; play with time, with setting (light, sitting), with sound (whisper, talk, scream etc.), the script (give everyone a paper), collective praying, the script (typography, add the authors of the quotes there, without articulating their names)
- - The concept of the pluriverse might need more context/explanation, also it has more potential in 'performing' the pluriverse (like with more voices, sometimes in tune, sometimes different in words or language)
- - really enjoyed the involvement of opening the temporary presents and sharing a prayer, felt like a moment of stillness that was needed
- - You can share more about the intention of the workshop; why this format?
- _ could be improved a bit by trying to do one with mixed media.
- – The scarfs/present and the prayer was now seperated; they can be more connected with each other (they really have this potential)
- – You can be more directive/sure in the instructions you give to people, that is nice as a participant
—> Intuivive drawing exercise, by Eline
- - Workshop is a response to something that was shared in a class ('everyone exhausted')
- - You mentioned the intention at the at start
- - thinking through drawing as if it's a breathing exercise
- - enjoyed the process of interpreting the words through a visual medium exercise and the contrast between the two words that invites re-thinking and change
- -processo relaxed and intuitive
- _I appreciated the therapy like aspect to it, though simple yet challenging to visualize feelings, sparks vunrability and creativity.
- -it is always good to be challenged to 'make' something in a limited time with a concrete assignment, especially if someone is, like me, overthinking a lot, which can lead to postponing, 'not making' things, ;-)...
- - your workshop is a tool that people can use in their private lives/time
- – Amazing drawing tools you brought! Generous
- – 'I enjoy drawing without thinking'
- – 'It was very calming'
- - 'It evokes courage' 'Therapy like nature' 'Encouring me to surrender'
- - maybe While We draw You can quote reading Related to the keywords
- _ recommend words/titles that are more provoking in thought or in a more personal manner. That touchs upon something deep and sensitive.
- -time, unfortunately not enough.maybe bring some synonyms without invading too much the significances (so it can be done personally by each one).
- - The terms might need a bit more context, it was hard to connect it to my emotions; perhaps make the question/direction of the drawing a bit more clear or open (not just one word?)
- -The size of the paper could be a little bit bigger ;-)
- – Perhaps the title of the workshop could be challanged
—> A modern manifesto / reworking frameworks, by Gabriella
- - thinking in a different format, challenging and interesting
- - A great joy to cut and draw and write
- _very creativ and innovative.
- -it was nice to think about the things you value and actually write them down.
- - Interesting to start thinking about a manifesto on the basis of an image, it opens another way of thinking/connecting
- - collage is always interesting to try to interpretate some abstraction
- - it's a nice chanllange to think of something like 'core values' under time pressure; it helps to articulate
- - i like the concept of a visual manifesto that one can remind oneself and Also share it with everyone
- -finding a deep connection between values and images is very useful to create another layer for unfolding diverse narratives
- - it was interesting and valuable to share the output on the end (this could be included more in the set-up of the workshop)
- - 'Doing collage is really nice'
- - 'visualizing values; it is a ncie exerpcies to combine it with text and image and make your own poetry in a way'
- - 'The workshop challanged the format of a manifesto'
- - The concept of a Manifesto is very interesting, it would win to have a longer/broader introduction and also perhaps share your own manifesto?
- - It would help to focus the question more on what the manifestio is for, this would help in making choices
- - It might be nice to to do something of the voices added together; could we write a manifesto for this group, or for a certain place or situation, or for the graduation etc.
- -it was hard for me to think of an manifesto, but I think this was very personal. Maybe give some more personal examples ? I was thinking about a political position, maybe it could be also a personal statement (maybe a didn't get much)
- -Maybe first we choose a keyword that can define the context of the manifesto. Then it Can help to build more further on.
- - maybe more guidlines would be helpfull to think about it more in a context of a manifesto
- – 'More guidelines'
- - 'I had never done a manifesto, so it was hard to imagine it for myself, hence it made me overwhelmed'
- – 'Perhaps to choose one reality on the beginning, everyone can choose one notion that people focus on'
—> Perceiving your body in space, by Luiza
- - Everyone had to smile while walking around
- - I enjoyed feeling the physicality of it, it was such a nice way to reconnect with my body - especially as nowadays everything feels so centered on the
- -the exercise was interesting, in some way relaxing.
