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Agenda for online meeting Iterations EU:
first meeting with Tere, Marta, Peter, Donatella
monday 15-05-2017
second meeting with Reni, Donatella, Federico, Peter
friday 19-05-2017
Iterations calendar update
- offical start of the project is september 1
Hangar first event in october
23 – 27 October in Hangar Barcelona
2 days seminars
1 day hand-over
1 day or 1/2 day kick-off organisational meeting
6 artists + 4 speakers +
8 staff members
Which artists / speakers to invite ?
- do we invite artiste from Barcelona and Dyne and ... ? In the description of the hand-over meeting in the application we talked about artists who will participate to the Iterations in Sicily
- let's begin making a list togheter (of artists and also speakers) and then Federico can propose some :
it will surely be interesting to invite Julien or François or Johannes or ... from precedent Iterations in Graz and Brussel to show materials / repositories
from trasformatorio?
during the same days in october, the Goethe Institute Barcelona is organising a seminar on similar issues. They invited us to join forces, so if we need to invite someone form germany they can cover the travel+accomodation expenses. We're about to receive their programme.
- it would make sense to make a specific open system of selection for each iterations respecting the practices to each organisation and to choose a delegation from the city / country itself + some European artists
Proposal to organise seminar
work 2 days in the afternoon and evening
with a mixture of public and smaller internal sessions.
two (of 4) public sessions in daytime, the other 2 in the evening, so we can draw a mixed audience of working / studying / curious people
Hand over can take 1 full day, this is for staff and invited artists
the kick off organisational half day meeting we can do on friday early, before reni has to leave
- how to learn from the past experiences : leave space for the personal initiative of the artists, not impose too much a working frame, maybe it is alos interesting to invite people who could help us thinking with us how to share, collaborative produc
, transfer, …
- which methodology for the hand-over ?
needs to be discussed,
- Trasformatorio event
(spring 2018)
Trasformatorio 2017 has been made already with no-budget in Scaletta Zanclea (ME-Sicily)
the report will be available soon on www.trasformatorio.net website
- date/place
- selection of artists
- bootcamp/social caracter of trasformatorio 2017:
- idea for 2018 : hack 'n track
Half of trasformatorio should be about site specific multimedia performance in a remote area were energy has to be harvested. I selected already some interesting spots in the naighbourhood of Scaletta Zanclea, 1200 meter high plateau, siege of an abandoned city. This allows to bridge the sea, the castle and the top of the most prominent mountain above the village.
I also have established relations with a agency that makes treccking trips across those mountains, this should lead to audience that arrives walking to visit our site and stays over, like a sort of pilgrimnage mini festival. The week before should be design and implementation of portable mmedia devices. To be orchestrated and prepared in collaboration with fablab messina. A presentation shall be done also in the venue of the castle, that is situated closer to the sea.
spiritual sickness
Website : wishes and needs
T M D P: let's go for the domain name:
- document the project, for sure ; annouce also ?
- which form has to take : digital plate-forme, wiki,.. ?
Let's make a simple page for now that contains the basic info and traces of documentation
in longer term: develop the website is a workspace
? or something else, but already think about it in archive terms
Elaborate about it during the seminar, because if we want to discuss subjects such as:
sustainable hardware, economies of the commons, ethics of production and distribution, then it might be nice to see the website as a case study
and we take into account the discussions
wiki or wordpress ....
ransfers of the initial amounts
per organisation will happen directly after Constant revceived the full amount
- question: previously any interest generated on the money that we park on our bankaccounts have to be given back to the eu. Constant made separate bank account to facilitate keeping track of the exact amount.
Tere remarks there is no such thing as interest that you receive from the bank anymore.
True .... what does that mean for the EU arrangements ?
To do :
- dona calls EU for the interest arrangements
- make a list of people we are interested inviting for the seminar in october.
we can discuss this list later
- Tere talks to tech guy from hangar about website
- reni will ask mur.at people to see what they suggest regarding website
- Accommodatons for october have to be booked soon
who is doing that ?
- reni asks johannes (1st iteration graz 2015) if he wants to join the barcelona meeting
Donatella checks with Hangar : who is paying and reserving flights travels hotels ... ?
Donatella checks how many days the artists can come to Hangar ?
Peter reserves domain name: iterations.space