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IMAGES: http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/index.php/Le-Livre-Sur-Le-Livre

Presentation Michael: http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/mondo

Lire + ecrire: http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/lire+ecrire

Live book: https://titanpad.com/otlet

Tesseract-OCR:  http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/tesseract

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$('.tableItem').each(function () {
        var lemma = $(this).find('span').eq(0).text(),
                num = $(this).find('span').eq(1).text();

        console.log('<span class="lemma">' + lemma + '</span><span class="number">' + num + '</span>');

rm traite.epub 
zip -X -Z store traite.epub mimetype
zip -r traite.epub META-INF/ EPUB/ OPS/ -x "*.*~" "*.*.kate-swp"