- - the excersizes were fun, challenging but also very interesting to put in the context you talked about
- -it was really eye opening to challenge our bodies and senses in a collaborative way.
- - It was great to move together through space, it was something joyful and opened another energy, both together as in our individual bodies
- - It was good to share the different experiences on the end
- - You gave a good introduction in which you explained a certain (contemporary) phenomenon, and by your excersizes we exerpienced this notion, that helped to understand it on different ways and allows us to potentially do something further with
- _ appreciate the risk of doing something new and different.
- – 'I appreciate the risk of doing something really different'
- – 'You put yourself in a leader position, which comes with a certain pressure and courage'
- – 'I enjoyed that it was different and that we could use our bodies at canvas'
- - 'That is was in motion'
- – 'It was funny when starting walking backwards'
- - more time for the fysical excersizes
- - You could build up more tasks, also some that can be a bit/more uncomfortable
- - You mention this research/aspect is part of your research/work, it's nice to think how the participants can experiment with and bring this knowlegde also to their own practice
- - more space (but you couldn't for today :) )
- - You could imagine certain tools, or routes to include
- – Imagine connecting it also to a cause or theme?
- - 'Do it in an emptier space'
- - 'More time for excercises'
- – 'Nice to go furhter'
—> Blotted line technique by Sarah
- - Was great learning a new technique that I will experiment and try out further, had never tried it before.
- -I like it a lot when a technique has it own aesthetics, you hardly could invent yourself, where coincidence and use of material decide for you in a way and while doing your work you learn to adjust this technique and get better in it, while embracing and integrating the failures of it too an be happy with the result.
- - It was nice to share your own favorite drawing tools, and in this way invite you to your practice
- - It was a new and nice technique for me
- - We had enough time to draw, this provided a very nice atmosphere and energy
- - Nice tool to learn
- - very nice technique that can help to create visuals fast and uniek way.
- - As we are all using the same technique, the output becomes an interesting series
- - Liked the experimenting and feeling of ink and pen
- - Nice that the results was not always the same,and nice to play with the thickness of the lines
- -super fun, very experimental
- _very education, enternaining, spontaneous, intuitive.
- - 'it was stepping to a new territory'
- - 'it has a spontanuous spirit to it'
- – 'it was dynamic, it dind't need much explanation, it was very practical'
- - 'really a workshop'
- - 'it was nice to be able to play with the lines, thick and thin'
- - 'you have to embrace your mistakes, you need to kill your darlings'
- - Maybe explaining more how to use the pen, but it was also nice to experiment with it and fun that it sometimes dropped ink
- - maybe short tutorials together at the beginning (line Work, hand movements...)
- -maybe teache how to use the pen first,
- -Perhaps expand your 'toolbox' of illustrating/drawing; it's super nice to learn new techniques and tricks, and after learning them, we can use them for a specific drawing or narrative, or response to a certain theme, that can lead to a drawing-collection
- - You could share, either at the start or at the end, more references of drawings/illustrations where these techniques are used, so as a participant you can imagine where these techniques could lead to
- – The technique didn't work supersmooth (the ink dropped a little bit too much), perhaps nice to either play with that and use it or control the techniques a bit more
- – 'it would benefit from more introduction-tasks, little exercises'
- - 'it could have a better ending in perhaps sharing something, or the work coming together'
—> Caricature by Madian
- -it was funny to work on something that in my opinion needs a lot of technical skills
- - Great intro and historical background, liked the use of references. Just think it's a workshop that's great for a longer format to learn technical tips with drawing carcicatures.
