you should not expect companies to be fair - google spain, right to be forgotten

detail of the law, among lawyers

the main point is not the law but how people 
we do not live in a world ... problem is not state but mega-corp

should the state protect us?
is law the state

people have to behave differently
they have to behave differently

but why do it, 

digital self defense 

'the mega corp'

ippolita: digital self defense workshop with children ... how to deal with devices and we learned. 

Q: Where are you?
I am on it ... in it ... you are somewhere else, not at home, so we need to be careful
login is military behaviour; you prove

Q: Who else is there?
People running communication, software, never alone

Q: What does a 'like' do, what do you feel?
It is nice but it lasts less long. Time and satisfaction

(an insult is the same - if you do not react than it is easier forgotten)

how it works ... technical level
it is treated as separate but it is not

ippolita: 'it is easier to talk about a social problem from a technical point of view' (i.e. it's name)
a neutral question?
a tactical question?
a factual question?

Q: What do you call your device?

social engineering is the basics of hacking
there is always a weak point, it's human
so focus on humans

machines and humans at risk

show that you are part of a network of technologies of different types. they work
if you want to deal with this power, what do you do

ways to start a conversation is good to know some tactics by charismatic people.

only when you realise, you can start
self-defense has to come from yourself.

help understand it is not their world, their terms

guiding the understanding
redefining menace

I don't want to be commanded = political, not ideology

we don't want to overvalorize technological knowledge

how can we convince geek people to work with us and not for google?

'normal people' vs geeks
how to integrate geeks 

division of labour? efficiency?

industry wanting specialists

Security: both digital lives and organic life - misperception of their importance
technicians to get tools, that will solve the problem

cryptography ... why us ... 

confidence to ask yourself : what do you need. might use your organic body differently

collectif self defense. we are a self
you are a community
find ways to ask other people you trust
adopt your geek
assess and valorize competence around you.

self awareness. not defensive, but reflection

you are oppressed because other people's construction

why do you have these addictions
exercise exorcise

to get stronger to feel better and be better

look up: feminist self defense
being under violence -- understanding the violence

nerd suppremacy
'it is a male technology'

coleman's mistake: her narratives on autonomy ... 

pleasure of destruction, pleasure of being able to destruct
you can suffer your own knowledge. rtfm - meritocracy

is coleman aware of the violence she's under?

How do you adopt your geek?
- Remember you are not the boss (ask: explain me please?)
- State your position: I am not you, but I (will try to) understand

You need to find competence around you. Dialogical strategy

living in a system

there is a lot of people to not change anything
take what you can and go away

The relationship ...
Let's find things out together

the story of autistici

who has the time

what is a technology

'the public wants some service'
separating task, specialise.

limits, your body has limits. digital as well - a menace

non-permeability is main feature of your self-defense

radical openness means you put limits
accept your and others limits
some rules

there is no more bread, 

not meeting expectations, targets set by others
for this you need selfconfidence not to comply
to be able to live with discomfort

"just for fun" but is it true? not.

trust in yourself
and faith
and/or confidence

happy degrowth = 
to deal with your addiction

addiction to 

taste ... you need to develop other tastes
oysters vs hamburgers

diversity, promiscuity

an offer you cannot refuse

present a work on problems with tech. they worked on facial-recognition

Dark side of Google

Trust in the possibility to tweak technologies in accordance with the desire of individuals is essential if one wishes to create networks that are really free, and not merely digital.  
! The practice of collaboration is not a panacea that will automagically transform every technological novelty into a shared good
 In the clouds of social networks, then, published does not mean public.
 To sell Google’s technocracy as if it were a tool for direct democracy is a charade that is meant to make us believe that we are participants in some sort of grand electronic democracy game, a narrative that actually is totally devoid of substance. 
 Secrecy, cryptography, and steganography are all examples of useful practices, but they are not definitive solutions. Communication and sharing both remain the objects of a desire, which can only be brought about by ‘publication’, i.e. by making public. However, putting personal stuff on private servers like on those of Google means ‘to publish’, not ‘to make public
 As of today, no pedagogic model exists that would correspond to a demand for a ‘dilettante’ \nkind of scientific approach to knowledge,                                   automation
 benign giant
 co-operate on the standards, compete on the solutions!’
 academic arrogance
This is the reason why the idea of the exhaustiveness of Google’s databases must be challenged and discounted, as it falsely conjures up the notion of one unique universe for all of us
 Erik Davis, TechGnosis: Magic, Memory, and the Angels of Information,
 Rosi Braidotti, Metamorphoses. Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming,
After all, Google is an Enlightenment dream
For Google, the world will soon become a gigantic index in which a perfect correlation exists between digital resources and ambient reality. Each and every index will become computable by an algorithm and presented as a search result in the most convenient manner. And Google will be in pole position to be the instrument that shall maintain that index.
have described what Donna Haraway called the ‘informatics of domination
published does not mean public.
The Googlization of Everything - and Why We Should Worry (University of California Press: 2011), by Siva
Yet, common sense and Orwellian memories are more than enough to realize that such a growth, without end or aim, is the manifestation of the will of the technological powers that view human individuals only as potential consumers and nothing more. 
In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives.
disappearance of the concept of files and file systems.
Donna Haraway, ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the \nLate Twentieth Century’. In Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature