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The call is addressed to projects in the field of creation with  opensource technology that work on health prevention, treatment and  diagnosis from an explicitly feminist and DIY / DIWO perspective, and  aim to contribute to re-visit, re- think, co-design and co-develop  processes, tools and technologies for biological exploration .
The themes are included in three main areas:
– Tools and techniques (eg.: ultrasound, electrostimulation, to  rethink the materiality of the speculum, lowcost test, HPV mobile  laboratory, male contraception, etc.)
– Software & databases (eg.: apps & / or laboratory diagnosis,  digital security for pro-abortion activists, mapping medical protocols  related to prostate, incontinence, etc.),
– Performative narratives (p.ej.: historical decolonisation of tools and  medical procedures, experiences of diagnosis and prevention,  self-defense techniques against obstetric and gynecological violence,  vasectomy, etc.).

We will specially consider projects with focus on low cost diagnosis  for health self-management, that involve grassroots collective and  citizens in their design, development and testing processes, and have  the ability to generate critical mass.

The project must consider the participation of collaborators during their stay at the collaboratory. The collaborators will selected via an open call that will launched once the project has been selected.

The project will be licensed open (free software / hardware) and documented and published in accordance with this philosophy.


1. Personal data
Name Jara
Last name Rocha
Full address (please include city and country) Joan d'Austria, 95, 5º3ª. 08018, Barcelona
Phone number +34 665245395
Email jara@riseup.net
Repeat email  
Birthdate 17.12.1984

Do you represent a collective? ***
*** If you represent a collective, plese provide only the biography and curriculum  of the collective.

2. Brief biography (up to 500 characters including spaces)
Possible Bodies es una investigación en torno a "los cuerpos" como entidades concretas, complejas,  ficcionales, y sus condiciones semiótico-materiales. El proyecto sucede en continuidad con colaboraciones anteriores acerca de las materialidades de las infraestructuras, las prácticas queer y las logísticas culturales. Enlazando formas formales y no-formales de atender a las presencias presentes, Jara y Femke desarrollan proyectos en la intersección entre diseño, transfeminismos y software libre.
Possible Bodies is a collaborative research on the concrete, complex and fictional entities that “bodies” are, asking what semiotic-material conditions of possibility render them present. The project is carried by Jara Rocha and Femke Snelting, long term collaborators on materialities of infrastructures , queering practices and cultural logistics . Linking formal and non-formal ways of attending to present presences , they develop projects at the intersection of design, trans feminism s and Free Software.

3. Curriculum vitae (up to 1500 characters including spaces).
Software as a critique, discussions with K. Ward, R. Roscam Abbing, D. Reckard (Amsterdam, 2016)
Interface Manifesto workshop (Hangar, Barcelona, 2015)
The MakeHuman bugreport, performances with A. Zakai, X. Gorgol (Brussels + Antwerp, 2015)
GenderBlending, worksession (Brussels, 2014)

Jara Rocha
INFRA-"poner los cuerpos": bodies and infrastructures in tension (Xarxa Zande-La Poderosa, 2016)
Objetologías, research on "new materialisms" (Barcelona, 2013-…)
Tutor, Bau Design College of Barcelona (2013-…)
404: School Not Found ( Intermediae /Matadero Madrid, 2012-13 )
Gender and technology study group (Medialab-Prado, 2009-12)

Femke Snelting
Constant, Association for arts and media (Brussels, 2003-...)
Research fellow, Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart, 2015)
Tutor, advanced performance and scenography studies (Brussels, 2015-...)
Tutor, Piet Zwart Institute, experimental publishing (Rotterdam, 2000-...)

