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Nicolas - Constant, active archives http://activearchives.org/
Sam - video libre
Amanda Egbe - filmmaker, interested in archiving. artistic + radical archive practices
Michael - http://automatist.org  
Anne - teaching new media; preserving internet art
Femke - archive of lgm as part of my life. If the video archive could find a life.   
Christoph - not so much libre video, more markup for print, multi-output; overlap with AA
Dennis - will talk tomorrow; rapid prototyping, 3D printing. Works with Roel on alternative network
Roel - open source video workflows. How could a video archive be spread around? Torrents to distribute files
Pat - part of the gimp team. interested in web, photography
Michael/schumaml - GIMP, gimp office manager, kidnaps gimp participants to lgm2016
Ville - gimp, site, archiving. video is a dayjob
Manetta - student at PZI; using FLOSS since 2 yrs and excited to be here!

PREPARATION NOTES (and ongoing comments...)

Possible practical things to do:
Create a torrent / document it...
what would it take to have a local way in a small group to share large files?
archive as a collection of files.

LGM Video Archive
Has been working on these files for a year. Opening the bedroom, not entirely comfortable. What have I been doing?
Manuel Schmalstieg missing; LGM as an applied problem

LGM is distributed
chrome different approaches:

Active Archives:
How can day to day workflows become part of the archive.
cultural institutions that work with archives, making the tools part of the archive
Michael was brought in to AA due to his background with video, web, and programming
Working with archivists (Spain, Basque country) at cultural institutions ... 
Video wiki http://activearchives.org/aaa  
part of its success with was a space that users can fantasize with
a place to imagine together - but is that a real space?
No upload, no 'ingestion'
A browser for videos that are stored elsewhere
Allowing different forms of publishing, ie to publish with torrent files along the mediafiles in an apache directory
The Apache file-listing http://video.constantvzw.org/ A partial interface that, without trying to offer the ultimate solution, it is a intermediate archive that allows other interfaces can be built  for it.
A video archive that is made in the moment; no continuity -- it is by nature not complete, and has different qualities, formats, urls how to work with that as a feature, not a bug.
What interfaces actually have to add to the apache file directory. Or is it a backend? A "good interface"?
an archive = not keeping everything . in this cases you can have all the data, but different view of what is there.
browser are different!

tools that can work with a mess and large "archive"

video wiki: proof of concept for annotations; paste timecodes. The timecodes + subtitles become an interface.
avoiding the heaviness of video. handling video with the lightness of text
"writing with video" an interface with writ e rly style
getting out of Flash
Random access important 

the video becomes a interface to the document , the document to the video.
putting simple elements toguether and interaction between then starts to happen

Ward Cunning on wikis: "this system privileges writability at the expense of writability"
"this software has an attitude"

how could you create an archive that does not suffer from the problem as "yet another platform".
The LGM archive became distributed. 
some is on youtube, some on medialab prado, some on gimp site
along with turning LGM site into static repository
html as the stable bridge . Michael was interested in the fact that the team were in the process of making all the yearly lgm website as spanshots. 
urgency of what to do when projects fall apart.
Michael puts a lot of his time and efforts in website for events, what happens when the website goes down?
Heartbreaking: things pulled apart, histories erased
there is a  cost to choose the fastest solution. 
It was interesting that LGM was making static snapshots.

for example: river valley (responsible for documenting many floss events) had gone down
what are we going to do with ten years (eleven) of videos?
how we gonna store in a away that makes it useful for reuse
gimp website avoi di ng url changes - hard, but worth as their long history
a libre graphics meeting server that has the raw files, The Beatles Master Tapes
a server for LGM videos?

Amanda Egbe: a use element of an archive - something beautiful about storing film reels under the bad
someone being in the group interested in those materials - it is important
Femke: the archive is not just the files, but also the metadata (and/or the context around it)
Pat: that is all that is needed. Attaching the metadata to the files.
Amanda: the problem is that when you say when you label the file the problem is sorted.
michael: the trick is to keep the surfaces writable (in a wiki sense). The work of relauching the website is not subtractive, but additive
Pat: we need to perserve to is important i
Amanda: when you alread
Femke: is important to talk about the content of th ese people (LGM) , this problem (how to build coherence, continuity and a "possible" workflow across different teams of people) , these materials (videos at different qualities, levels of editing, labeling styles) .

showing different places where videos are embedded

"the split screen as the best of both worlds"
wouldn't it be great if a new interfaces shoots around the perimeter 
with video, program, pdf with the slideshow, and show the urls

embedded metadata, so integration rather than separate dbases etc.
"The RDF burn-out"

interest: using local files and using git, pandoc, make files.and pushing files from local to server. 
inside out systems
makefiles for webpublishing

unstructured text vs raw data vs html: pretty damn structured!
microdata. marking with microdata in html with argument itemprop 

scraping the program. Your document is your api. Linked data: overengineered tools. knitting the pieces together.

lightw eigh tness of embbed microdata

local lgm website archive
extrusion to create new pages from the re-contextualised videos. Another document ... through an iterative process
embedded player, iframes are alive!

each presentation is an ideosyncratic player .

indexing of years and presenters

coming close to the directory listing
multiple interfaces.

Femke: LGM as a organization does not exist. it is not an accident, but in 10 years there has not been the move to say "there will be a foundation, register".
You can say LGM will own a server/url. But who is LGM?? There is no structure. How will maintain an archive that keep by an structureless organization.
Michael: The problem is single ownership.
Amanda: you dont have the original files. if you are an archivist you want the originals. you dont want the archive to determine what the organization should be. One can buy a server, but it wont be that will solve the lgm archive problem. it is this continuous conversation that will solve the problem. 
Michael: there wont be a permanent solution. digital archives love copies - the more the better. Do we have tools that get better with more copies? What is the the equivalent to forks in archive terms. I'd resist centralization. 
Femke: there are 2 question: where the files store; where and what are the interfaces.
Pat: definitive place where that things come from.
Amanda: the problem is the definitive - immortalize me. That is the problem with the archive - keep me for ever.
Pat: do we iunderstand the word archive different.
Michael: we understand an ideal notion of the archive. 
Michael schumaml: examples gimp and bit torrents: 
"we should own the seed"
Michael: with bittorrent you get load balancing for free. Popular downloads will "always" be available but less popular resources not. 
2 things worry me: getting less popular resorces in 2 years.
Distribution jumpstart - right after LGM; this could be sth to deal with as LGM local, a responsibility
encourage mirrors
Pat: a place to mirror them from. We'll send encouragments: harddrives sent by mail.
Femke: it work well with LGM. A local in the moments excitment, a few more month of energy. Work with these dynamic. 
The seeding could be integrated into this dynamic.

some photos:
[workshop ends: 15:20]