
archiving, curating and algorithms
a curatorial activity


a lifelong endeavor to document human life

the archive is a call to action

"It is convenient to have my case study sit next to me"

"Constant is inspired by network pipelines"

A digital template of human life. An unconventional approach. 
Developing probes, intermediaries

This process is a curatorial approach

Michael + Nicolas

it is not an archive
techno enthusiasm

if alll form is a face looking at 

object and non-object pattern

Who's lenna

response to the legal imperative. safe vs problematic.
a demarcation line between, division

what leads to identification

erasure means engaging with surfaces. every censor is a vandal

agents and reconfigured eyes

non-human point of view

read instead to watch. modes are switched - they do not exist at the same time.

hardly reads the text

OCR detection --- recognition
words are like potatoes
porosity -- the images corrodes the letters

there is an r hiding in a t

a machine learning to read
algorithmic bookworm

more worms, less databases


Anne-Marie Duguet                       

500 files of Nam June Paik - stopped because of rights
An Archive - one per artist
An anarchist archive. Sidestep classification

i like the word anxiety
an urgency to describe

description as the only relevant way
not a spectacular design

inter-rom (Muntadas)
updating is the main nightmare

the elaboraration of the document

Fuyiaka xxx a call to different interface, not persprective interface.

Oliver Grau

The expressive potential of digital art (?!)
The legimite art of our time

"Welcome to the platform for the historirs of meda, art, science and technology"
MA MediaArtsCultures

W.J. Mitchell Image Science

No digital art in museums creates a democratic problem
Jeffrey Shaw .......

what Snowden has to do with this

art of its time