*hi every,body) * *i will be happy to very soon meet you and to discuss what each one is defining "radical &, or "vernacular & how everybody is usually collaborating/working/performing *(L.L.) * *First of all 'perform ance' seems an interesting form , identity seen as a construction, a never ending perform ative construction. Next to that, ‘radicalisation’ could be our central theme. The internet proves to be an ideal breeding ground for radical ideas and groups. Num erous sm all and some how closed networks intensify the ideas that wander around in them . This feedback-loop or am plification of ideas with a radicalising result is som ething which intrigues m e and could offer a nice artistic starting point. Wim m entioned ‘radical identity’. *(B.C.) * *Another aspect, which could som ehow be related to radicalisation, is the vernacular. The vernacular is the very intriguing ‘form of the inform al’. The vernacular (think of ‘slang’ or ‘favela architecture’) can be regarded as the m ultitude of identities.. Some people talk about ‘vernacular video’ when it com es to youtube-culture. There m ight be a connection to be played with between radical identities and vernacular expressions. *(B.C.) * *____________________________________ * * PLANNING M onday 11h00: start-up m eeting / introduction / discussion 12h00: introduction technical material 18h30: round-up day 1 with Wim Lam brecht Tuesday 11h00: start-up m eeting Day 2 Wednesday 11h00: start-up m eeting Day 3 17h00: round-up day 1-2-3 with Wim Lam brecht Thursday (M arijke will be a little later) 11h00: start-up m eeting Day 4 Friday 11h00: start-up m eeting Day 5 16h30: round-up day 1-5 with Wim Lam brecht Saturday 11h00: start-up m eeting Day 6 19h00: round-up dinner (all of us) * * *------------------------------------------------------------- *M EETING : 30 - 6 dec Ghent *------------------------------------------------------------- * * *____________________________________ *M EETING : 30 November *____________________________________ * *what is identity in the post-digital ??? * *POSTDIGITAL? *l.c art m ovement influenced by the digital realm focusing on object you can sell *url vs irl - not spltting virtual - physical identity e.g. Critical art ensem ble * *post-internet ? digital is no more? we are som ewhere else ? where? * *taggings vs identity *m rv >I am not a feminist but i don't m ind to be called a fem inist. I have an open identity * *l.c. > i don't like to choose, I have an open identity, and som e are constructed roles. *It feels like acting and it is nice to be aware of it. It is less lonely. You can dialogue with yourself. * *bc. bad book :: the digital is the new norm al * * *M onoliticial identities... are over. * *b.c *Bourgeoisie ? *Class... ? *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status_inconsistency * *lc > 'During the day i am a banker, and at night i am a gothic.' *lc > One life, several identities? *m vd > Is different the sam e experience for the self? * *Ic> I can t be a dancer? *Being a teacher changed my life. *which identity I perform: It depends the context. It a s table m ix, *If i don't talk to anyone i don't need to identify * *Anoitte Rouvroy *We are a big data algorhythm approach *it is hyper-personalisation without subjectification. *http://networkcultures.org/query/2013/11/13/algorithmic-governmentality-and-the-ends-of-critique-antoinette-rouvroy/ * *lc *flag system; (gay, french) *filer the avatar with different flags. *Who influences who, and how man y days do you have flag ... *e.g. Why don't som e countries didn't ge at flag. *e.g Zuckerberg full of flags * *bc > They are looking for accounts. we become profiles... Like deleuze? It is not an ecology... but in the digital realm you becom e groups, sctatterd, pieces of personalities (m arket segm ents) *No consequential links. * *Flags? *national - vs *M OM A bought the rainbowflag from the artist *http://www.moma.org/explore/inside_out/2015/06/17/moma-acquires-the-rainbow-flag * *buying identify & symbols *https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=AAkAABUH1D4B_xXyg1BWRqA_g9axNDZFqmiw60Y&authType=NAME_SEARCH&authToken=JgW1&locale=en_US&trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Amynetwork%2CclickedEntityId%3A352834622%2CauthType%3ANAME_SEARCH%2Cidx%3A1-1-1%2CtarId%3A1448901185182%2Ctas%3Amarijke * *Iranian people protest: schizo official vs online pics *https://www.instagram.com/kartmelichallenge/ * *not being tracked : m ake-up *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGGnnp43uNM * *Queer fight for non gender approach on id * *Testo Junkie, Paul Preciado *Ukranian, * *Perfectly done, switching genders. *M any online platform s to discuss. *Transitionin genders, * *mvd: body is a postgender tool >biohacking * *Change your life. * *Alan turing, apple rainbow, *Snowhite, * *Caitlin Jenner *http://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Mead-Caitlyn-Jenner-855.jpg * *Heather Cassils * *lc I have the recipy for your dog a , consensual text/ *Donna Harraway : The Com panion Species M anifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness (Paradigm ) *http://www.press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/C/bo3645022.html * *Zoofilia *http://programma.bnn.nl/jezalhetmaarzijn *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_%28film%29 * *I started with the birds **** * *Bc > The vernacular, we didn't go there yet ~~~~ *She already feels it *** * *The m emes, the mê mes, ... * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *roleplaying - sandboxing (releasing > the inner self ) *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPACE: *NRW FORUM *ALL INFORM ATION ABOUT VENUE / SCHEDULE / BLOGGING: *https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CHGz_GxBEyymcPl3LauJb82RpnJsbqMaaQ4LT1FCt9g/edit# *(sharing with France::: RYBN Nicolas M aigret. (curator:M arie Lechner) *(wooden floor) *(specs: 3m heigh, m ovable wall ) *- what is the sound spectrum of the space? *- do we need a sound technician ? * *Picture of the space: *https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ovf7e4ehje2lr6m/AAAPopIRvKO_d-i2f2VMSVaBa?dl=0&preview=IMG_0161.JPG * *DEADLINES: *15 december : before christm as holiday, perform ance details * *DATES *14 > arrival (if necessary) *15 > setup *16/17 > conference - perform ance * *DOCUM ENTATION *AUDIO dialogue + discourse (seperate interviews + discussions * *COM M UNICATION *blog : login ***pasword > *writings, go ahead *NRW forum website: m ail to ulla for m entioning belgium at nrw ego update site * *ADM INISTRATION *- financies lisa personally *- keep the tickets transport *- suggestion - per diem 15 euro * *COLLABORATIVE TOOLS *An architecture of interaction: *https://architectureofinteraction.wordpress.com/ * * *http://foundland.info *http://www.marijkederoover.com/post/113343387964 *ZWARTE PIET * *____________________________________ *MEETING : 1 December *____________________________________ * * * * not good at synthesis * we talked about our work / withoutshowing * identity gam es: changing or m odeling, choosing identities / PLAY * "the dice m an" * the m ovie The Gam e * cfr sex-m eetings / or adventures delivered * * * M arijke: ordering adventures which are not sex related * cfr identity playing - invisible theater * * The K3 case - replacing the girls (exactly the sam e?) * M arthe: very tim ely aspect to it * * Creating stars (pop) - * * To add to the vernacular lexicon * LOLCAT cats as perform ers/. * * example: Youtube Challengist (and runs a youtube channel) * (im m aterial labor exam ple) platform : Jasmin * * 70ies: a lot of artists working with challenges * jackass, ...(ice bucket challenge?) * * M inecraft: som eboy all the tim e running to th eborder; * algoritm who expands terrorities * * Lucille perform ed the videos of the woodpeckers and then used the sound of the peckers * and produced a m em e by m im icing) * * vernacular * m êm e/m em e/m èm e: * *An "Internet m em e" is a concept that spreads rapidly from person to person via the Internet, largely through Internet-based E-m ailing, blogs, forum s, im ageboards like 4chan, social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, instant m essaging, and video hosting services like YouTube.