J. Rocha, F. Snelting, “MakeHuman” in: R. Braidotti (eds), The Post-human Glossary (forthcoming)
R. Roscam Abbing, P. Pierrot, F. Snelting, “Modifying the universal” in: Executions , 2017
M. Aouragh, S. Gurses, J. Rocha, F. Snelting, “Let's first get things done! On division of labor and techno-political practices of delegation in times of crisis”, in: Fibreculture Journal, 2015
F. Snelting, “Girls and Cars” in: Libre Graphics Magazine 2.2, 2013

Local connections in Barcelona
Chthulhucene reading/translating/embodiment group, with H. Torres + others (Barcelona, 2016)

4. Description of the project including:
Project Summary (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
¿Qué cuenta como cuerpo?Nos proponemos trabajar en cómo las técnicas de imagen biomédica modelan, escanean y renderizan "cuerpos".Nos interesan imágenes, definiciones y referentes que hacen uso de tecnologías 3D.Nos inquietan las fusiones de las industrias 3D y biomédica, y sus escenarios tecnocoloniales y heteropatriarcales. En este contexto de violencia, las representaciones capacitistas, misóginas y xenófobas siguen emergiendo.Parece pertinente preguntarnos cómo dispositivos, herramientas y prácticas arman, desplazan y reemplazan lo corporal.
Es alarmante el modo en que el imaginario biomédico alinea las narrativas cinematográficas con los relatos del progreso tecnológico y la precisión médica.También nos preocupa que las imágenes resultantes generalmente no estén disponibles para sus sujetos, y que sean producidas con herramientas privativas.Esto implica que la política de su construcción sea difícil de cuestionar en muchos niveles.Repensar y re-hacer protocolos, tratamientos y diagnósticos de salud desde una perspectiva explícitamente transfeminista y DIY/DIWO significa desactivar la continuidad de la mirada colonial/patriarcal.Es urgente multiplicar los imaginarios del cuerpo:
What counts as a body? During this residency we propose to work on ways that biomedical imagining techniques model, scan and render "bodies". We are interested in digital images, definitions and accounts that make use of 3D technologies. We are concerned by the merging of biomedical and 3D-industries, and what techno-colonial and hetero-patriarchal landscapes it composes. In this violent context, ableist, misogynous and xenofobe representations keep emerging. It seems necessary to ask how digital devices, tools and practices compose, displace and replace bodies.
We are alarmed by the way biomedical imaging aligns commercial cinema narratives with tales of technological progress and medical accuracy. We are concerned that the resulting images are generally not available to their subjects, and produced with non-free tools. This means that the politics of their construction are hard to interrogate  on all levels. Re-thinking and redoing health-care protocols, treatment and diagnosis from an explicitly transfeminist and DIY / DIWO perspective means to break the continuity of the colonial/patriarchal gaze. It is urgent to multiply imaginaries of the body:


Related tags (up to 10 tags)

biomedical imaging, affordable tech nolog ies, digital anatomy, 3D-rendering , visual cultures

Objectives (up to 1000 characters including spaces)
Especular colectivamente an torno a una composición con imágenes biomédicas que es interseccional, transfeminista, generativa, asequible y abierta.

Para eso, queremos:

     - Estudio de la generación de imágenes 3D: modelado, escaneado, trackeado para uso biomédico, específicamente.
     - Conversaciones/entrevistas con agentes locales implicados en la investigación y práctica con imágenes biomédicas, desde el PRBB a Pechblenda y más allá.

To collectively speculate about a practice of biomedical imaging that is intersectional, transfeminist, generative, affordable and open.

In order to do this, we want to generate situations where we can:

Expected results (up to 2000 characters including spaces)


[DONE ! ]

Methodology (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
Esta investigación en imaginación biomédica está desarrollada en el marco del proyecto Possible Boies. Se trata de investigación-arte, entendida como una forma de cultura política. Nuestra metodología está basada en la acción y eso significa que las fuentes y resultados son escogidos por su performatividad política y no porque sigan necesariamente procedimientos estándar. En una aproximación pasada en la acción, los imaginarios pasivos de lo probable mutan en imaginaciones activas de lo posible. Como métodos aplicados, proponemos:

This research on biomedical imaging is developed in the context of the framework of Possible Bodies. It is artistic research , taken as a form of political culture. Our methodology is a ction-based, this means that the sources and outcomes of this research are chosen for their political performativity and not because they follow standard procedure s. In an action-based approach, the passive imaginaries of the probable mutate into active imaginations for the possible. 

