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TITLE: Ultrasonic dreams of aclinical renderings

When specific intra-active technologies of ultrasound and echography violently rendered real bodies, they wondered about the see-through space-times that were left in the dark. The crystals. They read, listened and gossiped with awkwardness, intensity and urgency. Lively and clumsily smoking cigarettes, they cried as coyotes: The crisis of presence that emerged with the computational turn was shaped by the technocolonialism of turbocapitalism! Through vibrations of feminist technoscience, through friends and lovers, they heard how sonographic images produced life and mattered "real bodies". Convoked from the dark inner space-times of the earth, the flesh, and the cosmos, particular aclinical renderings evidence that "real bodies" do not exist before before being separated, cut and isolated. Listen: there is a shaking surface, a cosmological inventory, hot breath in the ear. DIWO, recreational, abstract, referential and quantifying sonic practices are already profanating the image-life industrial continuum. Ultrasound is no longer (or never was) the exclusive realm of technocrats or medical experts.

These are your new devices, dim and glossy. In this partial imaginary, you'll deep listen to their non-ocularity, following entanglements with images and imaginations; all the way into ultrasonic cosmo-dreaming, where poetic renderings and sonographies start to (re)generate (just) social imaginations. Let’s collectively resonate against technologies of ultrasound and echography and bet on practices that open up relational, semiotic-material, non-individualistic and non-anthropocentric notions of presence, that bring in transfeminist queer futures.

KEYWORDS/TAGS: Ultrasound, aclinical renderings, impressions, referentiality, presence

Meeting 18 September

Deadline 1 october :-/

After the epic trip ... ready to start (but not sure where) ;)

The Outline we made before the summer:

Contributions should be no more than 3,000 words.

each "chapter" has an image, zoomed in, detail/cut-out?

1. THE SYNTHETIC VOLUMETRIC 8 00 Start: FS http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/possiblebodies.syntheticvolumetric
-> pass on to HP Friday 29, meet Monday 2 11h CET, pass on to JR 
-> meet 5 October 09:00 CET

2. RESONANCE PATTERNS 8 00 Start: HP http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/possiblebodies.resonancepatterns
-> pass on to JR Friday 29, meet Monday 2 11h CET, pass on to FS 
-> meet 5 October 09:00 CET

3. BROADCASTING BODIES 8 00 Start : JR http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/possiblebodies.broadcastingbodies
-> pass on to FS Friday 29, meet Monday 2 11h CET, pass on to HP
-> meet 5 October 09:00 CET

4. conclusion 6 00
Finish 9 October 11h

problematizing representation?

Ultrasound, aclinical renderings, impressions, referentiality, presence

Radon transform - sinogram - laminogram
FS trying to understand the passage from classic x-ray to the dimensional imaging: what happened that this shift happened and is so present in the contemporary imaging of bodies.
In 1917 a mathematician called Radon developed the formulas for image reconstruction, wehre if you have multiple x-rays through body projections and you add them up, you can reconstruct body image from there / intuition math is important here /
it necesitates flattening of the volumetric body into 2D graph to then form them back into a 3D image, but in this moment of 2Dness a lot of algorithmic processing happens. 
the pulling apart of imagery/representations and reconstructing of them brings something very interesting through this formula.
smell of connections to Barad and her thinking of measurement. 
Imaging produces bodies produces machinery...

transparency and matter:
wether xray or MR, the issue is matter to be "penetrated" by reflecting rays...
it produces a (???)
what is supposed to be human and what is supposed to be non human?
in the datasets (not so heavily edited) the densities become actors, light (??) systems, 
when naturalized, it's a way of mattering through density and not separated by alive or dead, or human-non human, etc.

image of the chest with tubes (& of the scanning machine itself)
the way images are made legible is due to difference in densities

Thresholds for density.. 
algorithmic automation for recognizing density

tissue as differently densed matters

attenuation -- 
reduction in signal strength
imaging through intersection of the body
& obstruction losses! -> https://www.ekahau.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/nigel-b-1.png

fiberoptics, infrastructure. Materiality

environmental attenuation
signal loss due to the actual materiality of transmission medium

"I have been deep in Barad and meas
"secret positions" / cutting together apart
possibilities of what a body can be
superposition can be collapsed by leakiness of the environment - breathing - micromovement // small dance, Paxton -> http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/assets/smalldanceA.gif

how is the xray different

body in physics - collapse of the deffinition of so-called bodies in the biomedical

scale switch: 
    closed-human body in the biomedical?

Speculative? Three imaginative stories
Each starts one?
Vlatko Vedral  - Decoding Reailty

==============reading list===========

Despret, Vinciane, and Brett Buchanan. What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions?. University of Minnesota Press, 2016.
Catherine Waldby: The Visible Human Project: Informatic Bodies and Posthuman Medicine  (we read through this for BCN rotation)
Woolf, Virginia. Flush. Oxford University Press, USA, 1998.

Alexander Voss, Suspicious Minds? Roger S. Slack, Rob Procter, Mark Hartswood, Alexander Voss and Mark Rouncefield in: Ethnographies of Diagnostic Work Dimensions of Transformative Practice

Samantha Frost: Biocultural Creatures: Toward a New Theory of the Human

Mol, Annemarie (2002). The body multiple: ontology in medical practice. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press
Mol, Annemarie; Berg, Marc (1998). Differences in medicine: unraveling practices, techniques, and bodies. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press

After Nature: the Dynamic Automation of Technical Objects, Luciana Parisi

? Kafka: Metamorphosis
? Jeff Vandermeer: Borne <-- not sure what to think, will try
? some Barad :-), Jara/Helen did you read: Barad, 2014 - Diffracting Diffraction: Cutting Together-Apart (good title for this text?)
? maybe also http://deeptimechicago.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/barad-k-what-is-the-measure-of-nothingness.pdf

Elizabeth Grosz: The Incorporeal: Ontology, Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism (2017)

//Toxic Determinations in Volumetrics

Fantham, Marcus, and  Clemens F. Kaminski. "First Person Bioimage: An Online Tool for  Presentation and Publication of Volumetric Data." Biophysical Journal 112, no. 3 (2017): 583a.
Ellermann, Jutta, Patrick  Morgan, and Mikko Nissi. "System and method for patient-specific planar visualization of volumetric MRI data." U.S. Patent 9,655,562, issued  May 23, 2017.
Govindan, Pramod, Boyang  Wang, Prashaanth Ravi, and Jafar Saniie. "Hardware and software  architectures for computationally efficient three-dimensional ultrasonic  data compression." IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 10, no. 1 (2016): 54-61.
Razeto, Marco, Akinola  Akinyemi, Muhammad Haris Bhatti, Jill Barnaby, and Sebastian Meller.  "Apparatus for, and method of, processing volumetric medical image  data." U.S. Patent 9,547,894, issued January 17, 2017.

Meeting August 7 Helen, Jara, Femke + notes added 18 september


Entry points for the text:

- the "aclinical"? recreational, educational, research, ... the continuum?

who is/was Radon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Radon

there's something in 3D volumetric, in the dependency in the cartesian system that has produced cartesian images. Its seems if we talk about the continuum, you feel the same thing happening in a cascade of consequences. There is an allignment (like a story of an alignment) of early ideas of anatomy that seem to be re-introduced through these computational systems reinforced by the way math works that actually makes anatomy of an image actually trivial :: they enforce each other and in the meantime it becomes something else

there is always a se p aration of the machine from the image it produces: the tubes are always cut away.

renessaince mathematical forms
cosmological math
speculate on imaginary 3D that would come out of cosmological math
or on the actual history, and what could have come out of it

accidental confluence of computation math medical

medieval cosmology / + medieval cyborgs https://i.pinimg.com/736x/8e/6c/59/8e6c59270592d924ab9469f2c68b5a76--bosch-fantasy-characters.jpg

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_Ch%C3%A2telet / Figuring Space
mathematical agency
The often told story: the flattening of the body. But here:
body transformed into density / flattening and multiple dimensions https://hangar.org/webnou/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/imagined_mishearings-448x265.jpg
2D-3D-2D opens up views, perspectives, renderings, relations... = possibilities