[49] * *Running gag of the internet * *planking *owling *sirening *shoe on head *binging * *gattom orphism: technocalyps (Koen Teys) -> brain im age capture of cats vision seeing a m ens face as catface *lol-gattom orphism * *TENT M arijke *Why Geeks Go Cam ping and Other Brushes with Nature *https://vimeo.com/28931011 *Nature and Cyberspace: Stories, M em es and M etaphors * *IMG Bram / M etaphor *Shelter&Kip / M em e-tent : http://www.p-o-u.be/shelterenkip_jpg.jpg * * * * * *m ovies *- the gam e *- technocalyps (Koen Teys) -> brain im age capture of cats vision seeing a m ens face as catface * *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * *____________________________________ *MEETING : 4 December *____________________________________ * *--- location / venue: R-Forum : * different roles/m odalities M arthe/M arijke/Lucille * fake conference ... * *--- visit Lisa / presentation students -> Thursday afternoon 14h *--- blogging *--- own little internet / residu / capsule *--- Closed local network / https://github.com/SchoolofArtsGent/Pirate-Radius / https://forum.piratebox.cc/read.php?16,15135 *--- gam e / twister *--- precenses *--- lexicon addition: trannie-m al / anim at * * *im provisation 1 *different kind of presences *- hiding *- stage perform ing *- interactive guide - tech setup * *im provisation 2 *- audiovisual * *For Lucile: Non-human cam era etc (by jam es bridle) * http://booktwo.org/notebook/gopro-cinema/ * *M. is hyperm ediating the network infrastructure * IM ME DIACY / -> HYPERM EDIACY : * * *axolotl * *http://www.sciencealert.com/the-tardigrade-genome-has-been-sequenced-and-it-has-the-most-foreign-dna-of-any-animal * *M. is "extrem ely flem ish" hyper-local *Kernel panic * * *Electric Anim al *https://books.google.be/books/about/Electric_Animal.html?id=L8o4fTGk7uUC&redir_esc=y * * * JUM PING SUM O DRONE PARROT * http://www.parrot.com/fr/produits/jumping-sumo/ * http://cromagn.blogspot.be/2014/12/how-to-modify-sound-on-parrot-jumping.html * * * *From perm anence to oblivion *Lucille Calm el - Novem ber 2015 * *When Bram Crevits first asked me around M ay 2015, if I rem em ber well, to join the Stream ing Egos research, a project I understood about identity, I do not know if I was interested as I used to work deeply on/with m yself som e years ago on line, especially by being a m em ber of tens of m ailing lists before web 2.0 and dealing with a dayly&nighty presence there. Indeed, about three or four years ago, m y work changed by being m ore in connection with outsider subjects as for exam ple "crisis" (personal & collective, the ultim ate one being war, new art of war-s since 9/11, drones...), urban & nature fieldrecording, m achinic ecology... * *So at that tim e, m y first answer to Bram was: * *Dealing with identity *From perm anence to oblivion *Lucille Calmel *Though I was aware of the Critical Art Ensem ble's positioning about our digital identity(ies) even running our supposed InRealLives, and though I was aware that « I » was just a function, a tool, m ade by m any influences and otherselves, to m ultiple m yself, to find m yself without a sense of being self, I was first, m ainly by writing (for stage &/or internet) in between 1999 and 2010, dum ping m yself as a stream , extim ating. *Now, as I thought I was over with it, I was asked about creating a retrospective about m y last ten years of digital productions and have to deal again with som e of m y « I »(s). I still feel it as this past Lucille Calm el is an avatar, or several ones. *Now, I believe I just want to deal with knowing what's in m y blood (as heavy m etals) and go to Asia or Africa to see som e of our electronic wastes, parts of our everyday life and deep elem ents of our identities. *Now, I feel better dispersing my ego, forgetting m yself, by walking and recording (and uploading on line or broadcasting, but less and less) in natural areas, m eeting again other form s of living beings or things. *Identity would be now to becom e a spread to the