As applied methods, we propose:


How the project will be documented (up to 2000 characters including spaces)

The research is based around and flows back into a(-)discursive archive that will be re-opened and added to with different experts at various future moments (2017-2019 in Stuttgart, Barcelona and Brussels ). This means that we want to actively share those resources and re-fuel them with new perspectives, knowledges and speculations. The a(-)discursive archive functions as a site for capture and exchange, a growing set of working materials that various agents are invited to interact with. It's two year trajectory is meant to continuosly alter the inventory, adding new materials and reframing of existing ones. The archive considers discourse as something that can be sweated out, encoded and decoded or take the form of a bug-report. Software performers, raw artists, somatic developers, sensitive activists and disobedient academics will activate the archive through guided tours, on-tool-discussions and experimental publications.

All material that we produce is made available under a Free Art License.

[DONE ! ]

Calendar and work plan (please specify one or more proposed dates for carrying out the residence)

I deally the residency would take place from 15 July until 30 July, or from 1 September until 15 September. Regardless of final dates, our calendar might look this way:

Week 1 :  
We install ourselves with the Possible Bodies a(-)discursive archive in Hangar. This week we will concentrate on field-work, interviews, meetings and tool explorations with collaborators.
Monday and Tuesday we would like to spend in PRBB; visiting the lab with Sara Lafuente, interviewing and researching the state of the art of biomedical imaging.
Wednesday until Friday morning we will be working internally on acquiring, processing and inventorising materials; 
In the afternoon, the archive will be open for ad-hoc visitors that want to explore the archive, or that want to discuss specific issues (e.g.: looking for and into the archives together with organisers of Muestra Marrana http://muestramarrana.org and other projects that ran through Hangar) .
Open Thursday: technical testing co-organized with Pechblenda , in the open-doors context.
Saturday and sunday: two intensive days for hands-on-tool worksessions and public open sessions . The weekend functions as a t ransition from exploration to speculation.

Week 2:
M orning s : s peculati ve practice focused on developing the visual essay using the materials, data and knowledges gathered during Week 1.
Afternoons: the archive will be open for ad-hoc visitors that want to explore /affect the archive, or that want to discuss specific issues.
Open Thursday: technical testing co-organized with DIYBioBarcelona plus a performative presentation of the visual essay in progress.
Friday: wrap-up and de-installation of the a(-)discursive archive.

[DONE ! ]

Technical requirements (please specify here the infrastructure of each of the nodes of the collaboratory that you may need)

5. Motivations for doing the residence (up to 2000 characters including spaces)

Esta residencia será una forma de conectar la autogestión feminista de las condiciones semiótico-materiales de lo corporal (es decir, de la dicotomía cultural y científica salud/patología) con preocupaciones derivadas de los dispositivos, herramientas y prácticas digitales que producen "cuerpos". Creemos que en este contexto es urgente pensar cómo cuerpos y tecnologías se constituyen mutuamente, y multiplicar colectivamente sus imaginarios y representaciones.
Una residencia en Hangar significaría tener la oportunidad de trabajar en el contexto de investigación militante de Pechblenda, con acceso al faboratorio y (personas trabajando en) el PRBB, así como con la red local de estudios sociales que trabajan desde los feminismos. Las conexiones con ellxs y con performers basadxs en Barcelona será un momento muy valioso para crear vínculos con comunidades locales afines. Esto propulsará y orientará nuestro trabajo en Possible Bodies; más adelante en 2017 re-conectaremos con esos agentes, cuando el proyecto se active en Hangar en colaboración con la escuela de diseño Bau.
También querríamos reutilizar algunos de los principios y tácticas explicitados para el Protocolo para la Investigación Interdisciplinar ( https://wirkt.hangar.org)
Por último, nos motiva e importa el hecho de poder tener una residencia de dos semanas de trabajo intensivo de Jara y Femke juntas por un periodo en la misma ciudad.

