digraph G {
- layout=sfdp;
- graph[overlap=scale, splines=curved];
- forcelabels=true;
- # Define style for all nodes
- node [shape=none, style="filled,rounded", color="blue", fontname="ARK-ES", fillcolor="white", fontsize=12, margin="0.01", fontcolor="blue", width=5, penwidth=8];
- # Define style for all edges (connections)
- edge [color="blue", fontcolor="blue", arrowhead="none",arrowtail="normal", style="solid"];
- # We use subgraphs to define different styles for the different groups of information as we wish and this can change.
- subgraph circle {
- node [imagescale=true,fixedsize=true, labeljust=r,labelloc=t,fontname="NotCourierSans",fontsize="14pt",label="",class="quotes",xlp=1, fontcolor="black"];
- circle[image="circle.png", width=6, height=6];
- }
- # subgraph for the main processes (Collecting, Displaying, Archiving, Classifying), define node names and styles
- subgraph processes {
- bgcolor="white";
- node[shape=egg, style="filled,solid", color="blue", fontname="ARK-ES", fontsize=22, width=4, height=0.7, penwidth=2];
- Collecting;
- Archiving;
- Displaying;
- Classifying;
- }
- subgraph subprocesses {
- node [shape=none, fontname="ARK-ES", fontsize=18, margin="0.01", fontcolor="blue"];
- datafying;
- photographing;
- "folders sharing";
- categorizing;
- }
- # subgraph for photographs, define node names and style of photographs
- subgraph photographs {
- node [imagescale=true,fixedsize=true, labeljust=r,labelloc=t,fontname="NotCourierSans",fontsize="14pt",label="",class="quotes",xlp=1, fontcolor="black"];
- IMG_20220822_Lukas2_liquid[image="20220822_Lukas2_liquid.PNG", width=4, height=4,xlabel="Video conference screenshot by Lozana of Lukas showing\r the liquid produced by massaging the salted cabbage"];
- }
- subgraph data {
- node[fontname="NotCourierSans", fontsize="16pt", width=2, fontcolor="blue", shape="rectangle", width=2, penwidth=1];
- }
- subgraph datasets {
- }
- subgraph objects {
- }
- subgraph captions {
- node[fontname="NotCourierSans",fontsize="14pt",class="quotes",fontcolor="black"];
- }
- # from here we define the connections in subgraphs
- subgraph process_to_subprocess {
- Collecting -> datafying;
- Collecting -> photographing;
- Collecting -> "folders sharing";
- Collecting -> categorizing;
- }
- subgraph subprocess_to_data {
- splines=line;
- edge[style=dashed]
- datafying -> OBJECTS;
- datafying -> DATASETS;
- datafying -> IMG_20220822_Lukas2_liquid;
- }
- subgraph process_to_circle {
- circle -> Collecting [pos="e,circle,ne,1"];
- circle -> Archiving [pos="e,circle,ne,1"];
- circle -> Displaying [pos="e,circle,ne,1"];
- }