% METHOD: Ask several people from different fields and age-groups the same question: "_**What is software?**_" % REMEMBER: The answers to this question will vary depending on who is asking it to who. % WHAT: By paying close attention to the answers, and possibly logging them, observations on the ambiguous place and nature of software can be made. % HOW: % WHEN: % WHO: % URGENCY: % NOTE: % WARNING: % EXAMPLE: Examples: Jean Huens (system administrator at the department of Computer Science, KULeuven): "It is difficult to answer the question 'what is software', but I know what is good software" Thomas Cnudde (hardware designer at ESAT - COSIC, Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography, KULeuven): "_Software is a list of sequential instructions! Hardware for me is made of silicon, software a sequence of bits in a file. But naturally I am biased: I'm a hardware designer so I like to consider it as unique and special_". Amal Mahious (Director of NAM-IP, Namur): "_This, you have to ask the specialists._" *what is software? --the unix filesystem says: it's a file ----what is a file? ----in the filesystem, if you ask xxd: ------ it's a set of hexadecimal bytes -------what is hexadecimal bytes? ------ -b it's a set of binary 01s ----if you ask objdump -------it's a set of instructions --side channel researching also says: ----it's a set of instructions --the computer glossary says: ----it's a computer's programs, plus the procedure for their use http://etherbox.local/home/pi/video/A_Computer_Glossary.webm#t=02:26 ------ a computer's programs is a set of instrutions for performing computer operations Source Pad on [fileflowchart.raw.html](http://observatory.constantvzw.org/etherdump/fileflowchart.raw.html) To answer the question "what is software" depends on the situation, goal, time, and other contextual influences. Source: Pad on [Multiple Software Axes](http://observatory.constantvzw.org/etherdump/multiple-software-axes.md.raw.html) % SEEALSO: http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/observatory.guide.everyonescp % SOURCE: