Welcome to Constant Etherpad!

These pads are archived each night (around 4AM CET) @ http://etherdump.constantvzw.org/
An RSS feed from the etherdump also appears on http://constantvzw.org/

To prevent your public pad from appearing in the archive and RSS feed, put or just leave the following (including the surrounding double underscores) anywhere in the text of your pad:


Changes will be reflected after the next update at 4AM.Francois Zajega

" Tanukis ": a polymorph art project investigating the anatomy of virtual avatar

end site

foot - ammortisseur - spring

decisions on scaling without preventing articulative possibilities


mneumatic research

is it YOUR avatar, or a species, or what?

--> thinkingObject Oriented so it should be a set of options

image: jacques fabian gautier

phillips harris test

unity -- closed source sw for movement applied, imposing a way to do