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Leonie Lafontaine "Moins connue du grand public que son frère" (1857-1949)

Henri Lafontaine + Mathilde Lhoest  (1864-1941)

"Senator and Mrs. La Fontaine" + "Professor and Mrs. Paul Otlet" ... 

personnage - personage

Mademoiselle Poels

Fernande Gloner (divorced in 1908)

Cato Van Nederhasselt "The most beautiful girl of Amsterdam" (Remark  by ms. Willemien Coops, former assistant of Otlet, during an interview  with Theater Adhoc, on March 28th 2002 in The Hague) http://www.theateradhoc.com/items/pdf/performance-lecture.pdf

Willemien Coops  = Melissa Coops; + Thea Coops (Dorothea)

Thea Coops kept a diary (maybe to be found in the Haague, see: http://www.denhaag.nl/home/bewoners/kunst-en-cultuur/haags-gemeentearchief.htm )

"Peek and cloppenburg" (?)

Thea married Jan Piet Frederik Herman Kloppenborg (1917 - 2002)

"The maiden name of Henri LaFontaine’s mother was Philips." (family of the light bulb makers): Marie- Louise Philips (1826-1899) -- "a well-known feminist"

The unidentified women

13 Unknown women http://geuzen.org/unknown/


The work of Thea Coops on The Traite was not credited.



Anne Oderfeld + Paul Otlet: Atlas de la civilisation universelle : conception,  organisation, méthodes de la préparation du matériel didactique en  coopération internationale, 1929

Mme De Stürler, sans profession, avenue Longchamp 132, Bruxelles (from Les Amis du Palais Mondial, Statues)

Renée-Marie-Helene-Suzanne Briet: http://monoskop.org/Suzanne_Briet


Marie Popelin, ‘Cinquième assemblée générale du Conseil des femmes belges. Rapport général sur l’activité du Conseil international et du Conseil national des femmes belges’, La Ligue, 18 (1910) 4, pp. 108-109.

Marie Parent (Belgian League of Women's Rights)



la femme et la cite: http://numeriques.be/index.php?id=1&no_cache=1&tx_portailnumeriques_pi1 [view]=item_detail&tx_portailnumeriques_pi1[id]=peps%3AARC-MUND-EUMC-3676-001&tx_portailnumeriques_pi1[num]=23 (done)

International Institute of Documentation: https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/asset-viewer/international-institute-of-documentation/uwFIx4o43kL0BQ

photos photos fotos http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paul_Otlet?uselang=fr (mostly done, but a rich source)    here source for la fontaine touchscreen bit

Louis Masure: (secretary to the IIB) -- in general, probably a reliable author for finding out how the searches functioned
            LIT: Institut international de bibliographie. Rapport sur la situation et les travaux pour l'année 1912                     
                    Louis Masure                                                                        Published in  1913 in Bruxelles by Institut international de                                                        bibliographie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Igor George PLATOUNOFF, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 12, 1050 Bruxelles (??): http://www.teslabel.be/001/documents/AP/AUFRUF%20VON%20BRUSSEL.pdf

Jeanne Rogissart, veuve Saroléa, epouse van der Kerken (... see Histoire des femmes en situation coloniale: Afrique et Asie, XXe siècle ... or not)
Jeanne Van der Kerken-Saroléa décède à Ixelles le 29 mars 1947

from a report to UNESCO:  http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/mow/nomination_forms/belgium_universal_bibliographic_repertory.pdf
"Today, the Universal Bibliographic Repertory elaborated by the International Institute of Bibliography is a unique heritage. If at a certain time, some “copies” of this Repertory may have existed in other countries –
in France or in Switzerland –
following the cooperation between the IIB and the national sections, they do no longer exist today. 
The Concilium Bibliographicum in Switzerland and the Bureau Bibliographique de Paris (Bibliographic Bureau of Paris)
both ceased activity in the 1920s."

Herbert Haviland Field 

Robert-Benedict Goldschmidt   Il met au point (en 1906) avec Paul Otlet** la ‘’Bibliophoto’’, sorte de bibliothèque portable de microfiches.

"Wir saßen mitten im „Gehirn der Welt", wenn man die Tausende von Schubfächern mit den vielen Millionen Zetteln, auf denen sich die Literatur aller Völker registriert findet, so nennen darf. "
from "Die Brüsseler Generalversammlung", Die Friedens-Warte, Vol. 11, No. 10 (Oktober 1909), pp. 185-188     (p. 185)

    Cent ans de I'Office international de Bibliographie, Mons, Mundaneum, 1995


    Vint Cerf. 30ème anniversaire de l'Internet. VO

relevant past?