This residency would be a way to connect feminist self-management of body conditions (aka the dychotomy health/pathology) with concerns about the way digital devices, tools and practices render "bodies". We feel that in this context it is urgent to think about the way bodies and technologies mutually constitute each other, and to collaboratively multiply its imaginations and representations.
A residency in Hangar would mean to have a chance to work in the activist research context of Pechblenda, with access to the faboratory and (people working at) Parque de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona (PRBB) and a local network of critical sociolog y from feminisms. The connections with them and with performers working in Barcelona would be a chance to create links with local communities of interest. This will fuel and orient our work on Possible Bodies; we would later in the year re-connect with these agents when the project is activated in Hangar in collaboration with Bau school of design.
We also would like to re-use some of the principles/tactics for The Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research such as Performative, Disruption and Transformation  Methodologies https://wirkt.hangar.org and last but not least, a two week residency in Barcelona would create conditions for us (Jara and Femke) to work together for an intense period.

6. Additional documentation: A single document including the following information:

Members of the collaboratory that we think can support the development of the project:

Our first interest is to work with Pechblenda and to connect diy/g y nepunk experiences and skills to the research of Possible Bodies. We think that through their disruption of conventional gynecological methods and assumption ( its gendered, patriarchal powerrelation ) we could find help in thinking digital images differently.

During the first days of the residency, and after consultation with PRBB, we would like to meet with one or two scientists involved in imaging technologies. We are interested to find out how acquiring techniques are combined with generative techniques such as Computer vision, 3D-rendering. If possible, we also would like to work with the PRBB animal lab and its experimental area that is equipped with laboratories for in vivo imaging and behavioural studies.

We would like to find out about the experiences, motivations and findings of people involved in DiYBioBarcelona, for example about their project to build a microscope connected to a smartphone.

F aboratory
People from faboratory will be crucial in helping to understand and explore the mechanics of those biomedical technologies that we will be dealing with during this residency.

People we would like to invite through an open call:

Participants/collaborators to this project would have an interest in re-thinking "body" imaginary, specifically in the context of digital representations. They would be interest ed in the analysis and production of digital images, reflecting on their appearance, politics and/or technological construction. They could for example be working in/have an experience with medical imaging practices (radiology, echography, kinematics; as patient and/or as health-care worker), be interested in 3D-modelling/scanning or have encountered digital representations of the body in perform ing arts practice .

In addition to those people already involved through the collaboratory, we are thinking of connecting through local agents and networks such as:

Sara Lafuente
Sara Lafuente is a feminist sociologist working on and with scientific image and discourse analysis. We would like to invite her to the residency for a commented tour through PRBB.

Tirso Orive & Mar Medina
Tirso Orive & Mar Medina are performers combining Alexander techniques with digital and 3D representations. We would like to invite them to give a workshop during the residency.

Bau college of design
In 2017 Jara Rocha teaches a course to first year design students, related to the subject. Also, a reading group will be set up over the course of the year.

Laura Benítez
Is an indepent curator and researcher specialised in Bioart. Currently she is developing a research project on bio-resistance, and has curated a seminar entitled Bio-resistance, Transversality and Emancipation on contestational practises and bio-hacking (MACBA, December 2015).  We would like to invite her for a public, open session during the residency.

Muestra Marrana
At Muestra Marrana you can access, view and discuss explicit materials about avant-garde and divergent sexualities. This network born in the heart of postporn activism works on audio-visual cultures of the body.


Possible Bodies is a collaborative research on the very concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that “bodies” are, asking what matter-cultural conditions of possibility render them present. This becomes especially urgent in contact with the  technologies, infrastructures and techniques of 3D tracking, modelling and scanning. Intersecting issues of race, gender, class, age and ability resurface through these performative as well as representational practices. The research is concerned with genealogies of how bodies and technologies have been mutually constituted.
Possible bodies is carried by Jara Rocha and Femke Snelting. Jara is a cultural mediator, developing educational and research programs at Bau School of Design in Barcelona, Spain. She works with the materialities of infrastructures and queering practices, linking both formal and non-formal ways of attending to interface cultures. Femke Snelting is an artist/designer developing projects at the intersection of design, feminism and Free Software. She is a core member of Constant, an association for arts and media that is active in Brussels. Jara and Femke regurlarly collaborate on the interfaces between gender, representation and technology. Collaborators in Possible Bodies include: Adva Zakai (performer, researcher), Wendy Van Wynsberghe (hardware hacker, artist), xxxx