Post-Promiscuous Pipeline Publication,2531.html #pipelines
make collect
So this is the list of URLS that get downloaded when people type
make collect
Notes 17 March 2016
A multiheaded publication vs a hybrid publication
The promiscuous publication enjoys it's various forms, embracing their idiosyncracies
A multiheaded publication ... is NOT obsessed with having uniform outcomes across diverse media, but rather playful explorations of that diversity with sibling outcomes (
bastard children) that operate in chorus.
Non hierarchical editing, distributed responsibility: mistakes, legal issues; changing role of publisher
(too often a small team makes decisions on a publication later)
Link with software development workflows.
Thinking through things that can be triggered through the makefile. Make that experience itself interesting (communicate what it means a promiscuous publication), interactive?
Multiheaded publication is different forms, but could also be different selections from the content.
The index lets you read the content, so that you can select from it.
Step 0
- Generate a wordlist (as way to glance the content, bootstrap your exploration and collection of texts)
Step 1
- Pick content (harvest based on a word or words or sentence. include new files, added to the 'new content folders'?)
Step 2
- Edit the text file, add something, end it here. Decide to commit them or not; becomes part of your repository. Is this more interesting as an idea than a reality?
Step 3
- Pick an output-format, make an output
- make forget (dev-0?) YES :-) -- inverted harvest
- make hypertext (an html output)
- make transcription (automated video from soundfile, upload youtube, download, edit it, get the srt from it -- the semi-legal aspect and fragility is good too)
- make wikipedia (how does this work, an interactive guide)
- make
Add comments to the makefile. Promiscuity is also to talk about how you are making, and that it could be different. It is not about a "solution"
- make forget hypertext
- make forget transcription
- make archive (all to nice!!
- make video (text to video, something with images, soundfiles)
- (e-speak > soundfile) or make video (would you listen to it?)
- make reading list (gather all links and references)
- make subtitles (srt)
- make twitterstream (output to other platform) what was that alternative to twitter? ehm gnu-social?
- make poster (some action on images with typography)
- make long-list :-)
- make todo
- make tedtalk
- make poster
- make graph
- make sigh
- make radio
- make me a sandwich
- make love
Cleanup empty pages (keep a list of all the pagenames)
Before the 17th
clean up etherdump
add simon transcript (FS asks)
- Add "stable" (-> repo etc) or "unstable" (etherpad) or "unreliable" flags + dialog to
- HTML overviews ipv "poster"... thumbs with links to online sources (also the flickr dump?)
naming convention ?? (sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]*//g') File:HD.11.014_(10967749136).jpg -> FileHD11014_10967749136.jpg
empty folders (images,video,audio,html,etc,var)
make html list (<= list/link all html files in html) ->
MM checks out Gottfried + Makefiles, whether we can use/link (sausage machine: )
FS works a bit on README and interactions
updates announcement
- you need Make
- Add more interactivity to makefile flickr -- add figlet stuff
Also interesting maybe:
For the 17th
Meet at 15:00
Femke, Michael, Zeljko, Christoph + ?!?
- it is not about finishing but establishing a platform for working
- talk about makefiles, and how they are promiscuous or not
- Naming conventions, a nicer interface to Make (unadulterate Makefile)
- some outcomes we could aim for:
- Showing Makefile: visualisation of Makefile as graph (writing the READMe.
- Fun: simon video (TEDX) and test with other sources
- manually make an srt file from the transcription: timing, etherpad (MM: videowiki-lite?)
- grafts to quotables to epub
- linked wordlist html -- Christoph
- something to push outcomes somewhere else, with links back: embeddable quotes, linked animated gifs (karaoke gif)
- Martino: graph from interconnections -- add it to makefile
- Marthe: add a streaming something to makefile
- document how to add make to osx
Meeting 4-6 February (Berlin),2531.html
Z: What is promiscuous publishing? (promiscuity in publishing)
Attach to other systems that are out in the world; make edits in WP ... Squat a corner in existing (mainstream & non) platforms...
places to promiscously publish: wikipedia (why does constant not have an entry? -- it was rejeced!),, memory of the world
Idea to present more a platform than a publication?
MM "it is in the pad, why remember it?"
