Constant 2 April 2016
Piero, Catherine, An, Anne

Previous session:


Public Domain sources :

Notes from Anja: 
    * Using pipe bots with mkfifo doesn't seem to work (at least on mac) on vfat formatted hard drives (I've got an ssd card external drive, which I had been working from)
    * I've had some problems with dependencies, trying to launch pipe bots in the irc channel. I remember Catherine had the same issues with pip and six. I'm now not using the venv, and I had to manually delete the six packages and pip, and then reinstall pip and then the six packages. 
    * I am now working on finding the nicknames in the chat and then printing every other letter of nickname1 and nickname2 and then combining the two. The next challenge will be to actually change the nickname.

Discussing encounters 
- Elif Séminaire Lyon (An, Anne):
    * Designers collective GUI Paris, specialized in FLOSS tools for live book publishing
    maybe invite them for a day to see how we can proceed with the actual book making process
    * Grayscale Press (Manuel): interesting platform in Wordpress, all books are published with texts & sources & fonts on gitlab, very individual approach, he organises workshops with designers to create new books, An asked him to collaborate but no answer, we can publish the book with Constant
    * Marie Lechner: will be invited in Suiss as well, she gave a 5h seminar on her research on chatbots (link is only 2,5hs):

- Last algolit session: dna-approach to writing: metaphor, can we burn the novel to its essence and read its essence as its DNA and build something from it again? syntactical approach using the same algorithms he uses for DNA analysis. 

Overview/Schedule of the workshop26/27 May
14/15th June (Anja/James: please confirm)
9/10th July: organise a testrun of the workshop, can be answer to editorial question (log of bots)

7-9th September: workshop Bern
10-11th September: festival Bern (anyone who wants, stays, not paid, An happy to give presentation, but the more the better)
17-18th September: festival Zürich (Piero will be there for expo, will give the presentation)

    - Raspberry Pi woth tools & libraries? TP-Link with local IRC?
    - how to show images in the chat (see documentation chatbotopera Wiels)

Type of bots 'being a creator creating your creature!'
* killing users with all kind of devices / or bots giving life again?
* literary related bots: 
    * taking Frankenstein as an input
    * taking chatlines as input to go back to the text, output is pieces of the novel/internet
    * Figlet bots

Introductions (every day some)
* Hybrid publishing
* Constant/algolit
* Frankenstein
* chatbots
* history of IRC
* Turing Test (Goostman)

2 groups - 2 sessions / collective or seperate?: 
    *chatting & editing
    * coding
    * performing the code (without machines)

- Monk bot to keep the chat log.
- Editing bot that you ask with 1 command to publish line x to x in a separate text file (and then you can continue wiritng your comments/thoughts in that file)

- rewriting existing bots
- creating new ones (only those who know how to code, please)
- present them after every session

6 sessions (0.5 day each)
* Morning: Introduction: Constant/algolit, Frankenstein, chatbots, history of IRC, Turing Test (Goostman)
* Afternoon: Presentation of the bots (chatting & coding)
Parade (sharing/showing bots) , all in the same chatroom

Split in different chatrooms ? chatrooms for testing
* Morning: group1 (editing/chatting) - group2 (coding)
* Afternoon: group2 (editing/chatting) - group1 (coding)

* Morning: Introduction on hybrid publishing + present template for publishing (ask Gui) + possibilities for distribution of the publication
* Afternoon: finalization of the publication

* Introduction
* Bots present themselves with the text of Frankenstein
* Part of taken from the logs with comments
* Code of the bots (how to organize / by time? by bots?)
* List of participants
* License