- - Great to have a broader introduction to frame/situate your practice, that uplifts the simple task of drawinng a portrait
- -The guessing had a value to the workshop
- - Nice to see examples and learn about it more
- - Your enthusiasm about other people's work is phenomonal
- - The passion of telling was inspiring, made me happy
- -nice to play a bit and try something new, challenging
- -good pool of examples and nice and large selection of knowledge as the Introduction
- - thanks for the historical overview of caricature, I don't know a lot about it, so learning new things is always nice
- - 'it was superfun to get out of comfortzone'
- - 'i enjoyed the examples your shared'
- - 'it is humor at the end, and I enjoy that'
- - 'I liked the guessing thing; who is who on the existing charicatures'
- - Giving instructions to make a caricature and ask to choose a picture before the class starts
- - maybe a bit less "class"/explanation and more making. Maybe we choose caracters to each others or something else like a game where we can figure out each otherscharacters
- - missing instructions, guidlines, rules of caracterture (?)
- - You could improve the quality (and size?) of the drawing paper
- - You could provide more guidance in drawing, and build up the exercise (like your comment on looking for what is characteristic and enlarge/overdo this)
- - You can frame your invitation to draw sharper, so the output of all the illustrations will do something together
- - Perhaps you could ask people to give their drawing a title, or add a speech-cloud
- - to make us all try to make a caricature of the same figure and see the differences in approach, what does somebody else pick out as characteristc of the physical appearance of a person
- - 'I missed a bit the framework and the instruction to start drawing' 'so we don't loose the time in choosing'
- - 'it would be nice to have more time to draw'
- - 'the game-aspect was nice, to guess who is who, this could be unpacked further'
- - 'could we perhaps draw the same person? to compare the drawings?'
—> my memory is your memory by çifel
- - Each collage became a collective work, whith from everyone their voice included somehow
- - The photo's gave insights in intimate moments
- - Loved the interactive element of talking and guessing keywords, narratives
- -nice small introduction and conclusion. It was a way of meeting each others and connecting
- - always nice to see an image, have your own phantasy about it and the hear the actual memomry about it
- - Loved the personal touch / looking part and finding connections was challenging
- -evokes an aspect if reflection and relatability.
- - It's interesting to connect our memories, unintentionally
- – It is nice that you did something you were imagining already for a longer time, and by doing it, visualising or performing it, it opens more directions/narratives. I am curious how this experience might inform your next workshop
- -It was really nice that it has a personal touch to it, that we could share personal memories with each other and connect.
- - 'It connected us personally'
- - 'intersting to see how certain people way other people's memories/pictures'
- - 'the colalborative elements, and to chat about the pictures'
- - 'the collective drawing was nice, on a big format'
- - 'it was dynamic, it had a beginning and an end'
- - Perhaps more framing in regards to certain memories
- - There is space to unpack memory further, I also thought of this workshop: https://disarmingdesign.com/projects/disarming-design-workshop-the-real-and-the-absent/
- -try more random pics also try choosing pics for the students.
- - maybe add more dramaturgical elements to come to a story to connect the pictures to a collective story
- -Maybe more instructions about how the story has to be made
- - 'it could have a bit more framing, direction in choosing the images'
- - 'it was emotional, reflective, what I struggled with was the artistic side was overlayered'
- - 'could we play more with the memories, create the stories with different pictures'
—> Collective compositions with cut-outs by Eveline (geïnspireerd op het werk van Kristof van Gestel)
- - Surprising steps in drawings
- - The result was seductive
- - The passing on of drawings was nice, to add/respond to previous drawings
- - It was high-energy and engaging, well-prepared - liked the collaborative nature of it
- - It allowed another way of drawing and visualising. The pieces of collage did expect something else, the surps-i element of each step was nice; I expected something else
- -it was dinamic, made me curious about the end, I wanted to keep going
- -this was a different way of creating a collective collage/drawing. I enjoyed the Different type of materials and techniques
- -i liked that it was a different way of making a collage. Very unexpected outcomes
- - good to come to abstract images that are partially designed for you via the technique,so you can come to a form of abstraction
- - you wouldn't design yourself
- - 'i was very curious about the next steps, there wer a lot of things going on, curious how it would unfolds'
- _very innovative, chchallenging, provokes different perspectives about figuration, anabstraction, and what is art and whats not.
