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which are forms of mediation, not necessarily consensual
designed to address the sneaky moment of surveillance
platforms/design  collectives/activist collectives (the rise of activism and tech use and  security, expectations of activist communities and designer  communities)
(infrastructure as an agent)
How do they engage in/with F500, and questions/discussions above: 
How does it make itself affordable for the user
Select from these, probably not all:
RESET THE NET https://www.resetthenet.org/
SECURITY IN A BOX https://securityinabox.org/
GUARDIAN PROJECT https://guardianproject.info/
TECH TOOLS FOR ACTIVISTS https://techtoolsforactivism.org
KEM GOZLERE SIS https://kemgozleresis.org.tr/tr/   [SEDA will look at this before leaving for Berlin! + FEMKE]

further comments:

Ref: Crypto parties

Civic Organizations with Information and Communication Focus http://www.publicsphereproject.org/civic_organizations

Make comparisons between tools proposed in all chosen sites

gatekeepers through selection ... why?

from communication to collective action framing