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 I like the proposal Jonathan Zittrain  makes  in 'the future of the internet' the idea to create a 'Creative  Commons' type of license concerning privacy sensitive data 
He mentions the work of Pamela Samuelson who favors protectable rights  of persons to control their personal data. 
I have never read her weork, looks interesting though 

Offcourse there's the work of the eff on privacy rights in the us, : 
and bits of freedom, who do a good job in the netherlands 
and quadrature du net working in france: 
You have met Jeremie Zimmerman during the Imaginary property event we  co-organised in Nova, haven't you? thre's plenty links to interesting  (frenchy) writings on the site. 

Laura Stein mkes a point in this article: “Speech Without Rights: The  Status of Public Space on the Internet” : the public functions of media  spaces in the US are unprotected hence 'free' speech online is non  existing for US law. she gives many examples of courtcases that overrule  the public interest of the web in favor of proprietors interests.  (networks, isp's ..) 
A down to earth contextualisation of the '96 utopian martian  independance perry barlow declaration that states that 'legal concepts  of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to  us.' https://projects.eff.org/~barlow/Declaration-Final.html
... duuuh 

Stein is more from a grassroots 'we the media' bacjgournd 


" Public forum  law determines the status of public space in U.S. media,  and absent constitutional  protection of such spaces, we may find that  free speech online is something more  ephemeral--speech without rights. " 

How to avoid negativism, and keep the 'privacy' angle inspirational ? 

I guess it's up to good coffee reading .. 
"Enjoy your coffee while relaxing, and ask yourself: "What do I need to  know about my present situation?" 


look back at the evolution of the free software movement (if such term
makes sense), at least the part in which at my level I have been involved,
and try to get to terms with /understand/ re-imagine/ it.
At many levels, I think it touches the issue of open web (if I get what
this means).


1. 1er choix: Jeremie Zimmerman
http://giss.tv/dmmdb/fcforum (search)

2. Benjamin Henrion FFII (Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure)

3. EFF Brussels http://www.eff.org/

Pour Samedies:
1. Ameliai Andersdotter
http://giss.tv/dmmdb//incdl.php?ID=996&file=http%3A%2F%2Fgiss.tv%2Fdmmdb%2F%2Fcontents%2Ffcforum7-3-dl.ogg (Amelia answering questions about Pirate Party)
Amelia Andersdotter of Pirate Party Sweden, who will be our guest on Acta for Samedies in the morning,

3. Laurence Vandewalle (evt avec Denis): perspective à la fois en Belgique FR + Europe
cfr Digitales 2006/7

2. Michel
passer en revue infos liés à ACTA & co sur E-traces -> voir comment identifier des sources d'informations

formuler une série de questions importantes pour les gens qui s'intéressent aux licenses libres/culture en réseau, qui utilisent l'infrastructure digitale pour créer, réfléchir...
-> voir les point problématiques
utiliser les Samedies pour confronter ces points-là au discours d'Amelia + voir les stratégies
-> rapporter mardi + lister les propositions

Autres par video: 
1. James Love (talk sur ACTA)

Autres idées:
- Je viens de découvrir (par fred peters que j'ai vu à sa conférence  gnome3)  qu'il existe une association en belgique NURPA (Net Users' Rights Protection Association), 
aux  dernières nouvelles, étudiant à l'ulb  il est normalement entre  paris  et bxl - aucune idée s'il serait dispo :-) psycojoker@gmail.com
dont fait partie d'ailleurs le laurent Peuch cité dans un autre courrier  (qui avait été interviewé par sophie-radio-panik et qui se démenait beaucoup pour la quadrature du net) 
--> Denis les a vus, assez jeunes

- http://www.vub.ac.be/LSTS/members/depreeuw/
Currently she focuses on the copyright aspects of electronic publishing  in the Flemish newspaper sector in the framework of a four-year  interdisciplinary research project FLEET.

- by Amelia:
maybe you could invite eva lichtenberger or eva-britt svensson from the parliament, although i think that they are probably not in bxl over the weekends. ralf bendrath from jan philip albrechts office (@bendrath on twitter) is an experienced digital activist from 
germany who lives in brussels. also wouter van holst from bits of freedom, netherlands is good. joe mcnamee from EDRi also, but he is often busy and stressed out."