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ASH MESS Incomplete
g points)
Martino: If you have an incomplete mesh, where a face is missing or twisted, the software will complain, because all of a sudden it cannot recognize what is inside from what is outside. With 3d printing this is a classic problem... Maybe that's something nice to play with/discuss about..? --> ''correcting" software such as meshlab fill up the gaps with algorythms. potential of broken mesh. how can you look at it's politics. Patch or input, invitation?
Pascale: How to go from models to printing; play with mesh - correcting - errors - non-human/human-non-human constellations. glitches (genetic, physical ...). Find stereotypes and work from there.
Peter: skeleton, skin ... inside vs outside. Messiness of the mesh. External skeleton?
Play with incomplete parts. Look at fixing algorithms.
Nico: thinking gender through Boolean operations ... and 3D print abstract ideas of gender. generate objects on the fly. changeable base meshes ... objects. Integrate in mesh-error part? Open Scad?
separate/join meshes = usually a new mesh with a bad topology. Software does not deal well with queering.
some text for tutorial?
you all know how annoying it is when you want to print an object you just designed or downloaded, and you can't cos your slicing software complains about your mesh.
in a word, the problem is that your mesh is wierd. it has something wrong, maybe you can't see that, as it looks fine in your 3d rendering software, but something in there is wrong.
what is wrong actually? lets have a look at it. there is for sure a problem of normality. every face in a mesh has normals that are used to define what is inside from what is outside. thats what a mesh does.. it defines an inner and an outer space. but when the mesh is abnormal, when it has holes, or conflicting faces, all of a sudden its not clear anymore where the outside stops and the inside begins. that's called being manifold.
each of the elements of this mesh has to agree on what is inside and what is outside. usually each face is influenced by the neighbouring ones and it is easy to fix the normality of one face when it is surrounded by conforming faces. you can have though areas in the mesh with intersecating faces that contradict each other, or confused areas where the normals are all diverging and it is difficult to establish a common direction.
when the faces have conflicting opinions on it, your solid is not manifold anymore. when it happens, you have some work to do, to mediate and determine a normality, you have to find compromises for the usability of the whole mesh.
probably some points or faces are gonna be deleted.. sometimes it is just easier to delete a whole part of the mesh. in the end you shouldn't mind too much to get rid of whole fringe areas, if they jeopardize the usability of the whole mesh. it's the most efficient way.
some other times instead, when you cant really delete that whole part of the mesh, you can just solve things by adding a new point or a new side,so that the mesh is redesigned, the face that was partly inside and partly outside or conflicting with other faces will either change and adapt to this new point to connect to, or just be made into a separate object or be deleted.
.look at this mesh, for example. it has been obtained by scanning a person with a kinect. scanning is very different from modelling.. its like exploring the space around, connecting pieces of the experience of the surroundings together, so you can get surfaces, but you hardly ever will have a complete view. modelling instead you have an idea of the shape that you use, and you just communicate it to the computer so it keeps abstract and therefore complete and less conflicting.
so this mesh is mapping some of the external surface of this person, but you won't ever get this person completely.
Format: video tutorial with screencast
write together a text that includes what we discussed and problematizes the issues touched..
look at how to perform the mesh problems, by looking at existing 3d fixing techniques/software
3d print?
connecting scanned things
new plan:
cadavre esquis, how to fix holes? with new scans
create a kind of bank with scanning objects from human & non-human part of Body
the potential of the naked edge
what the software propose usually is flattening and coverting it up
i wanna be freak as i am
an's scan half complete glitches
the head is always a hole
treatment of errors..
support structures.. very architectural
gravity model fo
practical options:
fixing holes by joining objects?
different approach to fix holes
Objects must be manifold:
their geometry must include some inner and outer “holeless”
A mesh is said to be non-manifold
in case its edges are shared by more than two faces.
the tipes of "errors":
mesh holes
1. An edge incident to more than two faces.
2. Two or more faces connected only by a vertex and not by an edge.
3. Adjacent faces whose normals are pointing in opposite directions.
holes happen for a certain reason
complexity brings holes
in abstrsact thinking, making NURBS cubes, the chance of a hole is nearly none
but as more as things become complex, the chance of hole grows
scanning looks at the materiality, is somehow phenomenological approach to 3d. while NURBS making is analytical approach.
