% METHOD: Comportments of software (occupational hazards)

% REMEMBER:  "The analysis of common sense, as opposed to the exercise of it, must then begin by redrawing this erased distinction between the mere matter-of-fact apprehension of reality--or whatever it is you want to call what we apprehend merely and matter-of-factly--and down-to-earth, colloquial wisdom, judgements, and assessments of it." Clifford Geertz, "Common Sense as a Cultural System," Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology, Basic Books, 1983 [[or find a quote from Addicted by Design]]

% WHAT: Observe and catalog the common gestures, common comportments, and common sense(s) of software.
% HOW:  This can be done through observation of yourself or others. Separate the apprehended and matter of fact from the meanings, actions, reactions, judgements, and assessments that the apprehension occasions.
% WHO:
% NOTE: The common sense and comportments of software are of course informed and conditioned by those of hardware and so perhaps this is more accurately a method for articulating comportments of computing. [[Our bodies, our selves and our software...the collective body]] 

% WARNING: Software may harm your physical and emotional health both by design and by accident


% SEEALSO: Agile Sun Salutation, Natasha Schull's Addicted by Design

% SOURCE: Carlin