1998 Boyd: Otlet's schemes anticipated what we call now the internet: http://archive.org/details/paulotlet/ (min. 2:50)

2011 der Spiegel:                                                                          Netzvisionär Paul Otlet: Googles genialer Urahn: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/netzvisionaer-paul-otlet-googles-genialer-urahn-a-768312.html

on internationalism

maybe something from here? http://web.ceu.hu/crc/Syllabi/07-08/history/Internationalism%20and%20the%20Transformation%20of%20Global%20Inequality%200708.pdf

g de papier

2 screenshots from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rivnFL6AoGU (to add) - done

Krishnamurti: http://www.cesnur.org/2014/waco-introvigne-delville.pdf
+ Besant

otlet + krishnamurti: http://www.koregos.org/fr/emilie-berger_jean-delville-et-l-enjeu-du-monumental/7221/

|Caption=Bill Echikson: "Google has partnered with Mundaneum because we realized together that this was Google on paper a hundred years ago."
|Person=Bill Echikson,
|Subject=Not dissimilar,
|Source= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rivnFL6AoGU

order for:

similar to?

- persons do not show up in actors chart when using the edit form

"facts about a file" works so nicely now!!

first known use of "archive": 1855  --  apud merriam webster aga meister chef                  

                                                                                                                                                         o oo ooooOooo OO ooo O o O o Open Society Archives -- http://www.osaarchivum.org/teaching/toolkits                                                                 

chaos bureau , chaos worker , chaos couch, chaos bits

enactment of difference [through photos from very different context s , w text in other languages]; how many - en, fr, ro (1 instance)
defamiliarize , but render seemingly authentic again, make a loop; need 1 hot mess illegible card as falsified proof of this loop

2014, Nov., Sibiu, Brukenthal Museum

http://www.clickworker.com/en/about-us/clickworker-crowd/ (with DE investors) +++++++ http://www.mondotheque.be/wiki/index.php/File:Mundaneum-exposition-origines-web.jpg

+++ ... ... ... copyshop, virgil widrich ... ... ... but
***traces of invisibile workers from past centuries are now removed through scanning - or at least they become ambiguous, even harder to identify; one invisible hand removes the other                                                            

can it be fixed "Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters" re
can it be fixed "too long a caption under an image"

text finished and sleeping 20.11
- to remove "contents" .. preferrably [done]
- minimum info for pictures in the gallery (definitely no caption [ok], if possible no title either - would be great) // alternative, insert with eg [[File:Luniverslasciencelelivre.jpg|250px]] ... [alternative works]
- to edit info for all photos uploaded - including names of photos but: -
nb: "Where possible, image names have not been changed. .tiff files have been converted into .jpg and image credits were added whenever possible." -
- decide on "property" name; title - big issue, decide on taking property and subject out ok ok
- subject into new title: is subject the right/most useful category to use? decide or delete roll back the breakfast roll roll-delete redirected
- text format different for the pyramid text -- try to fix hm aeiou still
- hmmh to to to ot ot ot

re: can it be fixed "Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters"            -->>             files can't be used in galleries         

A recognised variant form of a given character.

The way (or one of the ways) in which an individual writes a given allograph.


                               v i d e o s                              

              §           Steve Crossan open culture video - glitches w subtitles?

Nooka Kiili (project manager at Cursor, Kotka)  ::  http://www.cursor.fi/
Joyce Proot (director, Technocite, Mons)       
in Kotka, Finland // Kotka -- Hamina: 27 km ...   Google Faculty Manager Arni Jonsson
paper mill, acquired in 2009, sea water
hm -- video date?

!! Vint Cerf's gestures -- sign language, really -- 


tbc.. http://www.uia.org/sites/uia.org/files/journals/Transnational_Associations_Journal_2003-1-2_0.pdf                                  
philips, radio...   Otlet, "Les aspects du livre" -- futures of the book ~~ files named anticipation?
[futures past]

-- a way to link cross-readings to quotations or references on the other pages? (Michael's suggestion, I believe, from some time ago); would make the cross-readings page more alive
"Only Madame Lafontaine can say, who tells the story of part of her honeymoon spent in correcting card-proofs and who later bundled card-proofs into packets that the Vice-president carried to the Senate."
"It is easily possible to reproduce 1,248 cards on a metre of film and thus to obtain reels of film, which represent continuous catalogue drawers that have no limit."
Telephotography, a form of telefacsimile transmission
Microphotic encyclopedia
microphotolibraries, says OoooO.: https://archive.org/stream/internationalorg00otle#page/208/mode/2up

13: Goldschmidt,  Robert. Sur une forme nouvelle du livre :le livre microphotographique.  Bruxelles : [Institut international de bibliographie], 1906. 11
 documents photographiques ! Robert GOLDSCHMIDT et Paul OTLET. NOTE. — Cette communication a été lue au ...  