presentation actually could take place alltogether in a pad
what about using the timeslider? then problem is that its passive.
do we need a 'pad solution'? :P
possible needs to cross with the textual note-taking: picture embedding
virtues of the pad: straightforwardness, version saving, line numbering for orientation, allows anonimity, 
difficulties: creation of a habit
it is a login process, but login as a school, as the space, and not so much individual..
it's not the network-login, whihc is already personal, as machine/human..
okei, so test pad of padylon

possibiitiy of just offering on a pad the basic links to 
or: possibility of offering the inventory
or: possibility of starting a "debate/conversation" on specific issues-thoughts

    general cleaning (end of the day)/collects and clean cups--everybody
    morning shopping--coming earlier--->get cash day before
    set up breakfast table--make coffee, bring cups
    time keeping