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dimanche Nantes : 
 1-   modélisation 3D pour le prototypage d'un exerciseur des muscles vaginaux
 2-  organiser et documenter HardGlam spéciale pechblende matériel édition Avec glamour à gynepunk

3-  écrit quota du personnel pour hackteria texte

Microorganisnism for Macropleasure 
as a trainner kit 
Paula Pin arrives after her Prototype Making Residence in Fablab Plateforme C [www.plateforme-c.org]  in Nantes and introduces a 3d printed speculum for vaginal training  & pleasure. This new biohacking tool  is an extension of the  GynePunk project, which unveils taboos with DIY  bio http://pad.constantvzw.org/public_pad/difractocenelab   techniques, DIT science & medical hacks reverse engineering.   Expect grassroots sexual politics empowerment by electroestimulating the  anatomy of pleasure while showing the lasted developments and playfull  prototypes under the main frame BioAutonomy from Pechblenda lab.
micro,  micro, micro muchos micros repetidas veces hacen macro.,,., pero cuanto  trabajo se necesita para limpiar toda esta basurita = infinito (  recuerdo la sensación de pensar en infinito ) y no encontrar solución  .,.,.,.,.,
pensar  en infinitas manera de empezar con lo micro micro y tirar lineas varias  para con muchos micros ,,...., macro limpiar, o tb podemos pensar en  infinitas capacidades de mutación y dejarnos llevar infinitas veces,  tirar al suelo miles de colillas, casi tantas como macroinfinito, y  seguir colaborando con lo micro micro, que pronto estaremos macro macro  infinitamente mutadxs hasta desaparecer en lo micro micro , na no nano  naaaaa nooooo y devenir molar .,.,.,., eso si no tan solo como dicen por  ahí pura información, somos materia, pork sin materia la energía que se  necesita para transmitir información incluso a nivel molecular no  .,,.,.,.,. realizaría su trabajo ( físico) mmmnmnmn bueno puede que todo  sea en el aire y que la sensación de habitar diferentes entornos con  multiples cuerpos sea posible pork constituidas por mucha muchas mola  modalidades que symbiotizan, despiertan, mutan, se vuelven al pasado  como suerte de un primitivismo que al menos no dependía de tdo el mal  que injustamente le hemos delegado a la naturaleza que nos habita, hemos  la mayoría luchado inconscientemente contra natura, contra la molaridad  desde muchos lugares, y lxs conscientes por conveniencia o por desidia  se han dejado autodestruir destruyendo la naturaleza que ya no  consideramos fuera de un cuerpo , sino que es ahora que esa naturaleza  más que nunca dañina deviene nuestro cuerpo.,.,,.,.    .,.,.,
The Global Factories of Capital are working overtime to produce – as Sloterdijk reminds us, the “last human beings”
Some  studies even suggest that the sex of each cell drives its  behaviour,  through a complicated network of molecular interactions. 
as Sloterdijk reminds us, the “last human beings”.1  
espheres, bioespheres 
sigo fantanseando, cada vez mas la idea y la sensacion de escalar ciertas formas organicas de algunos elementos vivos se me hace mas y mas presente 
hoy  me he despertado pensando en el movimiento de los cilios de la dafnia y  como no ha vuelto tb a mi , la imgagen de la medusa/vagina, con sus  ritmos equiparables al movimiento vaginal mientras eyaculas 
Nature queer performativity
espero  que toda esta idea de introducirme cosas semi vivas, con reminiscencia a  lo vivo, no sea derivada de algun atisbo a ganas de parir ( ops lo he  escrito) m,,m,m significara algo todo esto, estare degenerando nuevos  modos de parir, de jugas¡r con una fantasia, sciencia ficcion que años  despues comienza a realizarse ? 
sera ? quiza quiza quiza ! ! ! 
he  soñado de nuevo con el enorme fluido turbulento de las aguas salvajes  de los oceanos donde la medusas bailan al un ritmo ,,,.,,.  microvibratorial, produciendo a quien las mira, un sentimiendo de una  cercana afinidad, calma placer orgamisco 
speculative science friction 
matter that matters 
propiocepcion,,.,. ecology merge body 
The  speculative is about leaving the comfortable waters of human   narcissism behind and venturing out once more into the “great outdoors”   of objects, material processes, vibrant matter, geological and   cosmological time, and thus simultaneously enacting a philosophy that   rediscovers the more-than-human ecologies that we are embedded in. Much   of this work offers means with which to think the materiality of power   and to grasp the cartographies of capitalism.
