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International Mondotheque Meeting

#mondotheque irc@freenode.net



MC: Google Cultural Institute in Bozar??

MaM: What about the relation to Europe anti-trust regulations?



We try to go see the opening of Mundaneum together, with notebooks. Aim: to think of an alternative guide that weaves together what's inside and outside (Audio? Google Glass? Map?), in Mons, Brussels, elsewhere. Prepare The displaced walk/Guide for displacement.
27 June

A research meeting/session, visiting Dusan Barok in Mons. Chance to work together on the Guide for displacement, and prepare the digital edition of the Traite. Not public.
12 and/or 13 September

In the summer, Alexia and Femke (with preparations by Martino) meet Dries Moreels* to interview him about the deal that the Ghent University Library made with Google Books 7-8 years ago.

FS goes to be in the panel of Otlet Salons and announces the work for Quinzaine and does some Radical stagnation https://otletsalons.wordpress.com
25 September

As part of Quinzaine numerique (if it happens), we organise an event around the re-edition of the Traite. Location: Arts2, in collaboration with Mundaneum and Jeudis du Libre
5 + 6 November
- Connect to Mundaneum via Arts2
- Contact Mundaneum about making sources available - see what if yes, or no.
- Connect to Jeudi du Libre + Wikisource
- Think about output/platform/content
- Invite Benoit Peeters?


Current situation: 750 eur reserved on budget Constant + possibly support VG projectsubsidie (news in June) http://snelting.domainepublic.net/files/mondotheek_aanvraag.pdf

* Dries Moreels [BE] was verantwoordelijk voor collectievorming bij het VTi, later informatiebeheerder bij BAM en is nu als Library Development & Innovation Coordinator werkzaam bij de Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent. Als één van de verantwoordelijken voor de uitvoering van de overeenkomst van de bibliotheek met
Google Books is hij goed op de hoogte van de dagelijkse technische en legale realiteit van digitalisering en informatiebeheer op grote schaal. Betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van diverse Open Source tools voor gegevensbeheer zoals Librecat, zullen we ons samen laten inspireren door mogelijke overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen de informatiesystemen van vandaag, en die van Otlet.

IRC attendants!

Re: Google i am interested in the notion of this institute as a new wave of colonizers, where SV is even colonizing the colonizers who loot culture and retool it inside their museums. Now GCI is "dematerializing" colonial archives and erasing/ignoring the underlying history and violence that made possible this collections. 
In August i will present an installation related with the GCI in the context of the colonial collections "made" by Robert Wallace in Indonesia. (more info here) http://anexact.org/125-660-Specimens   I am writting and essay related to GCI too, if anyone want to answer little questions for my research would be great. Please get in touch if you are up for some little questions for the essay. (FS already involved in the context of Paul Otlet). 

Another interesting development is the "digital revolution" show of Google  ( https://www.barbican.org.uk/digital-revolution/explore/dev-art/ ) which was presented in Barbican, Were Google presents " a new kind of art, art made with code: dev art" (LOL) The Show tour to Sweden and i have all the documentation of the opening, it was framed obvioulsy under and entrepeneurship and innovation rhetoric, a bit Disneyland in the 50 ths. There hasnt been so much criticla press about it but here is agood break down (in swedish)

Re: How to take part in the re-opening of Mundaneum in June...
One idea i had for the Digital Revolution exhibition in Sweden was to make an audio guide to reframe the content of the show within the actual counter revolution ( https://vimeo.com/91276777 ) so we would use the mega infrastructure bankrolled by google and the state to bring this overlay with another version of this history.  Maybe interesting an audio guide that people can download in their phones while visiting the Mundaneum.?  A bit related with the walk of Femke? 

Re information technocolonialism:
The Google corporate culture conveniently meets the status quo of museums to transform everything in information, organize it and storage it digitally in a cheap way, appealing to “high- resolution” as the closest form of experience “master-pieces”, “gems” and “national treasures” on the web and given for granted that art and culture are just objects in museums. But even objects in museums are different than seeing a digital copy of an object itself. 

Of course, it can also may be the opposite, maybe you will be able to discover much more of a picture in super high-resolution through staring at the brush pixels than 1 meter aways behind a bouncer or a glass box. In the Google Cultural Institute potentially every pixel can be charged with meaning. But, isn’t this what museums has always been doing? Charging every material quality of an object with a meaning determined by a certain context? 

No matter its resolution, information is here a lesser version the thing it represents, in this case “masterpieces” exhibited in museums or articulated in another way, communication only as information is a lesser version of communication. 

I also have thsi domain called Elefanter.nu (whose digital revolution)  who meant to be a response to the Digital Revolution show. Was thought as a bigger project and due lack of funding got stalled. If anyone interested to use it as magazine focus on this themes, is there and we could do something.

Geraldine! discussing the possibility of an alternative guide ..  (audioguide proposal up here) . We'll need a bit more time with the proposals :-) more soon