- - 'i liked the very collaborative aspect'
- - 'it was interesting to be allowed to work on someone elses work'
- - 'the tempo was nice, but also challanging'
- - 'it was drawing, but different'
- - It could win from a bit more framing; why this technique, what would be your intention with doing it, and what could we take with us
- - What is the goal of doing it? It could be a timing issue though, can imagine this being perfect within a bigger time frame
- -I think it missed a bit a conclusion.
- -timing was short maybe it could have Been one layer less
- - The energy of the drawing and the collage is something promising to unpack further with participative workshops, there is a lot in it and it opens a good energy. The timing today was challanging, but that is also in the difficult limit of the 25 minutes
- - 'it missed a bit a conclusion'
- - 'the paper-cuts could have been a bit more in connection, now they felt a bit random'
- _connection between. The. Paper peices and the drawing.
- -------
- general
- – i didn't sleep a lot the last nights, but thankfully these workshops were very energizing. You don't have to go so deep, you can just do. I like the doing a lot. Normally I don't challange myself like this. It's nice to have an exersice and limited time. And that you can take with you in other work
- - It was a nice experience; giving a workshop. What can I share? And from that receiving feedback and starting to think furhter on it. Having another point of view, about how can a workshop be done.
- - The artistic mind is a sponse-like mind, whenever the artistic experieicne is exposed. The aspect of consuming is very senstive, here the person that gives the artistic experience, there is an aspect of trust, this is beautiful
- – this feels like a safe space to test things.
- - I knew if I try it here, I knew it would be ok, open to try
- - I did things today that I would never do in another context
- - it is an open experiential space
- - every workshop has a personal touch of each artist
- - I was afraid that it was drainging, but it was not at all]
- - the time limit made it barable
- - Normally I am an overthikinger, this was a good oppertunity to kill you darlings, but you just have to do
- - This time limit was in every workshop, with was reveiling, nice exercise
- - Planning the timing is a very difficult thing
— Drawing caricatures of each
- Collage workshop, participatory, intuitive process with my collage material and drawing, collaborative
- Videography workshop within a specific framework, playing around different roles, performative
- Transportation, I have a car
- Cooking
- Workshop around spoken word, creative writing
- I would love to have a session at my house in Antwerp
- Collective writing of a pluriverse prayer
- Sewing session, make one collective textile image, giving through a threath
- I have a house in Brussel, you can stay at my place if you need to be in BXL, don't be shy to ask
– Craft/prototype workshop, recycle material to play
— I would like to learn more painting, regain my technique
– Graphic design drawing, tablet drawing, I want to learn how to draw digitally
– Get to know better the ateliers in the school, how it works, can we just go, do we need to bring our own materials
- I want learn more coding on the computer, programming
– Installation, curation, mentorship in curating?
— Seek supervision or consultation from qualified professionals in the field of psychology and therapy
— Digital library: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RcZXhILSvdRPuinmYe2f9EbtJTSE9dXE
— Instagram Hosting Grounds: https://www.instagram.com/hosting_grounds/ (pw: Mushrooms2023)
– Textile/cloth with a continuous thread
– Zine; also analogue
– Movie (make one together); homevideo-style, snippets, it can be super random (always landscape)
– Recipe (book?) cooking
SESSION 1 – words – Zine1; G+L+E
M: Digital drawing, painting, paperwork (administration for visa) - challanging, adapt, strategy
I: Hartbeat, silent parts, timeline, following my heart, listening to other heart beats, inspiration, exitement, creation, post production, thinking, resting, walking, embraching the work
L: Triangle, funilate, or upside down, shape to growing, creating, sharing, supporting, understanding, exploring, support, exchnage, understand, try, fail, prototype, creation, grow...
E: Collecting, unfolding, connecting / Starting a Participatory Art Practice using collage cut-outs as a tool to connect with the subconciousness in a healing setting, exploring Jungian concepts
G: Potholes, infrastructure, down by the government, apartheid infrastructres, sweeping past illness, road, performance, film, installation, protest point, reality of always being disconnected, not having acces
S: Research, sound therapy, sensory play, projections + collective art, spoke word, music sound, visuals + create, healing of self, safe space, art as therapy