Tom has made an overview spreadsheet with projects and archive projects. spread_catalog_index.ods How to make connections (video plugin with SPIP?) * Video Gallery Page, embed link * Playlists / Video group ? * SPIP allows HTML (so embedding is not a problem) * Renaming breaks links (how to make better) * Constant TV: link back to + pull first lines of spip articles to random tv player * Permalinks? * what about different resolutions, different formats, some files are not worth it -> needs manual selection -> add list of links to article for those who want to see more AUDIO player... Search !!!! examples * Random player + search option * PLAYER ++ Can embedding the video AUTOMAGICALLY be a two way link (provide link backs... Desire to add audio / video !! Desire to not to edit sites beyond the SPIP IMAGES FEED player ... cfr Spreekt U St-Gillis Verlag: Could it use a feed?? THINK about cross linking in general... Question of the spreadsheet... How to communicate about what belongs to what. How to work with spreadsheets... / generate overviews?? Create a spreadsheet... TODO ----------------------- Create the DUMPS of existing sound / video as SPREADSHEET Create a dump of ALBUMS from GALLERY Create a dump of VERLAG articles (how??) * Adding the gallery widget to SPIP ? People links.... (longer term... tag people?) REUSE the gallery feed in here: (mm: could a spreadsheet be generated from a crawl of the site to show a summary of links, evt. broken) Planning 1. MM makes dump of everything that can be linked: all audio + video files + albums gallery + verlag | show broken links? 2. embed links to Spip articles (tom. keep trace in spreadsheet, doublecheck correct links with constant) 3. mixed feed on homepage/article: with a little bit of each/interface that can deal with all the links Video Wiki 2016 ================ * situated in the directory listing * ace editor base * evt. group editable via extension (via togetherjs?) ... or etherpad integration * Multiple modes of deployment: apache, standalone * embeddable code/pages (with subtitle display) and linkbacks / webring planning, deploy poc in The embed page as the document to integrate different media.