- slicing (not cutting), segmentation
- flattening and re-calculating volume http://info.shields.com/bid/85107/What-patients-want-to-know-about-MRI-machines-1-2T-1-5T-3T-whats-the-difference + waldby + [looking for help here: "Tomographic imaging is concerned precisely to eliminate the collapsed depth of the radiographic image, to try to banish the ambiguities of transparent density from the image by making its picture plane as shallow as possible. The CT scan, for example, eliminates all information outside the 1 mm depth of the scan, so that problems of perspective are minimised and the image field conforms as closely as possible to the projective medium, the screen. In this it shares a general drive within medical modernism to eliminate depth from both its image modalities and its objects"]
-- https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13959 canary/cat, flatness
-- the synthetic volumetric --> recomposed stack of planes? "artifical presences"?
- The Squirl and the dog http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?070 (and maybe the horse? http://www.doctorramey.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/CT.HORSE_.jpg )
-- verticality / anatomical planes
-- normativity of bipeds

- general scope: an imaginary DIY device
- Stories of location : locating where (image?) processing happens.
--  the software developer, the computer vision scientist, the hardware, the patient, the screen, the wordprocessor
- acquisition-registration-render-text // radiologists in total black-out
- A visit to the imaging lab / diagnose through image
- DIWO imaging, DIWO diagnosis
- pattern recognition ? resonances with how a body is imagined to be, recognizing yourself
-- interference patterns : it's thorugh interference that the pattern emerges
-- the body individuating differently with algorithimic environments, generative of different patterns
- who /what sees images, what /who is imaged... 
-an issue with quietness/stillness -- as if time (does not) stop(s). Located when and where? Time stamps

looking at the standards for archiving and metadata for medical imaging and images are time-stamped.
it's when the volumetric slicing comes in, that time gets lost. It's like a film: fake time, like slice after slice.
automate that fake time.
re-calculating positions.

time scale changing (what about micro or macromovements simultaneously?) and "what moves" (assuming an oblejct followed?)
different atoms reflect light differently -- air quality / reflection, deflection ... (density vs qualities)
creepy: recalculation of positions -- patterns of a body, tissue ... 

zombie-ness, necro politics.
looking dead, calculate dead, compute dead .. stillness - victorian theatre of anatomy and disection 
once scanned: tools allow you to manipulate the body as if it is drugged, dead, sleaping, has no agency -- working with the tool maniupulating volume without responsivity  - another deadness

Instantaneous imaging - not so much what can be imaged but is the impact of the scan due to the radiation being dangerous - thousands of x-rays, going fast try to minimise the imapact - try to use machinic tricks and mathematical tricks to scan "image wisely programme"
radio-passivity ;)

Locations and actors
Diagnosing through the image
Matter is driving the algorithms
Computation is shaped by the body http://www.annehelmond.nl/2010/12/01/funware-michael-murtaugh-do-not-repeat-yourself/
Alan Hart? wrote on this resonance patterns https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_L._Hart (a trans* person) 
Doctor Finlay Sees it Through

Developing a first CT scanner prototype -- looking for cow brains https://youtu.be/u_R47LDdlZM?t=5m54s

The body itself being made to broadcast its density into the MRI... operating on the different atoms reflecting, reorinetation of certain substances by magents - gnerating contrast through drinking fluids . High in iron oxyde?
-narratology figure: chronotope / Bakhtin briefly outlined the polyphonic concept of truth and of "actualized uniqueness" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Bakhtin
-scale: zooming in and out, scaling up and down... and beyond.
-- microtemporality of tissues?  + small dance http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?050 / re-orientation towards a magnetized front
--microscopic devices, movements in the same spot, micro displacements happening, but "unseen" due to  fixing a scale. reinforcing unity of that body
Unity of the body is reinforced through its deadness/fixedness
---how the body itself is shaping the environment of the scanning/scans themselves
--body is broadcasting // resonance/emitting/frequencies (very low?) https://laurabenitezvalero.com/2017/02/22/senales-subalternas_taller-con-paula-pin/ // http://i--n--f--r--a.tumblr.com/zona4

-- agency of oneness? http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?065
--body becomes determinate 24/7 ??? :-P nonstop broadcasting? Broadcasting images outside the medical realm? Entering the continuum through the back door : "poor imaging of the flesh"
- angular momentum coupling = spin-spin coupling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_momentum_coupling
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: it can provide detailed information about the structure and conformation of molecules
hyperfine structure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperfine_structure

Hongkong scene of radiographer-artists

Person releasing "his" brainscans, community analysis.

Coming back to the a -clinical renderings? Probable to possible.
a-clinical, para-militar, pseudo-scientist, non-formal, quasi-fiction, anti-capitalist.

Poor Images (H. Steyerl...) http://www.e-flux.com/journal/10/61362/in-defense-of-the-poor-image/


Feeling like a bat
- - - - - - - - -
Ultrasonic sensors
DIW bat sensing
volumetric listening


nabokov drawing on kafka , exscribing : http://cdn8.openculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/20230611/nabokov_on_kafka.jpg
-> isn't Nabokov more inscribing? maybe :-)

but nice idea... what would excribing imply in this case?

portable probes http://techmantras.com/content/how-make-ultrasound-scanner-smartphone

phantoms: https://wiki.labomedia.org/index.php/Unborn_0x9

CHAT august 7th:

