P R E P A R A T I O N Participants http://framacalc.org/GenderBlending Mailinglist https://listes.domainepublic.net/listinfo/genderblending Public Archive http://genderblending.hotglue.me/publicarchive Visual brainstorm http://genderblending.hotglue.me (to edit: http://genderblending.hotglue.me/publicarchive/edit + genderblending + jonctions) Description site Constant http://www.constantvzw.org/site/-GenderBlending,190-.html D O C U M E N T A T I O N Pictures http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/index.php/GenderBlending Queer Operating System http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/qos Monday pm presentations: http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/monday Tuesday scanning: http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/tuesday_scanning Ideas http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/ideas Program updates http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/program GenderBlending Public Archive guide update http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/guide What's wrong with being a dog? http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/whatswrongwithbeingadog Perfect digibodies http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/digibodies Modeling movements http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/movements MashMesh Incomplete http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/incomplete_mesh MakeHuman bugreport http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/bugreport Queeriosities http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/queeriosites // http://queercabinet.hotglue.me/ Modify makehuman tutorial text: http://pad.constantvzw.org/p/makehumanTuto F I L E S http://cloud.constantvzw.org user: gender pass: blending Twitter #GenderBlending R E S O U R C E S What is Free Software? (The Four Freedoms): https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html Matthew Kirschenbaum, flag-bearer of software archaeology and critical software studies: https://mkirschenbaum.wordpress.com/ QUILTBAG (a more inclusive and memorable way of saying "LGBT*"): http://queerdictionary.tumblr.com/post/3899608042/quiltbag Those 3D-printed houses: http://www.archdaily.com/543518/chinese-company-showcases-ten-3d-printed-houses/ W H O I S H E R E Xavier Genre pluriels, erg (student), animation Natacha Brussels, French Bodily data; interested in the relation between senses and measurement specifically in the context of social exchanges explore through textiles, curious about mix, sexual orientations/gender; has kids and it matters in this context Martino Brussels Not so specific Practice/theory - problemetize technologies; how tech enforces normality (personal) are other technologies possible at all? 3D printing/scanning = super normalizing; how to divert from it Pierrick 3D freelancer. Here as Blender expert, to help people! "not the most open-minded guy in the world" (thats very openminded to say :-))looking to expand his horizons and challenge his expectations He's going to be a trainer at Blender, so this a good experience! Freyja legal researcher law & ICT law and ict - started 3D printing in 2011 head vs physical has a 3D-printer downstairs, wants to incorporate into performance communication between freija and computer creates feedback loop, glitching, noise, distortion teaching game development - gender almost automatically an issue technologies as a way to censor using data that people share online, used for physical objects, if you use them, it will change you/your attitude; interesting feedback choice of gender, how to problematize this gendered toys Maria PTQK (peteekoeka) cultural producer, fundraising & organiser, critique & research writer critic researcher not always techno media arts, also performance personal research: book in Spanish (and Basque!), program around biotechnology how issue of nature is defined how tech of visualisation effect what we think a human is, or nature is what is a human/animal ginger all-lower-case (Toronto) "professional dilettant" has been working on 3D phd-researcher on critical retorical position to 'mass customization' , she makes extensions for bodies/prothesis relationship between individuals relation between mass goods/standards and misfit ex clothing, impossible to find a fitting pair of jeans the ideal pair of jeans, through full body scanning! (also available at airports) computer controlled customisation what about ideal shoes? (A thing we have written on the wall in our lab: "In order to make the shoe of tomorrow, we need to make the leg of today") Links! Institutional: http://semaphore.utoronto.ca/people.php?p=34 Personal: http://adaptstudio.ca Magazine: http://libregraphicsmag.com/ Rebekka radical feminist activist deconstructivist approach, look at norms and break them intersectional, look at relations between forms of discrimination, how they make us oppressed or oppressor technology was not a perspective so far, thinks about it as something she wants to Do it herself works with Zeljko on kickertable DIY, fex sound system of concert, working on my car cars! Phil Based in London, architect, phd in Sheffield, programmer Breaking out of proprietary software condition from code to algorithm to software process of stabilization, simulation, algorithms of science embodied in bodies agorithms of science, and how they get embedded nice to speak out loud this week, architects are not really interested in this formations of software, space of possibillities, what it allows and what it prevents from happened Pascale visual and performance artist 'Cabinet of inet of male curiosities', question of gender & multi identities, plays with just started 3d printing, not (yet) an open source user, but making a switch this week :-) drawing, videos, sculpture ... http://bit.ly/curiositesmasculines http://bit.ly/sleepwind Vera (Brussels) 3D blender tomorrow; games actionscript assets ... this is how she got to Blender, and hope she can share with you not a modeler (yet) Anne artist, activist, and recent architect (in order of appearance) working with moving image, ergonomics in space, domesticity queer feminist projects Peter Member of Constant & artist Constant: association for arts & media, focus on free culture (free software/licenses), gender & technolgoies video background - FLOSS 2D (timelines!) works a lot in public space: talk about social technologies think about publicness, language as a tool to reimagine community - urban context there is gender in there how does law define the gender space? Marc artist in Paris, - mostly video and performance, background in cinema phd at Sorbonne participation as a social phenonema in performance arts, interest in DIY community 3D printing, connects to cinema > capturing the real in residency at Bains Connective (Brussels) identity at work is fluid Alix La Cambre, last year web-art, performance. Robotics. make myself into a robot nterest,ed in Japan, glitch never made time to work with 3D Adva performance artist no experience in programming/3D internet projects, working with programmers. how to create a dance piece in space where human bodies cannot enter (cyberspace) general question: what is the place of perf arts when we don´t have a physycal body anymore and are only information Femke member of Constant moved from NL to Brussels in 2003 trained as graphic designer, through web ended up in software not creating software, but interested in software as cultural object An member of constant. writer and storyteller, convinced there is never one story to tell, always many stories to tell. experimenting with code and stories. what would an average user of a database would look like? what identity corresponds to the average? Wendy member of constant. knows a little bit about a lot of things. likes machines english > sound > physical computing > physical/digital/physical/digital works on protocols, gender as a protocol feet wet, hands dirty with 3D machines; problematic and fascinating. Željko Blace (needs accents) interests all over the place. fine arts, media arts, from fine arts to media art enthousiast about FLOSS software, media theory, internet culture part of MAMA in zagreb then discovered sports again, and lgbt communities around sport activist practice of organizing and reflecting; connecting the worlds. created kicker table (downstairs), interested in minorities (people outside of the norm) works on 'queer operating system' as conceptual framework, way to think of technology as way of emancipation passionate about obscure operating systems, linux in early nineties focus on multimedia with very little means not necessary for everyone to fit the norm (Microsoft, Mac, ubuntu) the OS niche as starting position, outside commercial software. evading dominant trends. BeOS???? Jara Personal interest in queerness, in wide sense a constant displacement, counter identities; it effects me personally and that is what brings me here. Not a techie, but interested in tech studies Nico Works at steim, making tools interested in modeling, n