otherness, a state of being in the world. *------------- * */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * *____________________________________ *FINAL MEETING : 1 December *____________________________________ * *- The Animal,s Who I am *- Extrem ely local *- Spoooofing mèmes *- Steelpeckers *- .... * *Artistic: * * PERFORM ATIVE LABORATORY / ONGOING PROCESS / INTERVENTIONS AND RELATIONS / PLATFORM -INFRASTRUCTURE * *Belgium, Dec 2015 - 'A never ending performative laboratory, but for this occasion it should be short.' is a performative laboratory growing strategies and infrastructures, creating new communities, and challenging the notion of both physical and virtual identities in the post-digital age. The laboratory is aiming at networking the un-self, alter-avatar egos and no-(e)go personas through radically performative vernaculars. * * * * * *#FRAGMENTS/PARTITIONS: * **Perform ative(s) * *-16h00-16h15 The Anim al,s Who I am (+ 5 min A/V check) *-17h00-17h15 The Anim al,s Who I am *-18h00-18h15 The Anim al,s Who I am *-18h30 Firewall Ring (outside or inside) + Parrot (preferably in the foyer) *-19h00-20h00 Beer intro + perform ance (not necesarily in the conference set-up) - *-19h00-20h00 Extremely Local (Baby-duvel + cart) *-NO TIM E / Spoofing Talk (connecting) (certain place / certain tim e) (m obile) * **Intervention(s) *-Stickers: anim al stickers to be spread *http://www.japantrendshop.com/wall-story-cat-life-removable-stickers-p-1922.html (I won't buy them from that link of course!) * * **Perform ative - INTERFACE -Network InfraStructure(s) *-Firewall *-PiFM / Birdhouse *-Barracuda *-SSTV (im ages ... ?) (behid sm all wall in RForum - need tv-screen/plasm a)-> m arthe has one *-infraredsensor - audio - (steelpeckers, lazerbirds,...) * * * * REFERENCES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQkpes3dgzg Chelsea M annings Tweets - full text https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ij_VnGzhUkaaBQ3JdvYXq7swlUBpqAV35X_NyQux6j4/edit Kim Kardaechinan LEXICON Writing a lexicon (own vernacular) binging putting your brain in a certain com partiment afk away from the keyboard m em e http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=meme fairy/furry lolcat planking, owling,sirening, batting swim - someone who isn't me constituting it's intrabinary identities . 3 x 10 min distributed performative event (outside let's meet outside when it becomes dark. - a dedicated place outside FIREWALL - acces - internet: microtik routerboard mac adress:: 00:0C:42:FA:55:A7 > open ssh, port 22 - fire extinguisher - construct metal ring - kevlar lont - fire suit - a dedicated place at the front door IR PORT - 1 active speaker (mim 150 wat - the small size, the better) (jack +jack cable) - axoloti: http://www.axoloti.com/ 65 +btw - IR SENSOR - TINY CONTROLLER - casing? - sound: 5 audiofragments (counting visitors)(invisble) - multiplug - a dedicated place near France/Germany (voice)BIRDHOUSE - pi-fm-piratebox (Hogent) - FM radio - casing (Bram) (vision)SSTV - 1 flat screen hdmi (not too big > send me the type of which screens they have available) - 1 active speaker 50Watt (jack + minijack cable) - multiplug - raspberry pi hognet + SD cRAD - raspberry pi bram + SD CARD - image: 5 iamges (counting visitors)(invisble) - a dedicated place near Spain MAX_32_characters -Local.internet - MICROTIK - Synology - 3 netwerk cables - multiplug -moving around DEVICE perform - platform on wheels, if with levels! great https://www.google.be/search?q=platform+on+wheels&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEi-i3y9vJAhUL1hoKHTtQDWUQ_AUIBygB&biw=1280&bih=799#tbm=isch&q=platform+on+wheels+for+serving&imgrc=mMdpUZeAKQlOHM%3A or https://www.google.be/search?q=platform+trolley&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF7dLsy9vJAhXMvRoKHQ5hDToQ_AUIBygB&biw=1280&bih=729#imgrc=OudQBX-0fjdqYM%3A codelanguage - control society https://seansturm.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/burroughs-on-how-to-escape-the-society-of-control/ http://qaul.net/text_en.html f http://osp.kitchen/tools/ethertoff *