Key  to this is the common theme among the new speculative philosophers and  their antecedents on leaving behind the tired distinction between nature  and culture. Any anarchism today must be able to think about nature in  ways that avoid reproducing the modernist trap of treating it as  separate from humans- some raw material “out there” that we can  ceaselessly take as exclusively our own inexhaustible means to freedom.  We are embedded within ecologies and are ourselves units of alien  ecologies.
Many  anarchists have engaged with continental philosophy only begrudgingly  or not at all. The epithets of idealism, self-importance, separation  from everyday concerns, and theoretical self-indulgence, as well as a  certain stale boredom, haven’t gone unanswered by certain circles of  philosophers, anthropologists and sociologists.
The  speculative turn towards materialism and realism offer an opportunity  for anarchism to re-engage with a different kind of philosophy. The  purpose of a reading group that explores the possibilities of  speculative anarchisms will be to assess whether the speculative turn is  able to help us make sense of the multiple crises that we find  ourselves faced with and whether there is anything that anarchists and  anarchist perspectives can make use of in these works. It remains an  open question
your conscious experience, allowing you to finally become one with the most supreme being of our times.”
Whereas Weismann in his article deals with the full range of modalities and comes to more refined conclusion:
“On  this view, the brain will not be merely replaced by the computer,  or  reduced to prosthesis, but rather asympotically augmented and   multiplied; perhaps beyond every recognitional model. Indeed the mutant  character of these abstract machines to be constructed indicates their  profound capability to extend beyond all present modalities of   collective expression, to inaugurate new (artistic, scientific,  philosophical) experimentalisms; and indeed prefigure the decoding of   the topological divisions which striate these variadic  experimentalisms,  to unfold a newly-reunified and joyous thought  without image, an  indivisible science/art/philosophy to-come.”
   concepts are never pre-programmed. Rather, they are experimental  effects  of an on-going process which emerge in the doing, and merge  with making
has  adopted the term “research-creation” to describe its activities,  with  the goal of fundamentally rethinking “theory” and “practice” in a  way  that overcomes the all-too-common antagonism between the two. What  distinguishes the SenseLab’s approach to research-creation is its   emphasis on philosophy as a creative practice in its own right, and its   sustained dedication to live experimentation with new forms of   transdisciplinary collaboration. SenseLab  projects engage in the  process of thinking by doing, always with the  understanding that  concepts are made in and through the event. They  practice philosophy as  a catalyst to other modes of creative endeavour,  never their judge or  master.
 media ecology 
  as well as such informational entities as memes—come from Whitehead,  Simondon, Nietzsche as well as Guattari and contemporary writers such as  Katherine N. Hayles. What emerges is a different genealogy for theories  of media ecology.
The Ecological Microbiome of Cognition
In  the workshop’s keynote, titled ‘A Microbial Unconscious’, Allan Young  presented  one such possibility – a view of neurosocial science in which  we  envisage the microbial world in social, political, and economic  terms.  
This serves as a critical response to the growing  brain-centered  literature, with the argument that “once we extend our  conception of the  brain to include the brain-gut axis, we have an  additional reason to  call the social brain ‘social’, since its  functional elements now  include an interactive microbial society.”  Using the lexicon of  microbiologists and other scientists studying the  immune system and  infectious diseases, Young’s talk described the  complex interactions and  communication between bacteria using words  like ‘communities’, with  some bacteria ‘cheating’ by benefiting from  the ‘social life’ but not  contributing, some conducting ‘exploitation’,  and some bacteria acting  as ‘suicide bombers’ if sacrificing  themselves means saving more  bacteria. This begs the question, as Young  asks, “Do bacteria have a  ‘rich social life’, as microbiologists  claim, or does this claim  anthropomorphize a truly asocial nature?”
Cognition is always collective, ecological, and historical. Makes me wish I could get a degree in microbiology.