scanning has holes by default. then there is a fiction that makes it close, printable.
a scan is a 3d monster, holes, self intersecting faces, etc..
dancing in the holes
"my body is the first tool i have available"
becoming Erasures: writing intervals?
in a genderqueer entity
What is erasured?
form a new writing?
the possibility of thinking deployments without origin, or , intervals ( Parmenides , Heraclitus , Platon)
Holes are not a lack of material, but are somehow an exit door that leads to other worlds...? or not...
ref: Alice in Wonderland, Deleuze (Logic of sense)
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
in FRENCH: La rature
DERRIDA / EISENMAN book and architecture with holes
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
'A genderqueer entity dancing holes in the type'
Zis growing body permanently changes positions between, above and beyond gendercategories. Our genderqueer creature adds limbs, all from different oriëntations and origins. seh disconnects, separates her bodyparts and sticks them together in unexpected ways. By altering their hiërarchy in the body structure, the entity grows new categories, which zhe moves into and out from.
Categories of Male-, Female-, Other- and their subs are danced to pieces by the entities' continuous self-reconfiguration.
The entity is part of a body of bodies of bodies ...
Hit knows that refining gender categories leads to defining more categories. Qhe likes its incomplete topology. Zhe deliberately hangs hir guts on the outside, and enjoys the roughness of hirs cutt off points. They are roots. They give grip. They are anckers for new developments.
- stitching imperfections
take the 'broken' as an opportunity to grow new attachments
Root is 'gen', from Latin 'genus' meaning sort, kind, type
FALLING in //////potential of broken mesh
how to perform the mesh problems?
1. An edge incident to more than two faces.
dancing in the holes
Integrate in mesh-error part? Open Scad?
where a face is missing or twisted, the software will complain
skeleton, skin ... inside vs outside.
Messiness of the mesh.
External skeleton?
They are roots.
look at this mesh!
NURBS making is analytical approach
a bank with scanning objects from human & non-human part of Body
possibility of thinking deployments without origin, or , intervals
Ring the bells that still can ring
Categories of Male-, Female-, Other- and their subs are danced to pieces
Play with incomplete parts
separate/join meshes = usually a new mesh with a bad topology.
incomplete topology
gender through Boolean operations
types of "errors"
2. Two or more faces connected only by a vertex and not by an edge.
scanning looks at the materiality
scanning has holes by default
not a lack of material,
but are somehow an exit door that leads to other worlds...?
or not...
stitching imperfections
Forget your perfect offering
INternal skeleton?
Hit knows that refining gender categories leads to defining more categories
sometimes it is just easier to delete a whole part of the mesh
becoming Erasures: writing intervals?
cadavre exquis, how to fix holes?
geometry must include some inner and outer “holeless” parts
how to fix a meshmess
an approach to fix holes
take the 'broken' as an opportunity to grow new attachments
There is a crack in everything
Look at fixing algorithms.
They give grip.
3. Adjacent faces whose normals are pointing in opposite directions.
Software does not deal well with queering.
probably some points or faces are gonna be deleted..
fixing holes by joining objects?
there is a fiction that makes it close,
a fiction that makes it printable.
i wanna be freak as i am
That's how the light gets in.
the potential of the naked edge
SCREAMing: "my body is the first tool i have available"
Objects must be manifold
a scan is a 3d monster
The entity is part of a body of bodies of bodies ...
scan is holes,
continuous self-reconfiguration
scan is self intersecting faces,
scan is etc..
They are anckers for new developments.
i wanna be incomplete as i am
be freakable
A genderqueer entity dancing holes
#non-manifold #wrong #normals #mesh #holes
"Bien que, par mesure de défense, parfois, cette activité ait été dite,
par nous, « expérimentale »,
nous y cherchions avant tout le divertissement.
Ce que nous avons pu y découvrir d'enrichissant sous le rapport de la connaissance n'est venu qu'ensuite."
André Breton about cadavre exquis /surréalistes game /1925.