FS:09:02 hey 
FS:09:02 I started reading on magnetic resonance more
FS:09:02 wah, super interesting terminologies, phenonema
FS:09:04 "spin-spin coupling"
unnamed:09:09 what's that? spin-spin?
FS:09:13 ah hey
FS:09:14 not sure :-) but it has something to do with the different magnetic fields that are directed at protons in an mri
unnamed:09:14 hm, interesting
unnamed:09:14 where have you been reading?
unnamed:09:14 where/what
FS:09:14 just videos / wikipedia / 'how does mri work' stuff
unnamed:09:15 ;)
unnamed:09:16 i read nothing really related since last week...
unnamed:09:16 but talking to Sara was very nice
unnamed:09:16 and also Nerea's email
unnamed:09:16 and Tere'sconversation
FS:09:16 yes! very much
unnamed:09:16 i enlarged the reading list on the pad
FS:09:16 all three of them
FS:09:16 oh, haven't looked there yet, nice
unnamed:09:17 btw, i forgot to answer to that:
unnamed:09:17  when tere talked about not differenciating textual objects to other  sort of objects she wasproblematizing the fact that we have one reading  list and, separatedly, one list of possible items
unnamed:09:17 (just to clarify the email of the other day)
unnamed:09:18 hi
FS:09:18 the pads for bibliography and the items you mean? 
unnamed:09:19 hey, helen!
FS:09:19 hey unnamed's :-)
unnamed:09:19 super sorry for delay!
unnamed:09:19 oops
FS:09:19 no problem
unnamed:09:19 no worries :)
FS:09:19 goodmorning!!
unnamed:09:19 good morning, yes!
unnamed:09:19 :)
Helen!:09:19 maybe I am named now
Helen!:09:19 yes!
FS:09:19 yeah
unnamed:09:19 yes:)
FS:09:20 how are you? what great news!
Helen!:09:20 Thanks!!
jxxx:09:21 yes, congratulations!
Helen!:09:21 bringing the feminisms 
jxxx:09:21 hell yeah
Helen!:09:21 actually quite a few queers and feminists in that dept already!
Helen!:09:21 more than in cultural studies or media!
Helen!:09:21 haha
FS:09:21 would love to get to know it
jxxx:09:21 same here, definitely!
Helen!:09:21 Yes -I hope I can invite you both!
jxxx:09:22 when are you starting? september?
Helen!:09:22 end of September
FS:09:22 wow
Helen!:09:22 but we also got another citizen sense grant
Helen!:09:23 which we will put into action next year so I can look forward to some buy out of teaching! thankfully haha
Helen!:09:23 how are you both? How was Barcelona iteration?
jxxx:09:23 do you have too much teaching by now?
Helen!:09:24 right now I just have some MFA students I work with 3 hours a week and the rest of time is dedicated to the research grant
Helen!:09:24 so it will be a bit of a shift!
Helen!:09:24 but I used to teach alot before so its OK!
jxxx:09:24 sounds like it, yes
jxxx:09:24 súper!
jxxx:09:25 on pour side...
jxxx:09:25 *our side
jxxx:09:25 Barcelona was very nice, i think
FS:09:25 yes!
FS:09:26 we did a super intense ten days
FS:09:26 discussing with different people 
FS:09:26 and in different contexts
FS:09:26 but mainly jara and me in hangar space
Helen!:09:27 you were with the Gyne punk?
FS:09:27 still processing (me, that is)
Helen!:09:27 commune?
FS:09:27 we met with Paula Pin
jxxx:09:28 yes, we had a first conversation with one of the members
jxxx:09:28 it was nice, yes. Hopefully we can continue it somehow!
jxxx:09:28 we also went on an excursion to a hospital,, to the department of diagnosis through image
Helen!:09:28 ooh!
FS:09:30 this was really helpful, and puzzling
jxxx:09:31  quite impressive to see the clinic procedures applied on acquisitions,  renders and screens to later be re-written on text... re-lingüistized
Helen!:09:31 did it differ for different procedures
jxxx:09:31 also: doctors working in the dark, sitting in front of 3 huge vertical monitors each
Helen!:09:31 wow~
FS:09:32 also, the amount of image processing that is done on the fly, without intervention, I was a bit shocked by 
jxxx:09:32 yes,it differed
Helen!:09:32 that leads to analysis?
jxxx:09:33 we basically saw magnetic resonance, tomography and x-ray (plus sectorializedones like mamography)
Helen!:09:33 what is the image processing on the fly that happens?
FS:09:34  well, on acquisition, the images are re-aligned, contrast adjusted,  axial views are calculated into others and directly rendered as high res  'full colour' 3D 
FS:09:34 after, they get analysed by those radiologists in dark rooms
jxxx:09:35 compared to other acquisitions of the same-body-only
FS:09:35 yes. the clinical model of organisation became quite clear
Helen!:09:35 interesting!
Helen!:09:36 btw do you know this wrk by my friend Jane Prophet 
Helen!:09:36 http://www.janeprophet.com/?p=445
FS:09:36 oh! no! (was just looking at the MFA staff and saw her self-portrait, thinking .. hmm, could be interesting?)
jxxx:09:37 wow! no
Helen!:09:37 if you want to interview her or speak with her she would be up for it Im sure!
Helen!:09:38 she was working with an MRI artist
Helen!:09:38 oops i mean MRI scientist
Helen!:09:38 and whilst her brain was being scanned she was meditating death
Helen!:09:38 but also she was alot of the time running between the scanner and the screen
Helen!:09:38 and shouting between the rooms
Helen!:09:38 she said she was totally disrupting the normal science arrangements
FS:09:39 we saw there are thick barriers between the two
FS:09:39 hah, mri artist not bas
FS:09:39 bas
FS:09:39 ahh
FS:09:39 bad!
jxxx:09:41 in regards to the normal science arrangements
Helen!:09:41 haha I guess they are artists if so much processing happening!
jxxx:09:42  it was interesting how the clinic set of procedures was firmly settled  in all answers we received, and when we asked questions of disturbing  the technique (like for example: can this be tomographied obliquely?),  they remitted just to "research"
FS:09:42 yes. any collectiveness was located out of the clinic, into research
Helen!:09:43 that research confirmed how they should work
jxxx:09:43  again, like the guy modelling 3D in the basement of the natural  sciences museum. He was speculating and proposing how a scientific  reconstruction should be/look
jxxx:09:43 hey
jxxx:09:44 maybe this is one possible entry point for us to the "aclinical renderings"?
FS:09:44 the separation between clinic and research, or the disturbing of the procedure? or both?
Helen!:09:46 I think its interesting to use the visit also as part of the approach
jxxx:09:46 i loike that idea, yes
FS:09:47  i am not sure where this could get us, but i am super fascinated by  this sentence in wp on mri "Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a  physical phenomenon in which nuclei in a magnetic field absorb and  re-emit electromagnetic radiation. (...) The frequency is similar to VHF  and UHF television broadcasts (60–1000 MHz)"
FS:09:47 turning "bodies" into tv!
jxxx:09:47  the cracks that the clinic embraces while rendering, and those that  consideres totally out of place and sends back/out, to research arenas
FS:09:48 but i'd like to find a way to think about how the research enters the clinic
jxxx:09:49 nice... with Paula precisely we did a workshop to build a VLW (very low frequencies) antenna
Helen!:09:49 yes its interesting if it comes via paper/language that then gets rendered into computational processes
FS:09:49 i was talking to Seda (Guerses) on friday, we tried to locate where/who was doing/deciding the image processing
FS:09:49 before it enters the software, hardware and clinic
Helen!:09:50 location is a good thread
Helen!:09:50 imagine these stories of locations throughout the text
jxxx:09:50 https://laurabenitezvalero.com/2017/02/22/senales-subalternas_taller-con-paula-pin/
Helen!:09:50 as i would imgaine its not just one location where the processing is decided
FS:09:51 no
Helen!:09:52 I just foudn this text
Helen!:09:53 its kind of amazing
Helen!:09:53 http://info.shields.com/bid/85107/What-patients-want-to-know-about-MRI-machines-1-2T-1-5T-3T-whats-the-difference
Helen!:09:53 "like a pancake"
FS:09:53 ohh the flattening is interesting
FS:09:53 also, would want to have the planed squirl in somehow, that jara found
Helen!:09:54 what is the planed squirl
FS:09:55 or dog
FS:09:55 http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?070
Helen!:09:57 sliced
FS:09:59 yes, but with some de-re-naturalisation of the planes :-)
Helen!:09:59 was it total blackout in the room with screens?
FS:09:59 yes
FS:10:00 3 screens per radiologist
FS:10:00 2 with b+w images, one with ... microsoft word to type up the analysis
FS:10:00 text only!
jxxx:10:00  it's one of the entry points to problematizing the tyranny of  verticality that somehow tries to prevail for humanoid bipeds even when  laying down tied forscanning, or dead for dissection (in the anatomical  theater)
Helen!:10:02 or even nonhuman on those pics
Helen!:10:02 the little rat is vertical
jxxx:10:02 and note that the planes are displaced to the observational device on top of the rat!
FS:10:02 but the struggle to make them fit the norm of bipeds is pathetic and cracks me up
Helen!:10:02 anesthetized so still living 
FS:10:02 oh, and time
FS:10:03 in trying to understand mri i came across a physicist routinely addressing “different tissue times”
jxxx:10:03 the "imaging plane"
FS:10:04  so that needs investigating. but we were intrigued by the fact that the  mri images a living, micro-moving body but somehow stills it in the  rendering
jxxx:10:06 small dance -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sJKEXUtv44 ;)
Helen!:10:06 yes, they don't witness live processes
Helen!:10:06 but still images?
FS:10:06 well, afterwards they are treated as
FS:10:07 a 'block' of images, one volume
Helen!:10:08 its interesting to consider how even in the block of images
Helen!:10:09 the body is lively
Helen!:10:09 which is somewhat counterintuitive
Helen!:10:09 the body still arranging or composing the renderings
jxxx:10:10 as one shot /--- instantenized?
Helen!:10:10 on one hand we might see the tyranny of word as the body is transcribed 
jxxx:10:10 hmmm, yes
Helen!:10:10 but on the other
Helen!:10:10 we might see the body as composing that room
jxxx:10:10 yes
Helen!:10:11 as writing that word document
FS:10:11 "the body is broadcasting"
Helen!:10:11 YES!!!
jxxx:10:11 that is the key question
Helen!:10:11 and if the grip is loosened
jxxx:10:11 as it is not missing its agency
Helen!:10:11 perhaps the body can broadcast in more experimntal ways
jxxx:10:12 we wanted to addreess that somehow but still did not find the entry point for problematizing 
Helen!:10:12 you know this famous piece of choregraphy
Helen!:10:12 um its by a woman
jxxx:10:12 here http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/?065
Helen!:10:13 and the dancers fling themselves at  awall coevred in charcoal
jxxx:10:13 idon't think i know that piece, no!
FS:10:13 me neither?
Helen!:10:14 hmm I will try to find it 
Helen!:10:15 its a mark making exercise of the body 
FS:10:15 for the a-clinical, it was originally to look at 'recreational' imaging outside the clinic
Helen!:10:15 I think maybe Raymond Hoghe lso did a version
FS:10:15 i mean, this is where we were looking at it
jxxx:10:15 recreational, reasearch, ...
Helen!:10:15 yes - so Im thinking that there are some vibrations
Helen!:10:16 some broadcasting
Helen!:10:16 of the body 
Helen!:10:16 that is then transcribed
FS:10:16 but it is also the remitting to research, right?
Helen!:10:16 you could imagine speculative acliincal pirating of these vibrations
FS:10:16 the continuum!
jxxx:10:17 very low vibrations ;)