                                                                                            Concept and Capacity:  The Ecology of Knowledge                                 
May 13, 2015 § 5 Comments
Below  I am posting a draft of one of two papers I’ll be giving in just a few  weeks down in Claremont, CA for the 10th International Whitehead  Conference. (See my abstracts here and here.)
In Process and Reality Alfred North Whitehead writes, “a new  idea introduces a new alternative; and we are no less indebted to a  thinker when we adopt the alternative which he discarded. Philosophy  never reverts to its old position after the shock of a new philosopher.”[1]  In this paper I ask, what is an idea? How does it introduce a new  alternative? How does this new alternative relate to knowledge and  experience? My aim is to persuade you that the best way to understand an  idea is to describe the ecological relations among thought, action, and  perception.
To present my position, I draw on literature from the philosophy  mind, particularly enactivism, to propose that knowledge is a skill of  engagement. It is an attunement to new contrasts made possible by the  coordination of multiple species, practices, and technologies.  Similarly, I define conceptualization as a speculative capacity, a  performance of the body that leaps the subject beyond immediacy into the  spaces of difference afforded by the present. I conclude by suggesting  that the ecological view of knowledge has important consequences for the  politics and ethics of first-person experience.
A brief introduction to the framework known as enactivism will help  to advance our discussion. To introduce enactivism I describe four core  concepts that taken together provide a basis for understanding the  enactive approach to cognition. 

These concepts include embodimentautonomy, lived experience, and sense-making.[2]
In the enactive framework, the living body’s engagement with the surrounding environment is central. In this view, the brain is a  necessary but insufficient condition for the possibility of cognition  because the brain’s activity is intimately dependent upon and related to  the actions of the body, on the one hand, and the body is intimately  related to and dependent upon its engagement with the environment, on  the other. The embodied view of mind is thus also an extended view of  mind. Mind on this account is an open-ended and context-specific  engagement between the body, which includes the brain, and the  environment, which meets the body’s actions.
Autonomy is also central to enactivism. In this context, autonomy  refers to the adaptive and self-organizing capacities of the organism.  

Every organism is organized in a way that requires continuous  reproduction and maintenance. Organisms are not simply given as what  they are; instead, organisms achieve their existence in an ongoing way  through a variety of metabolic and developmental processes that must be  pursued. A corollary here is that each organism has an immanent  purpose—a basic self-interest or aim—that makes it a center of value  that generates ends from within its own sense of significance. An  organism’s behavior can in turn be understood in terms of these needs,  values, and concerns.
The third concept is lived experience. Lived experience, on my  reading, is central to enactivism for two reasons. 

The first reason I  call the existential imperative. The existential imperative is important  insofar as it allows us researchers to track third-person accounts of  cognition as a physical process alongside first-person accounts that  render available what being alive is like from the point of view of  phenomenal awareness. As I’ll describe in more detail in the next  section, perception is a skill that requires cultivation, and the  methods which enable that cultivation—which include contemplative or  religious practices, experiment, learned know-how, phenomenology, art,  music, athletics, and so on—are central to the body’s engagement with  the world since it is through these capacities that we participate in  our surroundings.


“Our bodies are made up of trillions of different types of cells that  carry out specific life processes. The way that these cells function is  defined by the microscopic complexes contained within, which are smaller  than the wavelength of light. Often times, dysfunction of these tiny  cellular complexes lead to diseases, such as cancers and  neurodegeneration. In this presentation, The Scripps Reasearch  Institutes’ Gabriel Lander takes you on an exploration of the field of  “structural biology”, and the use of an important tool that allows us to  image the impossibly small nanomachines in our cells, in order to find  out how they work and interact with each other.”

ecoshophy ... what that it means to be milieu enviorenmental ? 

you are mediation people, screens people 

how we understand mediation in terms of ecosophy ,m,m,m,m,m rosa rosa 

how we are to think algotimic 


The concept, then, is a tool, in Noë’s sense, a technique for grasping  new details among phenomena, but it is more than that, too. It is also a  technique of transformation, a force that transforms the individual  through the technique of thinking. To paraphrase Isabelle Stengers, the  concept is a practice of thought which makes the maker in the act of  thinking.[31]  This self-making dimension of Stengers’s thought realizes itself in  what she calls the ecology of practices, or the ways in which we are  captured and transformed by our own modes of engagement. The organism  capable of exerting such conceptual disclosure upon its own mode of  engagement is a unique place within the overall evolutionary picture, a  place where matter becomes concept in the mode of phenomenal awareness.