Counter the "multi-channel" where ALL the effort is made to make things look the same.
CH: BOT posting to social media -- detached / diffused interaction (happening at different sites...)
Coherence is overrated
Detached interaction
Distributed interaction
twitter is OK when it is just an out-point
"standard in, standard out"
What is a ppp:
Parallel publishing to the absurd
different platform, different content
Embracing idiosyncrativ versions (per platform) -- the twitter version of simon's lecture...
Let's make sure there is references to the 'sources'.
Enforced (ok, imposed) promiscuity
memory of the world? / other blogs - maybe E2 as historic geek dump ??
...and then on the more-less axis of evil: twitter, youtube, facebook, instagram, ... or soundcloud, UbuntuOne... TED talk
idiosyncratic platforms
speaking to the platform
promiscuous publishing IS NOT parallel publishing
Does it have to be "easy"
spread things you want to spread.
* Re-enacting a lecture (screen play)
* Produce a positive only version (sentiment)
* Automatic transcription. (youtube, download SRT)
on the 17th -- "post to as many platforms as you can"
What happens between the pipes...
Z: Have something to uncover, make bare and explicit in the process of following linksand seeing from one system/service to other...
the streams come back. it is a circuit. aggregration, capture.
scraper, spider
scrape back into HTML archive (post-festum) that collects interactions/reactions
it should produce a document
that could be a source
HTML collage NOT based on iframes (soft fragile links) but a literal RIP of HTML that itself becomes an STANDALONE editable document.
Christoph shows etherpash/his latest system for producing the servus document.
Macros to pull specific sections / layers of Inkscape and place as SPREADs or SUPERIMPOSEd to mix latex + SVG
Interesting his own conventions for naming and ordering (bottom up) inkscape layers to allow layers to be commented out (layer names preceded by xx_) or grouped (layers with shared names), and then numerically accessed from "outside".
% COLLECT: anti -- collect all paragraphs with the phrase "anti" ...
Conversations based on idea of overriding functions to make custom output.
! question of linking back to "sources"
IDEA to create a language that can then be performed by multiple interpreters / compilers.
Example of using hotglue as an interface to sort images (relative placement to a line)
> Suppose you went back to Ada Lovelace and asked her the difference between a script and a program.
> She'd probably look at you funny, then say something like:
> Well, a script is what you give the actors, but a program is what you give the audience.
> Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal and knows where he is going;
> he has made up his mind to reach some particular place and he goes straight to it.
> The pack-donkey meanders along, meditates a little in his scatter-brained and distracted fashion,
> he zigzags in order to avoid the larger stones, or to ease the climb,
> or to gain a little shade; he takes the line of least resistance.
> [@corbusier:1929:cityoftomorrow]
multiple inputs that create multiple outputs
speculative markup
separate or not documents from code
or both
- speculative markup exercise
- TEDX 'video'
- Re-enactment script
- quotes worth spreading
- an interactive pull script (so sources could be in different places)
the shellscript is the distribution platform
unmet dependencies
giving a sense of files, stipulate that things are published as files
Interactive BASH script for "pulling/cloning" the repository
* With pick and choose what you download (inspired from git cherry picking)
* From multiple sources (flickr / gitlab / etc)
people are responsible for keeping different resources online
* With unimplemented features
* It pulls from an etherpad that has different levels/tagged urls: (example on a pad, there are sections like "unadulterated" )
* trigger a youtube-dl ...
A speculative repository... or a speculative feed ... or a rss with options
Man page / README to a "pull" script, inviting new content to be added as URLs...
publicaton as distribution...
you don't just get the final result ... but the sources and the script
CH (trying to create a repository) "Oh. I never collaborated. How does it work?
Meeting 12 November 14:00
With: Zeljko, Christoph, Femke, Michael / on the side Marthe
pwords for archive
"pipelines" with password "pipelines".
Publication of archive -- what does it need
Publication of the archives is the same as 'publication'?