jxxx:10:19  so, Helen... we continued using the industrial continuum these days  also, and this time its "counterpart"?/"reverse"? asked for attention:  what about the DIWO continuum?
Helen!:10:19 yes - where did you get to with that?
Helen!:10:20 btw I have been reading alot of quantum stuff
Helen!:10:20 for my chapters 
FS:10:20 some with paula, but only beginning
jxxx:10:20 nowhere further than listening to Paula with itinmind, when she was speaking on how building a gynepunk tech is slower 
Helen!:10:21 interesting
jxxx:10:21 so we tried to ask what if these techs were not only mimicked but also changed when jumping out of theindustrial onto the DIWP
jxxx:10:21 *DIWO
FS:10:21 oh, for the quantum! another super term belongs there: 
FS:10:21 spin-spin coupling
FS:10:21 rings any bell?
FS:10:22 yes, for DIWO ... i was intrigued by the jump to diagnosis she immediately made
FS:10:22 the responsibility of looking?
FS:10:23 and knowing/not knowing what you see?
jxxx:10:23 and the learning process to look
jxxx:10:23 yes
Helen!:10:24 which does the process of looking mirror scientifici processing?
FS:10:25  yes, somehow ... though she was speaking about affinity, and about  having her recognition of a possible problem confirmed by a pro
jxxx:10:25  the schooling of the clinical wassomehow in the excursion confirmed as a  blackboxing process that introduces ways of looking into radiologists  and crystalizes there, so they basically go back to what they learned  and compare towards it every other image 
FS:10:26 this issue of 'recognition' of patterns, also in  the image algorithms, so basically a micro-normed practice
jxxx:10:27 btw
jxxx:10:27 another BIG issue
jxxx:10:30  just a start, but we started considering machine learning used/trained  in this arena of medical imaging and pattern recognition. A very nice  question is: how do these algos learn, from what databases and over  which principles, and what implication wouldit have to think of other  learning processes for them? what possible differences in aclinical  imaging would a relearning/unlearning algo carry?
FS:10:31 i think this links to the question of circulating from research to clinci and back
jxxx:10:31 clinic-research-recreation and back?
FS:10:31 maybe? the computer vision stuff definetely does that route
jxxx:10:31 ye
jxxx:10:32 s
Helen!:10:32  yes this is very interesting! when I made the algae writer project  (still making) I tried to imagine a counter scene where mahcine learning  is trained over starkly different principles - in this case it was the  novels of Geogre Eliot the victorian writer
Helen!:10:32 where they using ML in the hospital?
FS:10:33 https://machineresearch.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/nicolas-maleve/
jxxx:10:33 nice! we did an experiment of re-writing also, but this time from an institutional archive http://objetologias.tumblr.com/notyetknow
FS:10:33 eh in some way, at the other end of it. not consciencsly (that is research, remember)
Helen!:10:34 ah yes research 
Helen!:10:35 a mobilised figure!
FS:10:35  it's one of the imaginations an mertens is trying to work with at  constant (to have machine learning algorithms with other (re)sources)
jxxx:10:36 wedid not have the chance to talk about ML at the hospital
FS:10:36 but it would have required cross-patient data
FS:10:36 so the answer would hae been "that's research"
jxxx:10:36 but maybe that is one anchor from which to speculate?
jxxx:10:37 yes
Helen!:10:37 they are just "doing their job"then?
FS:10:37 indeed
jxxx:10:37 strictly
Helen!:10:37 interesting where the creative force is located
FS:10:37 totally
FS:10:38 they really re-routed all "invention" to research
Helen!:10:38 almost like an old fashioned idea of a cartographer or the person who notates what is seen under a microscope faithfully
jxxx:10:38  of course, they were blocked when we asked about the languaging and  vocabulary the used to re-write when describing the images they saw on  screen (that writing is the actual diagnose, so...)
FS:10:39 also, we met them while at work, processing bodies non stop
jxxx:10:39 almos24/7
FS:10:39 the mri and ct where used 24 hrs a day
FS:10:39 yes!
Helen!:10:39 did you read anything on the word doc
FS:10:40 jara did
jxxx:10:40 wait
jxxx:10:40 letme pick up my notebook
jxxx:10:40 i hope i noted some of it
jxxx:10:40 there were someinterestin "visual" terms
Helen!:10:41 did you see they are making MRI porn now
jxxx:10:41 yes
Helen!:10:41 (just came up in my search for recreational)
FS:10:42 obviously, but did not look yet
jxxx:10:42 that'sone of the things they referred to when we asked about placing two bodies in the MRI machine
Helen!:10:42 seems to be about tracing the penis!
Helen!:10:42 of course!
jxxx:10:42 of course... :-/
Helen!:10:42 the hospital
jxxx:10:43 i wonder which of thesetechniques are used along the procedures applied to intersex bodies
Helen!:10:44  would you say with Paula's DIWO the location of decisions computational  ones are still located within institutional science/clinicial
jxxx:10:45 i am not sure, but i would say her discoursewasa bit too dependent on institutional science/clinical agenda? somehow, yes 
FS:10:45 she was careful about being seen as 'diagnosing' but aware that by looking inside, she was crossing a boundary of the clinical
Helen!:10:46 I can relate strongly in relation to measuring/observing air pollution!
jxxx:10:46 i would add..."and hence of the pathologization engine."..
jxxx:10:46 can you explain, helen?
Helen!:10:47 well when we entereed into DIY air pollution measuring
Helen!:10:47 we imagined speculative forms
FS:10:47 she started with saying "i don't want to talk about infections anymore, they are different processes of colonisation"
Helen!:10:47 that reimagined what air an dpollution was 
Helen!:10:47 but then we found to be in the "conversation" we needed to measure air pollution in semi-recognisable ways
FS:10:47 ah yes
Helen!:10:48 do DIY became about replicating the scientific norms 
Helen!:10:48 and then just queering them a little
Helen!:10:48 so I can relate to Paula
Helen!:10:48 in the way that if they moved away from clinial renderings
FS:10:48 you were not setting the terms of the conversation
Helen!:10:48 what would they be rendering
FS:10:48 i think the gyne-punk work on renaming, relanguaging is super interesting
Helen!:10:48 they would be rendering a very different body which would make endless possibiliites
FS:10:49 i somehow thought that would extrapolate to imaging
Helen!:10:49 but would not help them to replace the scientific tools or patriachy
Helen!:10:49 in a way 
jxxx:10:49 so...keptin the probablesomehow, instead of towards the possibles?
Helen!:10:49  i dont know if this is making sense!
Helen!:10:49 yes probable is a site or recognition for all
FS:10:49 yes
Helen!:10:49 and also a point of activism but also a limitation
jxxx:10:50 yes, i agree
FS:10:50 i think in the conversation with paula, it struck me how diwo was often explained in terms of "affordable"
Helen!:10:50 yes, 
FS:10:50 which is somehow another "probable", though differently distributed
jxxx:10:51 yes...that is one side of the tradition of DIY, right?
Helen!:10:51 its also a way that data becomes a main negotiater these days
Helen!:10:51 which is also a nother probable
FS:10:51 yes
jxxx:10:51 self-sufficiency to make the same processes accessible
FS:10:51 yes. and there the 'same-ness' is important
Helen!:10:51 yes
Helen!:10:51 and really in BAradian terms
Helen!:10:52  I guess a different rendering
Helen!:10:52 actually is a differnt bodily position/different body
jxxx:10:52 yes
Helen!:10:52 its actually about creating the moment of collapse of the body in the same way 
Helen!:10:53 recreating a similar broadcast
jxxx:10:53  one important thing i noticed is clearpolitisation in the decolonising  battle, but not so much criticism towards antropocentrism?
FS:10:53 i think it comes with the gyne :/
Helen!:10:53 i guess the gyne is super multiorganism though
jxxx:10:54 gyne=ahtropos, just like that?
jxxx:10:54 exactly, that zooming in is important
FS:10:54 not sure, it is more the staring into your own vagina i guess :-)
Helen!:10:54 haha now I am thinking of Annie Spinkle
jxxx:10:54 "own" is anpther bigproblem!
FS:10:54 ok, sooo
Helen!:10:54 but a nonanthrpocentrism one
FS:10:55 on another note/scale, i have been fantasizing about ordering this https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13959
Helen!:10:55 ooh I have this!
FS:10:55 since we could not afford the usb ultrasound
FS:10:55 ahh
Helen!:10:56 I haven't used it for  a while - but I did set it up for the fracking monitoring at one point!
FS:10:56 so started to imagine the "bodies" tp "see" and render
FS:10:56 to
FS:10:56 oh, of course :-)
Helen!:10:56 also once I connected one of these to a fountain of milk an electric fountain - but was years ago
FS:10:57 wait ... ultrasonic milk fountain
Helen!:10:57 it was a failure work lol tha I shelved
jxxx:10:57 aka the milky way :P
Helen!:10:57 I dont know what I was thikning!!
Helen!:10:57 but I think the sensor is interesting
Helen!:10:58 as it has a few different data points
Helen!:10:59  "This device operates with an audio signal at 40KHz. That is within the  hearing range of cats and dogs. I would never use this in a project  that would operate in or around my home.      172pilot / last year / 1       So.. that’s interesting, because I was actually coming here to post a  question about it’s ability to DETECT a cat.. The video says it works  best with a flat surface (of course) but if I just need to detect the  existance of a fluffy cat getting ready to jump up on a birdcage, would  it work… OR, would the 40khz be annoying enough to keep the cat away,  and/or should I NOT do it because it will annoy/hurt the canary?!"
FS:10:59 hahaha
Helen!:10:59 dogs listening to MRI scannign and gathering outside of the hospitals
Helen!:11:00 whole ecosysems rearranged by DIY scanning
FS:11:00 hahaha the comment is hilarious
jxxx:11:01 XD
Helen!:11:01 what is interesting about using that sensor as compared to say video tracking
FS:11:01 of course, in Sonic Warfare 
FS:11:01 The Mosquito Anti- Social Device
Helen!:11:02 is the flatness
Helen!:11:02 that nothing behind the first plane is detectable
FS:11:02 ahh
jxxx:11:02 tomos
FS:11:02 once the signal comes back, it is done
Helen!:11:02 someone comments on it and I also remember this from using it
Helen!:11:02 yes
Helen!:11:02 which is interesting in relation to the planes etc 
jxxx:11:02 yes
FS:11:02 and the re-rendering of the vvolume after
Helen!:11:03 yes
jxxx:11:03 okay
FS:11:03 sorry, am interested in bringing back the synthetic volumetric
jxxx:11:03 some hints already for a first text! ;)
FS:11:03 a book of short stories
Helen!:11:05 synthetic volume what is this?
jxxx:11:05  hey, may we move to the actual pad? lots of interesting things  areappearing on the chat and---maybe the pad is more reliable for  keeping them in case we want to come back to?
FS:11:06 ok pasting the chat to be sure
jxxx:11:06 good idea!
Helen!:11:07 one more bit of chat in relation to the sonograph rearrangeing and the sonic warfare
Helen!:11:07 I wonder when PAscale scanned the plants
Helen!:11:07 if there was a rearranging of ecosyetem :?
Helen!:11:07 :/
Helen!:11:07 haha
jxxx:11:08 new agencies antered the complex, right? ;)
Helen!:11:08 yup!
jxxx:11:08 *entered
Helen!:11:08 btw ok im gonna go on a tangent here for a min
Helen!:11:09 but a while back I was on a residency and I became obssessed with this episode of Flipper
Helen!:11:09 the programme abotu the talking dolphin from the 70s
Helen!:11:09 anyway in that the main human character is in a coma
Helen!:11:09 and has a dream that he invents a ultrasonic machine to talk to FLipper the dolphin 
Helen!:11:10 and then episode flips bewteen the scanning of his brain aanf this dream
Helen!:11:10 I made a little paper prototype of it - the dreamed machine that is
Helen!:11:10 I will have to find it
Helen!:11:10 the pictures of it
jxxx:11:11 would like to read it, yes!!
Helen!:11:11 its photographs - i mean i made the machine from paper
Helen!:11:11 and floated it in the lake in florida where the dolphins were
Helen!:11:11 but non came 
jxxx:11:11 a very nice oppositional device to the "what it's like to be a bat"
FS:11:11 wow
Helen!:11:11 haha
FS:11:11 http://www.jphammer.de/index.php?id=tilikum
Helen!:11:11 hey they use this sensor for arduino in DIY bat sensing
Helen!:11:12 you know this right?
jxxx:11:12 i onceme a guy working on something like it, yes
FS:11:12 the film was in The Beast [and] is the Sovereign expo
Helen!:11:13 its the same sensor Femke wants to buy
jxxx:11:13 but wasn'tso much a sensor as a replicator of signals
Helen!:11:13 this film looks interesting
FS:11:13  ah yes, and our friend/colleague wendy made a suit to look like a bat  and hear them. not sure it was the same sensor, will ask her
Helen!:11:14 Oh I seen someone make bat gloves but not a suit too look like  a bat too
FS:11:14 i wore it at midnight :-P
Helen!:11:14 ooh is this too far from volumetrics or could this project of Wendys be interesting write about
jxxx:11:15 itis not far!
FS:11:15 i'll need to ask her for documentation, and we can see?
jxxx:11:15 ;)
Helen!:11:15 we can use it as a speculative starting point maybe
Helen!:11:16 for midnight gatherings of bat wearing
FS:11:16 hihi
Helen!:11:16 bat volumetrics entertainments
FS:11:16 entirely educational
Helen!:11:16 haha
FS:11:17 ok made three blocks, not sure it makes sense
jxxx:11:17  Operación murciélgo: "Operation Bat aims to create a new sense, similar  to sonar, using open technological devices. The goal is to use a glove  that is able to measure distance by ultrasounds and that can offer  haptic feedback in real time to the person wearing it. "
FS:11:17 oh
Helen!:11:18 I think many people make these bat gloves
jxxx:11:18 don't know about aducational aspect, but brings the ableism in in an interesting way?
jxxx:11:18  "The idea is that this device might enable blind people move more  comfortably and for those not visibly impaired to be able to experiment  space in a new way without using their sight, the way bats do."
jxxx:11:19 ntoion of "confort"and so on... :-/
FS:11:19 i would like that in, somehow
FS:11:19 phew, a lot. sec, phone
Helen!:11:19 oh so this is not to measure bats but to move like a bat
jxxx:11:19 yes
jxxx:11:20 not so much to "look" like one, as was said. but to transfer the bats affective "equipment" to a human
Helen!:11:20 I can imagine writing a science fiction about bat ultrasonic 
jxxx:11:20 (qualified as"imapired")
jxxx:11:21 talking about fiction...
Helen!:11:21 yes in this instance they almost use it as a proesthetic
jxxx:11:22  this is a bit like VirginiaWoolf's "Flush", where she depicts bourgois  world from adog's view/smell point, but twistedto the bat.. and.-. what  socioeconomic landscape?
jxxx:11:22 ;)
Helen!:11:22 ah yes
Helen!:11:22 a nice intersection
FS:11:22 and metamorphosis
Helen!:11:23 yes
FS:11:23 the kafka story i mean
Helen!:11:23 yes
Helen!:11:23 did you know that kafka said that the story should never be visualised/drawn
jxxx:11:24 the metamorphosis?
FS:11:24 wow. i am trying to imagine if there is any kind of contract, and how it would read
Helen!:11:24 and apparently Nabokov drew it because of this
FS:11:24 haha
Helen!:11:25 ok so I like what you say about virgina as reading her into this
jxxx:11:25 kafka did not mention soinification, right?
jxxx:11:25 ;)
Helen!:11:25 we are reminded about the black space all these imagining even the DIY bat is imagined in!
Helen!:11:26 haha kafka wrote quite a few weird machine stories didn't he
Helen!:11:26 maybe he did somewhere
jxxx:11:26 sonification of the metamorphosis, i mean :P
FS:11:28 http://cdn8.openculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/20230611/nabokov_on_kafka.jpg
jxxx:11:28  son, darkness. we said: "Convoked from the dark inner space-times of  the earth, the flesh, and the cosmos, particular aclinical renderings  evidence that "real bodies" do not exist before before being separated,  cut and isolated"
FS:11:29 I like the crossing out of 'gigantic' and the note "not over 3 feet"
Helen!:11:29 yes haha
Helen!:11:32 hmm so much!
Helen!:11:33 https://www.lumify.philips.com/web/
FS:11:34 yes, that kind of "affordable" device, chinese remake, cost 1500$
FS:11:34 hey, did any of you read 'borne'?
jxxx:11:34 Meet patients at the point-of-care, make a faster diagnosis, and deliver care whenever it's needed. 
jxxx:11:35 Borne, nop
FS:11:35 it is the idea of echopen too, "to bring imaging to where it is needed"
jxxx:11:35 point.of-care!!!
FS:11:36 where/whenever
jxxx:11:37 this reminds me of the wonderon "reproductive technologies" but not taking"reproductive" in fleshy terms but in economic ones
jxxx:11:37 (also)
Helen!:11:37 see this? http://techmantras.com/content/how-make-ultrasound-scanner-smartphone
Helen!:11:37 yes - where/wherever/ondemand
FS:11:38 yes, we looked at it
jxxx:11:40 "the essential computer of the 3rd world countries"
FS:11:40 where releaved to see it is already in the hands of competent artists
FS:11:40 https://wiki.labomedia.org/index.php/Unborn_0x9
Helen!:11:42 their link to computational human phantom 
FS:11:42 http://www.makery.info/2017/04/11/shu-lea-cheang-et-echopen-hackent-lechographie-chez-labomedia/
FS:11:42 not sure what she wants with this, it is the ultimate virtual volumetric
jxxx:11:44 there the cycle closes, with spideralex on board ;)
FS:11:44 can we discuss a bit how to go at this?
FS:11:44 the writing i mean :-)
Helen!:11:44 spideralex?
Helen!:11:45 with the echopen?
Helen!:11:45 yes lets discuss ways to go 
FS:11:45 i have one more hour, would love to take some reading and thinking with me for the coming weeks
jxxx:11:45 yes, me too
jxxx:11:46 ufff too many inputs! my head is spinning
jxxx:11:47 but i see FS already proposed some clustering?
FS:11:48 not sure if it makes any sense
Helen!:11:48 I think they do!
Helen!:11:48 and also interlink well 
FS:11:48 i was serious when i said it felt like we were doing a obok
Helen!:11:48 in terms of scales
Helen!:11:48 book?
Helen!:11:48 yes haha
Helen!:11:48 feels intense for the ada paper
FS:11:48 of stories, like a grimm collection
FS:11:49 i mean, the abstract was a story 
jxxx:11:49 haha
jxxx:11:49 why not
jxxx:11:49 okay
jxxx:11:49 gossiping, we said
jxxx:11:49 right? :P
Helen!:11:49 yes !
FS:11:49 not surprising the text feels like a book 
Helen!:11:49 what i meant was - feels like is spills over the paper
Helen!:11:49 :)
FS:11:49 yes!
jxxx:11:49 hwy, Helen
jxxx:11:50 we still have this goldsmiths call for publication pendant, so... never know ;)
Helen!:11:50 yes - btw I found out about that
jxxx:11:50 and?
Helen!:11:50 its rolling no deadline
Helen!:11:50 so plenty of time 
jxxx:11:50 cool
Helen!:11:50 will be going for at least a few years
jxxx:11:50 first a paper, then the world 
FS:11:51 or: first the world ;-)
jxxx:11:51 worldsetting forbeginners
FS:11:51 exactly :-)
Helen!:11:51 ..yes
FS:11:51 maybe we can think of readings
FS:11:51 fiction and theory?
Helen!:11:51 ok I have one related to the bat
Helen!:11:51 Vinciane Despret
jxxx:11:51 if only there were sci-fi poetry...
jxxx:11:52 Despret! i read that!
jxxx:11:52 yes
Helen!:11:52 What would animals say
Helen!:11:52 the alphabet book
FS:11:52 i really would like to find something on thinking the data-volumetric
FS:11:52 ok making a list!
FS:11:52 line 67
Helen!:11:58 I am putting in some science papers but I don't know if they will be suitable 
Helen!:11:58 just doing a google scholar search on recent stuff
Helen!:11:58 do you think useful?
FS:11:58 ok i will look at them for sure
FS:12:01 i would like to read a feminist mathematician, a bit more meta on these technologies 
FS:12:01 when "efficient" comes into the title, we have already crossed a border, right?
Helen!:12:01 haha totally
jxxx:12:02 boooring
Helen!:12:02 but do you not think useful to see how they are parsing it 
Helen!:12:02 and also the new patents
FS:12:02 i mean you can sometimes pick out interesting assumptions
FS:12:02 from those texts
Helen!:12:02 maybe we should have these in a seperate section as not to pollute
Helen!:12:02 lol
FS:12:02 in some moods i derive wicked pleasure
FS:12:02 from parsing these
FS:12:04 i mean ... discourse analysis on these titles, one day!
Helen!:12:05 I am trying to find some feminist maths on volumetrics
Helen!:12:05 no luck yet 
jxxx:12:05 mayb one of Mol?
Helen!:12:05 I was wondering if Lynne MArgulis wrote anything on ecology and maths
Helen!:12:06 how about body multiple?
jxxx:12:06 yes
Helen!:12:06 yup
Helen!:12:06 although annemarie mol is a body facist haha
FS:12:06 i haven't read lynne margulis!
FS:12:07 whao what does a body fascist do?
Helen!:12:08 despite the body multiple
Helen!:12:08 Annemarie mol has some strange ideas in relation to fats
FS:12:09 haven't read her either. OK so that is a good pre-warning
FS:12:09 btw downloading "Ethnographies of Diagnostic Work Dimensions of Transformative Practice" from libgen
FS:12:09 it has the cover of "human rights in the middle east"
Helen!:12:09 not in the book though
FS:12:09 interesting mix up
FS:12:10 so just when you speak to her, you mean?
jxxx:12:12 oh wow
Helen!:12:12 well it was her project in 2012
Helen!:12:12 but I don't know what the outcome of it is 
jxxx:12:12 that i did not know!
Helen!:12:12 I mean I did like her work
Helen!:12:12 I was just very surprised when I was at this talk she was doing
Helen!:12:13 anyway I think the mol is useful for us for sure! :)
Helen!:12:15 ooh elizabeth Grosz has a new book
FS:12:15 oh!
Helen!:12:15 The Incorporeal: Ontology, Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism
FS:12:16 wah good title
Helen!:12:18 Have you read that new samantha frost book?
jxxx:12:18 allrighty!
FS:12:18 not me?
jxxx:12:18 i have to start moving now
FS:12:18 i mean i haven't read
Helen!:12:18 I haven't read it but I reckon coudl be good
FS:12:18 so what do we do .. we take some time to read and think
FS:12:19 and see if those three blocks still hold in september
Helen!:12:19 sounds great! 
jxxx:12:19 may we keep these three orientative clsuters, to have in mind while reading and note-taking?
jxxx:12:19 yes
FS:12:20 thanks for all the references, ideas!
jxxx:12:20 yes, thanks!
jxxx:12:20 hey, one thing:
jxxx:12:20 for me, spetember means september 15th
jxxx:12:20 (i'll be in Perú till then...)
FS:12:20 so i will be back after 11 september, do you want to pick some dates already? 
FS:12:20 yes!!
jxxx:12:21 from september 15th on, i'll be with you :)
FS:12:21  just because we have only a month to process, write ... and the month  will fly by for me i am afraid. also helen starting the new job?
FS:12:21 maybe hard to plan already


