  1. Lotte (Lookup person)
2. Song (Note taker)
3. Elvis  (Stop-reading person)

13:55 - 14:45
In small groups again I would like everyone to read through the zine "How does the Internet?".
Before beginning please assign one person to take notes, one person to be a stop-reading person & another to be a look-up person. 

Notetaker please open a new pad here: -- and share it with your group.
Stop-reading person: please choose a random interval to interrup the reading aloud & ask your group if anyone has any language questions that are not clear.
Lookup person: please check out words/concepts/facts that the group has questions about when they come up.

Read through the zine together, aloud -- with stops from the stopper and lookups from the look-upper and notes being taken by the notetaker.

When you are done, note-taker, please write a small summary of what was explained and what you learned in each chapter of the zine.

After you're done reading I would like the group to play with the website: -- Please try out 5 of the different experiments together, if you have questions lookup person, see what you can find -- experiment with DNS together and at the end we'll report back to the group. 


  1.  Torches - Fackeln
  2.  Beacons - Leuchtfeuer