What we have
- archive (as is)
- transcription Simon: direct, re-noted, transcribed
- recording talks: Eleanor, Sophie
- recording walk (images, sound)
- grafts
- prototypes / projects that could be worked on
- images (archive)
- graphviz (version Martino + Gijs)
* Various linked Documents / Web pages -- Maps, bibliotecha
* various objects we did not digitize
* Collection of "framing pages" in different contexts
What to do
Z: Wanting to keep things quite raw ..
As a single "heap" with fine grained links in between, hyperdocuments
F: interested in different levels of rawness, how to express these
Resist tidy?
M: urge to make things self-contained, to fix the problem that links can break. Make an e-pub, so that everything can exist in one place.
A hybrid between a formatted, printed publication and a folder of 'stuff'?
(or simply the state of things now... various sites)
a git repository
with a make-file
can make an e-pub, pdf
raw format is html
etherdump goes makefile
a pipeline of files
the filesystem seems the obvious container
"it takes on a different kind of life"
what the make file produces could be the input to a pad again
have grafts/binds make ya compilation and combine it to be a start again
ah! yeah
pdf produced from this page
where % FLUSHLOG: includes the network activity during compilation
etherpash supports now a
with line numbers and also version in time
-> you can reference the first version of this pad
just for example
just for the output
% INCLUDE: 10-25
it's exporting pdf in a second, i'm uploading
thinking about the work around Simon's text ...
So: etherpad as a way to collaboratively rework 'publications'.
With Simons talk we did that already? For instance ... you would have a moment .. re-perform the lecture, include other elements .. work on the mark-up collectively. When we did it we were focused on re-listening and links. Trying to put in timecodes
sharing the work of making the publication ... a platform ...
interesting to have some marker, some way of saying how 'mature' something is
wiki source LEVELS: RED (raw scan) YELLOW (some corrections) to GREEN (two or more people have confirmed the page)
we are creating a way to make a publication that express different levels of rawness, where the last is not necessarily 'the best'.
Simon lecture, transcription one way ... did he use any of the material coming through the transcription/comments? sample from Simon transcript:
WOMAN: .. that's acceptable?
SIMON: Simon's talk?
GROUP: Simon Says! (laughing)
MAN: Bet you haven't had that one before!
SIMON: No, no.
MAN: Can you have an ellipsis in an Etherpad name?
Clicking, general hum of chatter in background.
MAN: Yeah but I'd prefer not to.
Woman laughing
MAN: Can't take you anywhere.
Computer makes notification sound
MAN: Ope, it's going to have it. Let's see if it works. (Long pause). Yes. You can have an ellipsis.
Etherdump is part of the pp archive already. Fits into what MM is doing already. Etherdump itself does not do anything ... but the etherpad does not exist anymore ...
Should we re-instate the etherpad?
Deriving from the dump feels better? Or do we need to do it to experiment so that next time it is there already?
Maybe ... pipeline the process ... we work on development of the tools, and have a moment to perform the tools.
A frame ... a pdf ... regenerate it ...
Development draft/sketch/rehearsal:
February 5th Friday and 6th Saturday (can use Z's office space) 2 x 4hours of work 14:00-18:00
-- we take an afternoon (?) and try to meet physically? Does not have to.
Publication: End February. Femke checks with Simon. Public!
Finding the place between raw and tidy, to see how promiscuity of the archive can be made explicit. Pipelines
Other kinds of linking (not URLs)... or not page to page but more fine-grained links (fragments)
URLs of another kind ... a url player ...
* How to preserve the liveliness of the archive...
* Self
- sort out dubious copyright documents (?) ->
- not up to date ->
Total fees tva incl. 1000, does not need to pay for Femke
some production budget
Zeljko 150
Christoph 425
Michael 425
Travel to Berlin (Christoph, Femke) we find from Constant ppp production budget
Announce/invite for end of November the 'promiscuous archive performance' on Constant mailinglist and launch the 'raw' archive simultaneously.
The Promiscuous Pipelines worksession took place in the first week of September 2015, and was co-organized by Constant and FOAM.
Right now the plan is to work further on materials (including talks by Sophie, Simon, Eleanor) in late 2015 / early 2016 for eventual publication(s).
First meeting: 12 November 14:00, on-line.
The publication team consists (currently) of Christoph Haag, Michael Murtaugh, and Femke Snelting.
Links broken => hmmm