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'We are the granddaugthers of the witches, you didn't burn'
I. images she shows (slideshow) connect in specific context, we need to participate :-)
is practice of storytelling
constructions of 'we', fragile, situated, located in time/place, as durable as we allow it to be
unless we learn to change the story, we're dead
in Trumplandia this necessity never felt so urgent
friendship with Isabelle Stengers in situated practises, not in systems of belief
Ursula Leguin, The Birthday of the world (The Matter of Seggri): reflection on the practise of writing
'risk of telling the story' is animator of her work, story has no end, no beginning, it is all muddle/middle/earth
interested in ordinary storytelling, creatures of the mud
science-fiction extraterrestial visitors: hens & lemons in the back of her garden :-)
Environmental Justice Octopus/Evergreen University - 'eco activist' octopus
Dakota access pipeline, Standing Rock protests
history of standard oil
octopus 'spiders of the sea'
different octopus speak to each other, across their frictions
Octopi Wall Street
'we're 97% of animal diversity'
we are with the other creatures of the earth, and they are 97% of us
Lovelock, Gaia
diversity allows the interdigitalization of systems (mineral, vegetal, geological) that constitute the earth
that allows 'us' to inhabit it, metabolizing planet
we're inside scientific modeling apparatus
situate technological practises - from the 50s onwards
we must know how to inhabit these modeling practises, not as enemy
if Trump does not want to address climate change, it is because he doesn' t want to accept one has to inhabit this system
creature that inhabits her: immortal Medusa
no feminism without horses, close contact
mask of Medusa (hangs on wall in her dining room), made of the skin of a gui dog (???palourde)
-> Tentacularity
tentacularity is a thinking practise, apparatus for thinking, not only metaphors or illustrations
'jeu de ficelle', dispositifs cognitives
taken from mythology, science-fiction, biology
if you learn how to greet them politely (Medusa & co), they will not kill you
character of Doctor Who
Hawaiian Bobtail Squid ( < biology)
inhabited by bacteria, that make it look like starry sky so it can attack prey
biochemistry, collecting practises at night...
all these images lead to construction of a 'we' in this room:
will you agree to be part of it?
what kind of we is it? what responsabilities are there, what repsonse-abilities do we have?
-> cultivation of the capacity to respond to the world we have inherited
Pacific Day Octopus
Quesiton: gender is theoretical concept
climate change is interpretative apparatus that gathers many data, testimonia
'we know it is too hot for a spring day in brussels, but it is only one day'
many kind of lived differences, genders is constructed, reinvented, not always been this way
it is a polyform thing, it is a performance, not one that one chooses, very fleshly
II. her work has been inspired by 'artists for earthly survival'
working friendships
Lynn Randolph:
- offered the cyborg painting, in response to reading the cyborg manifesto
tianman activist, spirit tiger, cosmology in background taken from biological science
great deal of contemporary art that she doesn't know how to inhabit, she inhabits 'narrative' art
- image of oncomouse
enclosing of the genome built into corporate law
painting was powerfully helpful for 'modest witness'
-> books don't know where to
go in the bookstore, under 'occult' most often
Patricia Piccinni
- Hairy Nosed Wombat in Australia, silicone fabulation
forced reproduction of endangered species, specific role that females play
represents the indignous people that lost land, stories.
contact zones & alliances between battle of aborignials, biochemistral science, vitality, ...
when you inhabit this figure - I made you inhabit her today - you can not inhabit her anymore tomorrow
nobody is everywhere but everybody is somewhere and those somewheres connect
all 'us' belong to several kinds of 'we'
when we inhabit this, we have changed
we enlarge the world that authors
- The Long Awaited (2008)
xenoecologies for 'becoming with' in an experimental life
all of her work has to do with meetings
- Decolonizing Constant Zones
female ballone whale flies over territory near Sidney
pregnant skywhale, needs to go to water for the baby to be born
milk has to produce a lot of gas in the water so it could fly up with the mother :-)
-> artists don't make me think about history of art, but make her think about connections in the world
Baila Goldenthal
- Cat's cradle
paintings as a methodology of thinking
Chthulucene, painting of 5m, in honour of sybmiogenesis (creatures eating each other and (in)digestion)
Margaret and Christine Wertheim, Crochet Coral Reefs made of of trash
Brisbane, Great barrier Reef
began to crochet hyperbolic forms, instructed by mathematician
they combine fiber arts, ecological activism, feminism, ...
