An etappe in a publication, thinking process. "Para-architecture" = thinking through architecture and design under different terms. What would a quasi-architecture be, if we think about quasi objects, ref. Michel Serres. Sean Dockray introduced the term. Quasi not as a lack but as a rich movement between. Things, methods, spaces that can function as architecture but aren't necessarily that. People that not have the ball are part of the collective wanting, playing the ball. The ball is not just the object, but somehow organises, constitutes the collective, the community. Collectivity through passing back and forth. Things, props, objects that can facilitate the passing of authority, changing of roles, ... A publication that consists of a series of conversations. Our collabaration could be a thread in that publication, or in some way be a contribution or ... design ... objetologias conversational tools within the framework of para-architecture, finding overlaps in our practices to have a conversation about, and eventually open it up to other people. trying to find a context to try out something - a small intervention, in a relevant context. flip-flopping between fabricator / fabricated - using Latour? reflexive space? apass discussion sliders as a filter .. sliders having specific ends, movement in-between Lucy Suchman: human-machine interaction, the story of the blind man and the stick, he can feel the curb or the stick but not both at once how can you feel both at once, both the stick and the environment? "a clumsy DIY steady-cam" what moves you to do something movement - being moved becoming thinking what a "becoming" architecture, software would be conversation as a way to formulate what we want from software both on the level of code but also on the level of the people/structures that are part of it what would it mean to have a conversational software how we co-evolve with technology customisation, participation -- The Turing Complete User the trouble of open-ness and dealing with the actual boundaries the fact that you have the legal permission to do something doesn't mean that you can do or maybe borders are produced on other levels (have you watched this? dialogical art grant kester, conversation pieces "after relational art" ref Claire Bishop from some random blog: Grant Kester (2005) discusses the movement of a number of contemporary artists towards dialogue-based socially-engaged art. Here the artists avoid the tradition of object-making, instead embracing a performative, process-based approach which “involves the creative orchestration of collaborative encounters and conversations well beyond the institutional boundaries of the gallery or museum…….these exchanges can catalyse surprisingly powerful transformations in the consciousness of their participants”. conversations that also include spaces, objects, software ... speaking with, through objects Objects of solidarity: objects that are formed by and are forming the communities around them "what an object can hold" READING January/February * * * *Bruno Latour, "What's the story?", Organizing as a Mode of Existence *Michel Serres, The Parasite *Grant Kester from Conversation Pieces *Objects of Solidarity (FS makes a summary -> Monday) *Lucy Suchman, Human-Machine Reconfigurations: Plans and Situated Actions (part on the stick and the curb) page 73 Threshold (Interface as threshold, threshold as interface?) Mediation Adverserial design - Carl Disalvo (could agonism bring us something?) Some ancient De Geuzen 'Tactical Interfaces': *Swap Meet: an exchange of tactical traditions and the politics they represent, contribution to Next 5 Minutes conference, De Balie / on-line, Amsterdam, The Netherlands *Democracy: do not clean *Temporary archive of shared interests *Here there and other dislocations Hyperlink (association, connotation, relationality?) affiliation, operating through association Authority Hannah Arendt's text and what flows from there Some crossing with 'Tyranny of structurelessness'? Common Sense Household words, Stephanie A. Smith Contextualized Sarcasm Detection on Twitter pattern.en.paternalism