APPEL: proposal: In recent years, artistic outputs are increasingly used for science outreaching and scientific questions and results are also frequent inspiration for artistic experiences. Realising Potentials: Arts-based sustainability science is a two-day workshop conceived as an experiential site for exploration and dialogue between the arts and sustainability science. The workshop will be held in Barcelona (Spain), in November 3rd-4th, 2016 at the Institute of Catalan Studies (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, IEC). Two main motivations guide the workshop: 1. To open up an experiential space where artists and scientists can share, connect and expand different experiences, projects and discussions in the field of arts-based sustainability research. 2. To catalyse a network of Arts-based Sustainability Science as a community of learning, practice and mutual support. During the workshop, participants will engage in different experiential laboratories and discussions to share, collectively explore and critically inquire different experiences of arts-science hybridation (see attached program). - social and ecological interactions - participation, social, learning, and citizen engagement - ecological functions and processes / natural resource management - ecological and justice conflicts If you are engaged with any of these thematic areas and practices, we invite you to participate and contribute to the workshop, in any of the following kinds of participation: *Proposing a laboratory *Presenting your experience in the field through one of the following communication types: *Short chat *Artistic work * *Attending and participating in the workshop Please see the guidelines for proposals, attached in the extended call. Deadline for proposals is July 28th, 2016. How can the arts push conceptual and methodological boundaries in sustainability science? How can we bring the aesthetics into sustainability research and transformations and vice versa? What relations, critical approaches, institutional transformations would it require? 3 domaines of the call: *inspire societal transformation *inform methodological challenges posed by transformative and learning implications, *foster out of the box thinking 2 amin motivations *To open up an experiential space *Catalyse a network Domains of research: *ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND PROCESSES/NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: *SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS: *PARTICIPATION, SOCIAL LEARNING AND CITIZENS’ ENGAGEMENT: NOTES Lets call it irrational. MIGUEL BENASAYAG "Le vivant c'est ce qui tourne les obstacles en moyens" extract from personal notes of the author Deleuze speaking citing Bergson. As measuring and modelling expands to the large universe it appears that rational representations of the world encounter some resistance to map all aspects of existence in the cosmos. One can ask how to address in modelisation the liveness and relational qualities of biological systems, as it has historically been expressed in our perception of cnot only our environment but the cosmos iself. As the physical modelisation binds into a contained universe longing for regulated functionning, liveliness, on the contrary, is always seeking the diversity necessary to its survival, and tends to preserve open systems, that are resilient and adaptable and whose complex behavior tends to resist modelisation and even being prone to integrate and adopt human intervention in very unexpected and uncontrolable ways, as for example the recent Tika virus. This problematic could be started already as a questioning of the individuality, when seizing individuality as a system of relation cristalized by thought and counsciousness, it From While Life organisation and relation is ontologically preliminary to the existence of the individual, however it only exists in the past as any organisational form, since the organisation has got no utility further than the process it unifies and no existence beyond it. As explained by Miguel Benassayag a situation becomes a concrete singularity that the fragment of a momentum that gets ordered. This instantaneity does not exist out from our percetion of it and the health of intelligence lies in the acceptation of this double bidding of its existence out from a living system. The purpose of this project is to counter the emergence of irrational processes in rational modeling of life by promoting a heuristic that gets modelisation out from laboratories and in the realm of the process. Promoting relation existence observation and sensibility via creative and small scale comunity practices. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTES “My dad said to me,” Estrin recounted in a 2010 interview, “that the key to solving problems in programming, which I think applies to life also, is first to look at that big problem and break it into pieces.” Figure out how to solve the smaller problems and then figure out how they work together. -> multi-stakeholder processes don't look at the big picture first, but already work on restricted assumptions. RESOURCES De l’interdisciplinarité à la transdisciplinarité : fondation méthodologique du dialogue entre les sciences humaines et les sciences exactes Edgar Morin "Sur l'interdisciplinarite" Charte de la Transdisciplinarite by Riane Eisler L'Ere des Plasticiens, par Cyberpunk Reality, de Saint Epondyle ( Hyper-rationality Hyper-rationality is the unquestioning faith in the efficacy of reason. "Hyper-rationalists make up things and are driven by emotions they are unaware of which literally color their perception and reality." OFF-TOPIC