MicroMacropleasure Open laB 

Over the course of their research will explore connotations of production through a synthesis of actions, sculptures, prototypes and installation. Perverting streamlined techniques of traditional medical devices determined by functionality and profit, the artists will scramble logics of efficiency in favor of excess and pleasure. 

In exploring these intra-related questions the proto matter/experiencies created through multiples experiments/ activities will  expose the body as diffracted entangelements agency that becomes what would later define as a non identities or diffracted entities. 

the performance of knowledge
As a karen Barad defines : 

Barad propose that true knowledge has an experiential performative  aspect--what I am calling “the performance of knowledge.” Instead of representing an independent world, this perfomative aspect encompasses  the relations and exchanges (i.e., information, communication,  intelligence) between bodies, objects, environments: an ongoing  embodiment that emerges from our various capacities. Performing  knowledge is an enactment of a world that is inseparable from the  performing body. This performance restructures our very selfexperience  changing our body, our chemistry, our muscles, the patterns of our  neural connections—just as this performance changes the world through  our participation in it. Thus, knowledge is more than something that you  have, it’s something that you do – the performance of knowledge.

 and then we will question once again what the old medical and cultural institutions have refused from the comons of knowledge . for example what they did when the witches were burned 

 to enter directly into the philosophy of biopower, making our bodies the most desirable technology, and using scientific processes that serve as a testing ground and

 body with his extrasensory perceptive and reconnect our ability to enable microorganisms in the macro universal organism that together inhabit

The open lab becomes a proposition: the mediator of boundaries and comfort as it binds the viewer’s body to the work.

The Session will culminate with the performative presentation in which visitors can try on and wear the prototypes and samples. 


MicroMacropleasure Open laB
Focus by zooming in and out.

Over the course of the research the lab will research connotations of production (modi operandi) by a synthesis of actions, choreographies, sculptures, prototypes and installations. The Lab will pervert the streamlined techniques of traditional medical devices, which are determined by functionality and profit. The logics of efficiency will be scrambled in favor of excess and pleasure.  The research of the body as a static 'object' is extended into a body in flux of cellules, energy and desire.

MicroMacropleasures  catabolizes us with biopower, by making our bodies the most desirable technology and by using scientific processes as a testing ground. By activating the body's extrasensory perceptions, the lab stimulates our potential to enable microorganisms in the macro universal organism that we together inhabit. 

We will question (once again) what medical and cultural institutions have banished/expatriated from the commons of knowledge. In exploring these intra-related questions the proto matter/experience, created by multiples experiments/activities will expose the body as a diffracted entanglements, an agency which becomes - what would later be defined - as a non identities or diffracted entities. 
Lab Sessions will culminate in a performative presentation in which visitors can try on and wear the prototypes and samples. In the sessions the open lab becomes a mediator of boundaries and comfort as it binds the participant’s body to the work. 

The performance of knowledge, as Karen Barad defines :   

Barad propose that true knowledge has an experiential performative   aspect--what I am calling “the performance of knowledge.” Instead of  representing an independent world, this perfomative aspect encompasses   the relations and exchanges (i.e., information, communication,   intelligence) between bodies, objects, environments: an ongoing   embodiment that emerges from our various capacities. Performing   knowledge is an enactment of a world that is inseparable from the   performing body. This performance restructures our very selfexperience  changing our body, our chemistry, our muscles, the patterns of our  neural connections—just as this performance changes the world through our participation in it. Thus, knowledge is more than something that you have, it’s something that you do – the performance of knowledge.   

LAb Session 01 – 2015 - M HKA/S14 - Daemons & Shell Scripts - "squitwerking"
twerking and scientific vaginal explorations as biopolitical instrument while hacking and assembling DIY sequencers, loopers, producing noise performing noise: that is an ardous assertion of freedon against an order that seemed immutable
