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efore October:
reating Accounts > ooooo
etting up Virtual Host > Jogi ?
elete unecessary tools on the server (like NFS .. is somebdoy using that) > ?
heck the ports (55432, 11211, 33672, ...) > ?
efore mid December:
etting up the wordpress farm
will be waiting for the public key's to be added for the new users:
ogi, klau, anonymiss, mayelin, do you send me your public key so I can add in the the authorized keys on the server
O BE DISCUSSED: the name of the mediawiki + extra tools to be installed
So currently the link to the server is here: www.anarchaserver.org
domain name:
thanks to the small funds raised during the THF, Lucy could buy the domain name anarchaserver for the next 5 years
It hosted by gandi.net (spideralex, ooooo en lucy have the paswords to enter)
>> Jogi:
From what I can see, the name anarchaserver.org still points to IP
address, which is one of gandi's addresses. The server's
IP address actually is So one would have to make
anarchserver.org point to and set up a virtual host named
narchaserver.org at anoia.tachanka.org
Askarel introduced me: Apache: /etc/apache2/sites-available/
aybe Jogi, you can do it? and I reread.
Secure browsing: HTTPS
ooooo is officially member and engaged with cacert community driven certification
during th eprocess we discovered that the cacert certificate was already achieved for anarchaserver,
after a small investigation it looks like we did it in the first phase of the anarchaserver project.
So the mystery is fixed.
(??? has the acces to manage and maintainsecure browing)
Then in order to work on the documentation of the THF we installed a Mediawiki
The wiki was called mundaneum (
(but i switched it again to alexandria.
After recalling this docmentary of Paul Otelet ( The man who tried to classify the world)
Klau: I don't like particulary alexadria is too common and cliche for me, sorry =S
I would love to start to use other memory codes (even if we fall on historic or science fiction nominalisms jj (Jocasta Nu or Zoia Horn).
And here a little mamory-resources that can be useful in a future:
INAL NAME: ? JocastaNu ... ?
> licencing: we have settled the mediawiki contents are under public domain, but it can be discussed...
> access: www.anarchaserver.org/mediawiki... currently there is an admin account called THF which spideralex has been using to dump the contents of the pads in the wiki...
> editors: we propose that people interested in joining the documentation effort or other endehavours related to anarcha server development request an account in the wiki.
To so do, please contact spideralex by private email with a subject putting clearly: wiki account and the user name you would like to have in the wiki.
> extra: Besides, the documentation of the THF, We have also created a section in the wiki to present basic information about the server (technical specificities: virtual machine is debian 7.6 installed / who are the admins: gloria, anoia, maxigas, ooooo
Spirit of the server:
We agreed on being clearly a feminist server which main aim is to provide server services to feminists and transfeminists as individuals or as collectives.
Now what does it mean exactly? if we become a server to host feminist websites, what are the criteria to request this hosting?
Maybe we could begin by drafting collectively a FEMIFESTO ;-) and try to brainstorm on those issues
(again we recommend feminist server principles from femke + notes towards a transfeminist technology from lucy sombra)
Purposes of the feminist server:
At the moment we have distributed services over different servers instead of a centralized approach:
During the THF, the server JEAN was relaunched by the
and the team that will get involved in its development have decided to specialize in communication services.
Maybe people in this list and developing this server could inform about its aims and philosophy. + http://www.ooooo.be/ruelles
Ruelles server offers (sound)streaming for LIVE actions, conferences, concerts, or simple voice presence on the web + support to build mobile streaming units.
aim and philosophy: http://www.ruelles.constantvzw.org/?page_id=2
anarcha server
we would like to work and sync with this server projectas we understand that the solution is to multiply small scale servers everywhere....
So maybe anarchaserver should focus in hosting data.
>> mediagoblin >>> share audios,videos, images and other stuff over there... opinions
+ spideralex - anamhoo !
!!security issue!!!!!
NY EXPERIENCE with sound ?
>> wordpress
+ klau
will set it up before end of november
>> indexhibit
+ klau
t is to be paid, so I won't opt for indexhibit
other servers?
------------- A N A R C H A S E R V E R -------------------------------------------------------------
SAFE MEMORY: Maybe we could begin, first milestone, by hosting feminist projects that are already finished (not growing)
and needs a secure and safe place to ensure that they do not disappear from the net.
For instance, my research project lelacoders is an online group inside n-1, a free social networking site that we developed some years ago,
however right now it is poorly maintained and very often the network is down. I feel the urge to copy all the data and move it to a safe place.
I guess there are many other ended feminist projects in a similar position. Therefore it would be good to see if we can begin by hosting some
of those ended projects. Personally, I propose to host ended websites that dealt with feminist and trans-feminist topics in the first step...
maybe in the future we could begin to host also sites developed by feminists but which addresses other issues than feminism.. to be discussed.
generatech project
(2007-2010) KLAU: that was "evicted" from institutional servers that where host. And a very important chain (at least for me) in the evolution of the transhackfeminist concept and action.
FARM: Next in the second milestone we were discussing that maybe it would be nice to have a wordpress farm and enable feminist collectives
to open their wordpress over there. And maybe later on to provide mails and mailing lists. In any case we were discussing with ooooo about
beginning slowly and settle some milestones every 3/4 months.
Administration: as said before:
root access : gloria, anoia (this account will be erased), maxigass, ooooo
to be added : mayelin from mexico would like also to help with admin
to be added : anonymiss also
to be added : JOGI
Should we open a threa
or a wiki page about duties/responsibilities of admins and users of the server?
How we are going to distribute admins privileges and create other profiles in the server should be brainstormed and documented.
What are your opinions on this?
maybe we can add in a few lines (3 o 4) in a wiki page, what each of us
expect of the server in terms of use and this may clarify something.
Track tracker
Besides, and as said previously we have in the server a track tracker than enables admins to clearly keep track of what each one of them.
I would also suggest to install a task manager so that we can make clear tasks to be achieved and make visible who is taking care of those.
>IRC chat anarchaserver<
The channel #anarchaserver on freenode:
is still available ;), I am there!
? or on the systerserver ?
My suggestion is to begin by understanding how demanding is the work for admins/maintainers of the server
and how much time/energy they are willing to put in this work... in other words, to begin by experimenting hands on and then evaluate our levels of motivations, precariousness and what would be fair contributions to make the server sustainable.
If we decide clear milestones every trimester, i would suggest that admins engaged in the administration
evaluate how much time it is taking them in a monthly base and what would be a fair compensation for their work
(economic compensation, exchanges and trades, other forms of currencies, social moneys, crypto faircoin what so ever).
I guess that if we begin slowly and small we can afford to pay them for this admin work trough donations, parties, and so on...
if things go 'bigger' or at least go forward then we can re-plan the sustainability model....
I would complete all the previously said with a page listing in a transparent ways accounts of the server
(what are we spending, what we are getting)...
ok that is all for today ...
will come back next days with more topics delaying with THF documentation