more than 10000 people have participated in making these Reef, and learned maths while doing crochet
Helen Bernasconi & Vonda McIntyre, Excess Surface for Eartly Survival
Daniel Doherty, Bird man of the MIssion
homeless man himself, painted another homeless and how he feeds the pigeons
helped her think abotu 'multispecies environmental practise' in the city
Paulette Metuq, Inuit ringed seal (natsig)
a seal that contains its people, its histories and within that framework makes the claim that indigenous hunting of seal is essential for their survival
-> international printmaking, google 'contemporary inuit art'
she needs image to be inside contradictions, makes her think of Stengers' notion of cosmopolicits, the world is not a 'one'
Geraldine Javier, cover of Staying with the trouble
we're not posthumans, we're compost
she uses artists, they use her
art workings: drawn by stories, a work provoques her to tell stories, the work also comes form storytelling people
singing/activism/drawing all live together, it pulls her into their world
we inherit responsabilities of community/place where we are born
'thinkingmaking' is one word
thinking is making practise, making is thinking practise
talking is thinkingmaking practise
textuality in philosophy is materialist, take the forms of speaking and writing
how she works with contradictions?
'ro speak against', to put into friction, to put face to face, to excavate from what appears to be non-contradictory
likes to think about dialectics as a 'machine' for thinking practise
she want toolbox to be big, but want the little thinking machines ot make noise!
she wants to hear them break down...
makes her become promiscuous
III. Learning with Dogs
Jim's Dog
in Modest Witness
not innocent beings, complex beings
recently had nightmares because of dog eating production factories in Indonesia
not worse than eating pigs/chicken/octopus...
but I am inhabiting dogs
her dog flew in from Taipei, streetdog, this makes her care about streetdogs, need to know about them
every time we touch somebody we are made to care differently
-> friendship provoques curiosity, curiosity provoques connecting, inquiring
dogs expand our connections
Leonardo's dog
Dog of perfect proportions
important when she was writing about convergence of art, technoscience, genomics...
Pintacanes, Cyborg quiltro (Santiago de Chile)
papier mache
problematics of those living on the streets, including dogs
Field practises for Therioethnographers, Raised by Wolves
'wandering at the edge of the forest, I was raised by biologists (or animals)'
dog is the risk of someone new who we don't know well yet
she is our first team sport, 'becoming-with'
it is herding without sheep, physioballs (?)
dogs teach her about play, coming into the open
when entities play with each other, the tae risks about what is not open yet
dog playing is calligrpahy
inheriting dead tree
Anna Tsing, the mushroom at the end of the world
anna is in love with trees, in sybiosis with mushrooms, trees under the ground
cultivation in mondial market, produced in US eaten in japan
how to engage in practises of protection...
national parks dispossession of native people
when wolves come in, multispecies forest can recover, this changes the way of walking/hunting with the trees
indispensable companion species
my first attention goes to animals, but all animals live in worlds that are full with plants
IV. Cartoons for Earthly Survival
relationship between insect and plant, rethinking Darwin through involutionary momentum
Chthulucene Sciences
fundamental apparatus of lust
she is 'ecotparasite living in the body of scientists'
bee pollinating this orchid is extinct
we're brought to think about extinction, non-human exceptionalism
Dan Piraro's Bizarro
V. Animé and Digital Storytelling
Miyazaki's Nausicaa & Anna Tsing
think together
'om', gian entity that is angry
peacemaking in a toxic forest
Never Alone, computer game by E-Line Games
stories from Alaska in their language
active peace making
contemporary & traditional story
but what good are old stories if you don't share them
games as thinking practises
work can trasnform her, not always the makers
sometimes only relationship is thorugh copyright contract
property = bundles of rights of access
tholocene (?), word she invented, each word is a storytelling apparatus
< thonic (in and out the earth), earth that is not finished, in its powers and processes of creation adn deconstruction
< kinos, kinos as endurance, space-time is in question, different kinds of scalings
synthetical chemical industries, fossil fuel energies have so changed the equations in the world, into ongoing irreversible system change, there will be homeostasis but not hose of yesterday
could have been capitalocene
we're not limited to infernal alternatives, those were only alternatives because we were bad storytellers
tholocene is not person/stage of being good storytellers
forget lovecraft :-) (I made it impossible to forget Lovecraft)
non-human art
orchid and bees
art is a troubled word, words are human way of expression
fact of speaking a word shows that there is a lie, demonstrates the impossiblilty of saying it, word 'art' is like that
orchid & bee are doing beauty with each other
they draw each other to what they do, attraction to colour, feromones; sensibility of these creatures to each other, of the picture to its maker of a videogame
'aninism' is a good enough word for what I'm trying to say, they have a temporality, they do things
I don't think we are the only species engaged in the abundance of the earth!
ex feeling light, ...
why not use the word 'art' for it?
vs art is about 'intention'
'never to reach the end of the sentence', a period forces you to affirmation
VI. The Camille Stories
children of compost
'Make kin not babies'