We invite contributions featuring radical feminist speculative fiction, storytelling and research to reimagine hacking, dream about appropriate(d) technologies and craft new social imaginaries. With this  special issue we would like to explore the ways in which speculative  fiction and storytelling may intervene in the discourse, narratives and  materiality of hacking. Using such frameworks allow to ask new  questions, and project new realities that might support and strengthen  hacking as a process for social and political transformation.
This special issue seeks feminist speculative fiction, storytelling  and articles from feminists, hackers, geeks, makers, scholars, poets,  and practitioners of any discipline and background.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
– What do feminist hacking and/or feminist technologies look like?
– What does it take to develop feminist narratives around hacking? [methods]
– How can transformative social justice be implemented?
– How can dystopia be challenged in the hope to create radical imaginaries?
– How to address issues of consent within the hacking communities?
– What do care and solidarity look like inside hacking communities?
Contributions in formats other than the traditional essay are  encouraged; please contact the editors to discuss specifications and/or  multimodal contributions. We welcome fiction as well as scholarly  essays. Drawings, sounds, videos that comes along with written  explanations of their narratives are also welcome.

Submission Details
You can send your proposal as a .odt or .doc document before the 20th June 2017 deadline. Please use “Ada Issue 13 Contribution” for your subject line and include the following in the body of your message:
Selected submissions will be informed before the 15th of July and complete submissions should be sent by 1st of October 2017 to editor@adanewmedia.org. Contributions should be no more than 3,000 words.


