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Checking the stream from the fosdem meeting from home.
Great way to race from devroom X to keynote Y:

Presentation on organisation making 'diversity' promoting games used in companies to up their diversity policy. Why important? Diversity is more efficient. Diverse collaboration optimises competitiveness.
It's linked to competition because it is a way to sell it to companies (no mention of politics whatsoever)

Importance of (real) Open Standards
"small scale pilots" -- someone explaining how "you just have to click another button". you need "an innovation champion" "a change manager"
Example of how student org demands interrogable software, as part of democratic transparency
hackathons. Also examples of fragile projects.

Physical issues 
How to deal with poisonous people
"plan for your exit" to survive your own des-interest

"a warden in your head"
"technology hijacks people's lives"
"it is our duty to present alternatives"
"don't take us for kittens"
It is a proof of concept, but you need to install these services on your own server (they are not meant to become the next google)
etherpad: mypad instance
"Chatons" mixing solidarity and de-centralized services. 
CHATONS, le collectif anti-GAFAM https://chatons.org/
No ads, Floss, data-friendly, net-neutrality -- connect on legal advice, admin, pr, ...
https://chatons.org/charte-et-manifeste "It is important that is legible, and people can ask questions."
it sounds like they do some kind of cloud-live-cd
"our goal is that you leave us" and go to the "kittens", find one close to you "so you can talk to them"
If it is free, you are the product? Eh, yes - there are donations (2000) and many more can use it. It is important

Open Design Room (the OSP talk on html2print was turned down)

moved to lightning talks ...
city bike apps -- no/little open data, most date gathered through scraping. Is it public transport?
nice way to see villo stations in your terminal
https://citybik.es/ (type bruxelles for villo)
https://moovitapp.com :-P (software does not seem open source but using open data and maps based on openstreetmap)

back to game room

Custom animation engine
Tanukis -- 4-7 kinnects linked together ("it starts to work")
Moving from Unity to Polymorph
interacting in real time
editing skeletons real time 

The video is going to be posted (soon) here:

Non-GAFAM translation tool: https://demo-pnmt.systran.net/production#/translation
Firefox plugin http://context.reverso.net/translation/
Sentence https://tatoeba.org/eng/



back to lightning talks:

Sending money across networks. How difficult it is to pay on-line, gatekeeping. Annoying and insecure. Everyone needs to be on the same network
w3c working on money routing protocols - webpayments group

"things work and we got to sleep a few hours"
video boxes ?
"most is invisible to visitors as it should be"

Resources and infrastructure tools used in FOSDEM are accessible on their Github: