Guided tour 2 -- Helen Pritchard Falling in love / the dolphin and the geographer... Drawing on Ahmed's work "Femke and Jara riffing off each other" volumetric type technologies A safe space to do research -- clumsiness as a queer concept crip studies queer ethics of engaging with things bodies do or don't obey commands clumsiness ethics in a world of straight lines activities that bring you up against wall disobedient (computational) paths Probable -- a generative possibility smashing methodologies ethic of clumsiness awkward lumpy mass encact clumsy widening? in relation to so called nature objects the eiffeltower, a tree and a bracelet it is not made of straight lines no hard boundary this opens up for ossibiities of 3D printing that inhabits space-time of plants, space-time of plants not one-to-one think of practices of 3D printing shoot soot ? microwave a potato, take pictures, and that's how to record its what a frog sounds like or doesn't this problematize the idea of "perfect mapping of reality" are these human and non-human bodies that include ... soil ... climates body in motion, always in the process of re-orientating exile and home coming disorientating ouselves away from objects -- like trying this inventory -- movement of arrival and departure in which you start orienting yourself towards objects in the inventory new spaces, new objects re-orienting away "things just compute" ref. Wendy Chun the only way computers can be transparent (mith: you can't have correlation between data and representation) is forgetting processes item 33 alert us to the forgettings each of the items could be thought of as a way to generate new proposals in order to orient towards other ways to relate with 3D... (entanglements) how this body in motion will orient towards other practices not in terms of attention with the efficiency, but of clumsy computation? desire for efficiency vs clumsy computation vs particular musculous straight lines that efficiency orients us towards re-rotate Pascal's object again rememberBarad about the queerness of life. Organic or inorganic, animate or inanimate is not an ufolding algorithm "straying from calculable parts" (Barad) life itself is already inventive think about the inventiveness of matter and/or the inventiveness of life perhaps re-work the notion of inventive?(alerting from its colonial past) ripping out inventing of its imperial and colonial past thinking about posthumanism and new-materialis, thinking as inventory as modes of creativity and depressing 3d-modelling easy to fall into the loop it is not inert matter framework of trans*materialities, taken from Barad trans is quite a difficult process, even in trans-disciplinary situations Barad: "the imaginative capacities": the speculative space of matter transwork is difficult, but also has a compliancy to mapping reticulence (!), resistance ripping innovation out of neo-liberal business of invention and inventiveness computation doesn't care, but we form attachment optimism keeps us in proximity Vicky Kirby (?) (from Harvey and Knot?) there's a particular optimism that we must have (not as in goodism), but that keeps us in proximity how to (not) make a difference while wanting to change things reminiscent of particularforms that have remanescence in geography -- and those have been used in the anthropocene discussion volumetrics and geologists ideaof the human body ofnow having such a form that is actually affecting earth forms changes in volume: climate, xxxx anthropocene naturalizes a particular kind of volumentrics this may lead us to one in particular(linking atropocene and volumetrics) one industry about mining modelling around mining [---> one addition to the continuum: extractivist industry!] feminst technosciences working on the microbiome: bacterias moving between bodies and the environment obviously has been worked to think about the ontology of the body jamie lorimer - how might we re-wild the microbiom? what do bacteria do to the ontology of the body --- Sina's dificult forest: proposes us to understand the forest as a particular memoirs, the forrest as a lively inventive and creative body develop a memoir of the forrest, not a reproduction/scan who gets to use these tech for instance google has been doing a massive forest mapping project Vicky kirby?: quantum anthropologies magic of translation between local and global -> fornsic 3D modellingand what kinds ofproblematics that brings collecting datasets asa mystical act local - global diffractive memory the surface is encounterd, but what does it mean to encounter surfaces? it affects us and we affect it think about the diffractive method, an emergent feminist tool, to think about differences and alternatives barad's diffraction: she discribes when clouds and moon somehow merge, and that effect does not belong to any of them fuzzy things around the moon emergences that are processesof bending, spreading, and how things disrupt surfaces diffraction is an optical metaphor it's easy to think about what these tech can't do, but that's only if we think about representations, not if we think about diffractive practices the way a particular apparatus is used to see light (particules) not how to create clear limits, but to see how differences can emerge a located scanning without a fixed location in sina's work there is a particular body involvement: body is not a stable entity what does it mean in computational modelling as to the phisics barad uses to that? Haraway has been thinking about the way in which the researcher should recognise herself as entangled how the researcher gets entangled no mutually witnessing here it's definitely not a method in which the researchand the researcher are not separated visibility/invisibility of researchers in tools, technologies we look at video of Haraway readng national geographic to primates thinking about interenet cats look at particular stories of this it matters what matters, it matters what stories what knows know knows what stories tell stories what world world worlds it matters what matters layer-cake as the research partial perspective: we are always choosing a cut describing crumbs as the troubles and pleasures of research we cannot stand back sticky, messy situation and we are implicated the diffractive methods allows space for the tools to do with research, not just to observe them might be throught the smell of machinery, or 3D printers...etc sensorial qualities of research -- in difficult forest there is a real sensorial ref difficult forrest and how it smells modelling shell surfaces (it is a massive area in 3d modelling) to the understanding of shell formation -- a genealogy (quite long) of shell modeling from descartes' understanding of generative curves, for example shell morphologies and their possible forms the possible shell bodies -- what makes a sucesfull model and one thats not sucesful? --> a descriptive one would be taken as successful non-occuring forms species categories and their racism through modelling non-occuring forms the hyperbolic space -- flipping in-out, forwards-backwards thank you for jumping scale from bacteria to mining/extractivism lisa nakamura clumy means not glitchy (in compitation) awkward and clumsy? vs diffraction? different relations to the obstacle -- different behaviour to that of diffraction rays (staying with the trouble) dilettantism -- to learn -- to do it yourself professionalism erin manning diffracted by kerby matter and meaning giving (?) access to world