Sounding ... 
The piezoelectric crystal

dream about appropriate(d) technologies


Getting Real: Technoscientific Practices and the Materialization of Reality
Dream-it-yourself: DIY piezoelectric mattering s and ..  (ah, those crystals) 
Dreaming the real: 

Ultrasonic dreams and preclinical renderings : now go and find the real body
- fave but I would probably switch up the flesh <- let's do it! switch for what? I don't know maybe try a few thingS! <- i like"renderings" yes as we wanted to  foreground that yes <- singular, or plural? FS, how do you see it, too?

Ultrasonic dreams and preclinical renderings: go and find the real body
Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings: imagine the real body
Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings: imagining the real body
Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings: imagine the body, really?
Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings: imagining real bodies
Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings: dark spaces and crystal images
Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings: real bodies resonance UFFF
Ultrasonic dreams of aclinical renderings

ok, going to do quick abstract sprint ok, let's do it, yes :

1st attempt:

When very specific intra-active technologies of ultrasound and echography started rendering real bodies, they started wondering about the spaces that were left in the dark. The crystals 

As soon as this specific intra-active tecnologies of ultrasound and echography start rendering real bodies, they start wonder about the compositions that were left in the dark. The crystals 

hmmm i donnohow, but i would like to write as we usually do, but with fiction instead of facts (i men, not jumping to the "this is fiction" mode, but more charging our writing with fiction instead of facts/empiria)
yes agree. this is gets a bit sad, our non-fiction work is more fictional in some way haha yes!;) well, maybe speculative is a better term for us? yeah, let's try

ok, let's try again

2nd attempt:
TITLE: Ultrasonic dreams of aclinical renderings

From the crisis of presence that emerged with the computational turn , shaped and sharpened by technocolonial turbocapitalism , we learned how images produce subjectivities and result in the mattering of so-called-real-bodies. But what if DIWO, recreational, abstract, referential and quantifying sonographic practices were already profanating that continuum? For this contribution, we are betting on the non-ocularity of sonography, and the way images and imaginations are necessarily deeply intra-acting with the matter they are built from and towards . Can aclinical renderings open up relational, non-individualistic and non-anthropocentric notions of presence ? Can we imagine ultrasound practices that assume a displacement from humanist/ identitarist imaginations, contributing to transfeminist lives in an ecological future that matter s ?

Listening closely to specific technologies of ultrasound and echography, we speculate about the other impressions that these so-called-real - body images could make. Summoned from the dark inner spaces of the earth, the flesh, and the universe, these particular aclinical renderings evidence that "real bodies" -- as the technosciences have named them -- do not exist without careful practices of separation, cut and isolation. What we find especially urgent is to identify their dark inner semiotic-material compositions that make them audible, visible and tangible. In our contribution to the FEMBOT & Ada call, we propose to inventory a number of recent tactics and technics of aclinical imaging, and to follow them all the way into ultrasonic dreaming, where they will start to regenerate (just) social imaginations.

3rd attempt (just copy and pasting it incase I fuck it up and we need to reverse!)

TITLE: Ultrasonic dreams of aclinical renderings

From medical imaging to locating hydrocarbons under the earth's surface the crisis of presence that emerged with the computational turn, was shaped and sharpened by technocolonial turbocapitalism. Through renderings of feminist technosciece we have learned ho w ultrasound and sonographic images produce life and matter so-called real bodies. However, what if you entered an inventory where DIWO, recreational, abstract, referential and quantifying sonographic practices were already profanating the image-life continuum? W hat if our stories affirm that ultrasound is no longer (or never was) exclusively the realm of medical or technological experts? In this partial imaginary, we deep listen to the non-ocularity of DIWO sonography, following how images and imaginations are deep intra-actions. Can aclinical renderings open up relational, non-individualistic and non-anthropocentric notions of presence? Can we imagine ultrasound practices that assume a displacement from humanist/identitar y imaginations, contributing to transfeminist queer lives in an ecological future that matters?

Listening closely to specific technologies of ultrasound and echography, we speculate on other impressions that these so-called real body images could make. Summoned from the dark inner spaces of the earth, the flesh, and the cosmos , these particular aclinical renderings evidence that "real bodies" do not exist without careful practices of separation, cut and isolation. We propose to inventory a number of recent tactics and technics of aclinical imaging, identifying the semiotic-material compositions that make bodies audible, visible and tangible. We follow them all the way into ultrasonic cosmo-dreaming, where poetic renderings and sonographies start to (re)generate (just) social imaginations.

4rd attempt

juicy version:

When very specific intra-active technologies of ultrasound and echography started rendering real bodies, they started wondering about the see-through space-times that were left in the dark. The crystals. And as soon as the specific intra-active technologies of ultrasound and echography started violently rendering real bodies, they started to wonder about the compositions that were left out in the dark. The crystals. They read and listened and gossiped with awkwardness, intensity and urgency. Clumsily and lively they smoked cigarettes and cried out as coyotes that the crisis of presence that emerged with the computational turn, was shaped and sharpened by the technocolonialism of turbocapitalism. Through vibrations of feminist technosciece, through friends and lovers, they heard how ultrasound and sonographic images produced life and mattered so-called real bodies. Listen: there is a shaking surface, a cosmological inventory, hot breath in the ear, where DIWO, recreational, abstract, referential and quantifying sonographic practices are already profanating the image-life industrial continuum. There,  stories affirm that ultrasound is no longer (or never was) exclusively the realm of technocrats or medical experts. In this partial imaginary, you'll deep listen to the non-ocularity of DIWO sonography, following entanglements with images and imaginations; you'll open up relational, non-individualistic and non-anthropocentric notions of presence and aclinical renderings. You'll place bets on ultrasound practices that assume a displacement from humanist imaginations, and bring in transfeminist queer futures.

Collectively resonating against specific technologies of ultrasound and echography, we speculate on other impressions that these so-called real body images could make. This is your new device, dim and silvery. Summoned from the dark inner space-times of the earth, the flesh, and the cosmos, these particular aclinical renderings evidence that "real bodies" do not exist without careful practices of separation, cut and isolation. We propose to take care of that and inventory a number of recent tactics and technics of aclinical imaging, identifying the semiotic-material compositions that make bodies audible, visible and tangible. We follow them all the way into ultrasonic cosmo-dreaming, where poetic renderings and sonographies start to (re)generate (just) social imaginations.

5th attempt

condensed juicy version ;-)
[this is the one we ended up sending]

TITLE: Ultrasonic dreams of aclinical renderings

When specific intra-active technologies of ultrasound and echography violently rendered real bodies, they wondered about the see-through space-times that were left in the dark. The crystals. They read, listened and gossiped with awkwardness, intensity and urgency. Lively and clumsily smoking cigarettes, they cried as coyotes: The crisis of presence that emerged with the computational turn was shaped by the technocolonialism of turbocapitalism! Through vibrations of feminist technoscience, through friends and lovers, they heard how sonographic images produced life and mattered "real bodies". Convoked from the dark inner space-times of the earth, the flesh, and the cosmos, particular aclinical renderings evidence that "real bodies" do not exist before before being separated, cut and isolated. Listen: there is a shaking surface, a cosmological inventory, hot breath in the ear. DIWO, recreational, abstract, referential and quantifying sonic practices are already profanating the image-life industrial continuum. Ultrasound is no longer (or never was) the exclusive realm of technocrats or medical experts.

These are your new devices, dim and glossy. In this partial imaginary, you'll deep listen to their non-ocularity, following entanglements with images and imaginations; all the way into ultrasonic cosmo-dreaming, where poetic renderings and sonographies start to (re)generate (just) social imaginations. Let’s collectively resonate against technologies of ultrasound and echography and bet on practices that open up relational, semiotic-material, non-individualistic and non-anthropocentric notions of presence, that bring in transfeminist queer futures.

KEYWORDS/TAGS: Ultrasound, aclinical renderings, impressions, referentiality, presence

Possible Bodies (Helen Pritchard, Jara Rocha, Femke Snelting) is a collaborative research on the very concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that "bodies" are, asking what matter-cultural conditions of possibility render them present. These questions become especially pertinent in contact with the technologies, infrastructures and techniques of 3D tracking, modeling and scanning. Intersecting issues of race, gender, class, species, age and ability resurface through these performative as well as representational practices. The Possible Bodies inquiry operates through a growing inventory of software, manuals, artworks, interfaces, scripts, performances, mathematical concepts, animations and renderings.  


I like the idea of being a collective author here so I think a bio for possible bodies would be great instead of the individual ones below. 


