Welcome to Constant Etherpad!

These pads are archived each night (around 4AM CET) @ http://etherdump.constantvzw.org/
An RSS feed from the etherdump also appears on http://constantvzw.org/

To prevent your public pad from appearing in the archive and RSS feed, put or just leave the following (including the surrounding double underscores) anywhere in the text of your pad:


Changes will be reflected after the next update at 4AM.
erg - Remi
nova - Remi
pianofabriek - Remi
IF3 -- FS
WTC25 -- FS
atelier du web St. Gilles - Remi
hackerspace - tuesday
otherhackerspace? (urlab)
speculoos/medor - Remi
librairie par chemins - tuesday
bxl lug
compilotheque - Remi
moscou st gilles? - monday
la vieille chechette
IMAL - Remi
Beursschouwburg - Remi
Maison des cultures / Fablabbeke - Remi
Muntpunt - Remi
Lucas School of Art
radio panik
Recyclart - Remi