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:lL:>:you should have an account now
which means going in somebody else's machine.
there is a machine prepared for sharing files.
its ip is ....
again, there are always different ways to share files
ssh has already the potential to transfer files, with its side program called scp.
the command is very similar to ssh, and works in both directions (from you to the ssrver, as well as from the server to you)
to send a file to the server: scp file username@ip:
to downlaod a file from the server scp username@ip:file .
rsync is a software that uses scp to transfer files, that is used to synchronize entire folders between your machine and the server.
so your group can have a folder in the server with all the materials and code, and when things
to synchronize a folder from the server: rsync username@ip:foldername foldername
with the same account you can also use filetrasnfer software with a user interface.
it is called sftp, which is ftp (file transfer protocol) working via ssh for example... transmission / cyberduck / ...
in the interface of the software, you can just add the ip of the machine and your user / password.
finally, there is an 'easier' solution, which is working just through your browser.
if you open the mainpage at .... you can drag and drop a file from a folder in you computer directly on the webpage.
it will start uploading the file, and it will appear there in few seconds.
sharing machine as a garden..
fundamental about file sharing, is also the care that goes with preparing the material..
trivial things like naming the file, putting in the right folder
to add a folder or move files around, you can ssh to the server.
you can make a new folder with: mkdir newfolder.
you can move files aroun with: mv nameoffiletomove newlocation/
ways.. different scripts for different approaches?
talking about the thing you share.. present a file while you upload it?
if its a book, there is also bibliotecha..