Helen Pritchard is an artist and researcher. Her work is transdisciplinary and brings together the fields of computational aesthetics, geography and feminist technoscience.  Helen is a researcher on the European Research Council funded project Citizen Sense in the Department of Sociology and a lecturer in Computational Art at Goldsmiths, University of London. 

helenpritchard.info / h.pritchard@gold.ac.uk

Jara Rocha is a cultural mediator, developing educational and  research programs in Barcelona. Co-initiated the Gender & Tech. group at Medialab-Prado (Madrid) and now studies present cultures and learns through transfeminist matters, linking both formal and non-formal ways of attending to text logistics. Regularly collaborates with Femke Snelting on the interfaces between so-called-bodies, representation and technology.

Femke Snelting develops projects at the intersection of design, feminism and Free Software. She is member of Constant, a non-profit, artist-run association for art and media based in Brussels. She co-initiated the design/research team Open Source Publishing (OSP) and the Libre Graphics Research Unit (LGRU) to investigate how digital tools and creative practice might co-construct each other. With Jara Rocha she develops Possible Bodies, interrogating the concrete and at the same time fictional entities of "bodies" in the context of 3D tracking, modelling and scanning.

ok if Helen can follow us, she'll be able to repair some yes, i think so.+ hmmm i am missing the "why"  these sonographic imaging have the potential for change. I mean... what you said below: "it is NOT optical, and only later gets translated into imagery. So the separation between what becomes visible, foregrounded and what is left obscured/made see through I find super fascinating with sonography" ok let me try
Not great yet, but as a placeholder it is there. yes, i think so too. let's wait for her comments


Years ago a group known as the Terrans left Earth in search of a life free of persecution. Now they live alongside the Tlic, an alien race who face extinction; their only chance of survival is to plant their larvae inside the bodies of the humans. When Gan, a young, boy, is chosen as a carrier of Tlic eggs, he faces an impossible dilemma: can he really help the species he has grown up with, even if it means sacrificing his own life? 

Four women living in parallel worlds, each with a different gender landscape. When they begin to travel to each other's worlds each woman's preconceptions on gender and what it means to be a woman are challenged.Acclaimed as one of the essential works of science fiction and an influence on William Gibson, THE FEMALE MAN takes a look at gender roles in society and remains a work of great power.

The baby’s name is Mary, and her father is immortal. For thousands of years he has orchestrated a selective breeding project, attempting to create a master race capable of controlling others through thought. Most of his attempts have resulted in volatile mutations, but Mary—whom he has raised in the rough part of a Southern California town—is the closest he has come to perfection. If he doesn’t handle her carefully, this greatest experiment will be his last.

When the starship But the Sky, My Lady! The Sky! enters a new star system, its crew assumes that they will seed yet another human, or rather posthuman, colony and continue on their way. It's all rather routine, a matter for financial speculation and trading in economic futures, something they've done often before. Imagine their surprise, however, when they discover that the system is already inhabited, by a batlike species who have just recently entered their own industrial revolution. Meanwhile, on the second planet in the system, a talented young astronomer has made a startling discovery: something is approaching from interstellar space, something clearly artificial.

Ultrasonic dreams and aclinical renderings 

How explores the darkness of inner-body spaces, brought to light 

haha i don''t have fiction sentences pre-cooked for you to take apart or intensify. Can you make a start maybe? Don't know how to begin

visualisation for research and/or diagnostic purposes

non-diagnostic dreams:  (ah, not sure if this term is so exciting, just funny to see them play with the medical and recreational use of ultrasound) ok:) justplaying!:)

(crystals, dark spaces, traveling inside bodies ...)
piezoelectrical graphologies
computational flesh hngg
meeting the body halfway

some possible reference crossings:

Materialisation of bodies through DIY sonography practices. <- this is the fictional landscape? somehow the projected material conditions of possibility we are writing our fiction towards? yes
I guess we are looking at existing practices and dreaming of the cosmo futures of DIY /DIWO sonography through looking at artworks/projects such as anarcha gland etc? <- ok, super // 
ok, if we go through art/projects maybe we need to think of a few? Ones that maybe do scanning/sonography/... ? There is always Fag Face of course ... but others? 
if we are widening up to scanning maybe difficult forest? We can continue rotating Pascale's object too of course ;-) but am not sure about the specificities of sonography yet. What is interesting for me, is that it is NOT optical, and only later gets translated into imagery. So the separation between what becomes visible, foregrounded and what is left obscured/made see through I find super fascinating with sonography, and with scanning there are other issues/problems that are less linked to the way medical imagery is constructed. (?) Yes the "dark spaces" also in this sense - the backgrounds that are also part of the seperation. Yes. so I am actually interested in studying this specific technique with you two, so not blur into 'scanning' general. Sounds like a useful specific.. OK, so maybe we need to look a bit harder to speculative practices that take this on, i don't know that many yet. Yes I also wonder if there are some in science fiction as there are alot of reproductive technologies - I'll have a look. 
The conjuring of speculative body fictions (aka political fictions)

If you say 'materialisation' what does that mean for you?
For me would mean the process and relations through which what we might recognise as bodies emerges - not something fixed/static, not something that is an entity not in relation to anything else, so materilisation through intractions 
how about for you?
I am not sure how to word it but there is the way the sonographic images are computed to translate sound into images, in a specific way, to produce 'impressions' (both physical and in the sense of presence) and there are the artefacts of the scanning and calculation/translation/rendering that I find interesting and also the apparatuses around it (the scanners themselves, the rooms/srtup, the interfaces, the software)
how about "mattering"?
I like the idea of thinking about impressions - as also mattering processes - in the sonograph is it also an "impression" in the touch sense of the word? like a pressing onto through calculation?
i identify this semantic chain: impressions-imaginations-inscriptions-

I was thinking that in the Barad chapter we read one of the things she discusses is how particular citational acts work (p.194) so maybe we can discuss how particular rendering acts 
yes! something that connects radical citation practice with the practice of rendering?
ah that is nice, citation and rendering, not sure how to do it but some kind of idea of intra-referencing? i think maybe it is also about relation between scanning and rendering, where citational acts can be helpful? (there is this "citational resistance" practice in research, isn't it? consisting on building up bibliographies of afinity networks, not-only-academic, not-only-western, etc )

is it interesting for you, helen, to work through items/inventorying? it gives some breath but makes it maybe harder to keep the arguments tight? yes absolutley! good! we can prepare adrafted list of items here, below, for later decide which ones welook closer at, maybe?

"produce images (matterings?) of a body's internal structures" (this is a nice framing)
there are also techniques used in archeology that I am quite fascinated by, sonography (or MRI? not sure) of underground structures. Now wondering if radiology actually fits this definition?

*and also, some basic glossary will be needed, at least internally...:  
    sonography / sonogram
    ultrasound/ ultrasonography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_ultrasound
    preclinical imaging (mostly used for/with animals) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preclinical_imaging
    magnetic resonance images


radical imaginaries -- 

- diy echography from https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/ultrasound-usb-probe.html to http://wiki.echopen.org/index.php/Main_Page
- 3d print echography services 
- the barad text (that specific chapter)
- maybe something from carenet/the seminar? 
- and/or from activist projects to critically approach reproductive/pregnancy/menstruation apps? https://chupadados.codingrights.org/es/
- a proposal from Helen? Wondering about echography for hydrocarbons - if there is a way to move between the gland//medical imaging//earth and hydrocarbons 
-feminist cosmos (Lykke)
- A fictional interview? trying to talk to your mother about essentialism :-)?
- Anarcha gland? Not sure. Renaming
- http://lesoiseaux.io/doku.php Natacha Roussel ??

DIY ecography practice can be the analisis -> find a few items that can go around this ecography practice and intra-action?
understanding of the computational practiceof ecograhy and rendering and...?


if in july we'll be focusing on medical imaginations, and by october we'll have already written something speculatively (ofcourse we don't  know the focus yet but it's okay), and by november we advanced to Simone  and Kym we would like to work with them and students... I was thinking  that a nice focus (still to be shaped and developed so please don't take  it so rigidly, it's just an idea) could be to question mechanisms of truth that emerge trough volume forming, rendering, shaping,  calculating and naming. Circlusion and the 3D uses on court judgments somehow make a very nice link if we want to problematise the shiny hegemonies of the 3D complex.


Helen Pritchard (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Helen Pritchard is an artist and researcher. Her work is transdisciplinary and brings together the fields of computational aesthetics, geography and feminist technoscience.  Helen is a researcher 
on the European Research Council funded project Citizen Sense in the Department of Sociology and a lecturer in Computational Art at Goldsmiths, University of London. helenpritchard.info 