// http://note.pad.constantvzw.org/p/graphviz // Export and save this text as a '.dot' file // Open it in Graphviz digraph { *tool [style=filled fillcolor=green] *practice [shape=square] *"path dependency" [shape=polygon sides=4][style=dotted fillcolor=black fontcolor=white style=filled] *bending [style=filled fillcolor=gold fontcolor=green] *use [style=filled fillcolor=blue fontcolor=gold style=dotted] *abuse [style=filled fillcolor=red fontcolor=white] toolbox [style=dotted] TOOLS [style=filled fillcolor=hotpink fontcolor=yellow] Bleu [shape=tripleoctagon fontsize=125 fontcolor=yellow] "all about Tools" [shape=triangle style=filled fillcolor=red fontcolor=white] Void [style=dotted fontcolor=red fontsize=55] [shape=polygon sides=64] main [shape=square fontcolor=green] *lob [style=filled fillcolor=red fontcolor=blue fontsize=70] *tool -> bending -> toolbox -> abuse -> "You need to know where to stop" *main -> Bleu-> "You need to know where to stop" *"path dependency" -> LOVE -> main-> "You need to know where to stop" *"Bleu" -> LOVE *"LOVE" -> Bleu-> "You need to know where to stop" *TOOLS ->"all about tools"-> "You need to know where to stop" *toolbox -> tool -> use -> TOOLS ->"all about Tools"-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> tool -> TOOLS ->"all about Tools"-> "You need to know where to stop" *practice -> tool-> TOOLS ->"all about Tools"-> "You need to know where to stop" *"hello goodmorning" -> bending -> TOOLS ->"all about Tools"-> "You need to know where to stop" *bending -> practice -> TOOLS ->"all about Tools"->main-> "You need to know where to stop" *LOVE-> main *Void->bending-> You need to know where to stop *Void->Void-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> lob-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> lob-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> lob-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> lob-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> lob-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use -> lob-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *abuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" *BIGabuse -> use-> "You need to know where to stop" * * *You [style=dotted style=filled fillcolor=lightskyblue] *Me [style=dotted style=filled fillcolor=lightskyblue] *He [style=dotted style=filled fillcolor=lightskyblue] *She [style=dotted style=filled fillcolor=lightskyblue] * *She-> He-> "You need to know where to stop" *He-> Me-> "You need to know where to stop" *Me-> You-> main -> "You need to know where to stop" *You-> She-> Void -> "You need to know where to stop" * *LOVE [shape=star style=filled fillcolor=red fontsize=70 fontcolor=white] * *You need to know where to stop [shape=signature style=filled fillcolor=brown1 fontsize=100 fontcolor=pink] * * * * }