* Algolit session @ DN#5
3 days : tuesday 1st july / wednesday 2nd july / thursday 3rd july

Confirmed: Catherine, An, Brendan
To be confirmed: Olivier, Nicolas
Confirmed he doesnt come: Olivier (I'll join in thought with hammer and sickle drilling machine in hand)

Arrival (Valence)
Cat & An: Monday 30th June 14h41
Brendan: Tuesday 1. July 11.11 (at Saillans)

* Radio Algolit @ Festival DN#5
Radio   Algolit est une performance présentée par Nicolas Bourbaki. Au   programme: des créations avec du code et de la littérature formulées,   lues et énoncées par des humains et des scripts en collaboration avec   d'autres outils et plateformes numériques. Elle sera enregistrée et   rediffusée dans un réseau international de radios libre (Radia, Radio   Panik, Reboot Fm, ...).
Performance d'1 heure, en français & anglais

Radio   Algolit is a performance presented by Nicolas Bourbaki. On the menu:   creations with code and literature written, read and pronounced by   humans and scripts working in intimate collaboration with other digital   tools and platforms. The performance will be recorded and  broadcast  though an international network of free radio stations (Radia,  Radio Panik,  Reboot Fm, ...). 
Performance of 1 hour, in English & French

Conditions techniques
1/ 3 jours de session de travail
- socles/électricité pour 6 ordinateurs
- vidéoprojecteur
- internet (absolument)
- tables, chaises pour 6 personnes minimum

2/ performance (1h)
*   si Radio Pi-Node: pendant 1h on occupe un studio radio avec 4   microphones + un technicien + enregistrement de l'émission (live ou   pré-enregistré)
* sinon: live 
- table de mixage
- internet
- enceintes
- 4 micros
- personne qui enregistre ou matériel d'enregistrement

Idées possibles:
-   mettre en scène la présentation de Algolit : humains, robots,  machines,  logiciels, plateformes.... racontés personnellement ou à  travers les  méta-données ou encore différemment, versions versionnées

> Désert Numérique: worksession + performance
start a list of options

* Brendan proposal as a "station"
->     have a 'screenless broadcast station'? Or a 'broadcasting algolit    publishing house'? with Algolit-radio? first node-meeting to share     'algolit', can be yearly session attached to event, publication,    research [be funded by something like DICREAM, who financed also    curatorial work in France] combined with 1 internal session,  supported    by Constant
-> use barcode scanner & objects // look into Android barcode-app and deviate it to the database of scripts

* Nicolas Bourbaki, Théorie des Ensembles:    collective name for publishing stuff - nice retro-engeneering:    mathematicians used fictional name to spread ideas on mathematics / we    use mathematical name to spread ideas on fiction; publishing house,   hack  the format of the scientific paper
Nicolas Bourbaki cfr Anna Kavan (Cat)
is on Twitter!
Nicolas Bourbaki archives entered BnF last year, radio broadcast :
+ fictional wedding invitation "littered with obscure references to math"
1935 French mathematicians, set-theory (clustering)
~ Luther Blisset http://www.lutherblissett.net/
~ Netochka Nezvanova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netochka_Nezvanova_%28author%29
entities / identities
~ Karen Eliot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Eliot

* Nicolas? Olivier?
I (Olivier) will join unless it interferes too much with my rebuilding our house. I'll know more in a few weeks.
* Andre & Silvio?
*    invite others who will be around: we publish agenda on what we're    working on, people can pop-up, 15min introduction of their work (~ Loop)
f.ex.    'French connections': Stéphane (Lyon), Antoine (ARLL, Regional  support   for literature + projects with students in NC-school for  librarians in   Lyon), Emmanuel Guez (editorial coordinator of MCD-issue  on Writing   Machines, teaching at Fina Arts School Valence) 

Accomodation to work?
* check the space, 8-10 people -> not too many invites! pople have to register? Yes
*   check the technical environment to see if we can record/broadcast the   performance - have Plan B: paper performance: i'd say plan P

First time we go public, comes the question : what is Algolit ?
radio broadcasting as a common frame
possible method: bring some topic that you want to share
already   existing reflections/theories : Florian Cramer, Kenneth Goldsmith,   Katherine Hayles, ELO network  +"contributions" from guests in the   different sessions : Michael, stdin, spanish guys
also important for when we want to invite people for a workshop
1h public recording, broadcast in different places, sent in Radia, placed in radio Panik, etc
recording & try to get people play it back
i.e Langue Schaerbekoise, be in a "room" and broadcast outside
Brendan about Algolit : reading writing arithmetic (the three R's)
what happened to txt when everything is mediated by computation
Nicolas Bourbaki presents / show !
-> can be a different collective name at each broadcast session

-   readings : our readings generated from scripts/corpus + hear other   voices (i.e Joyce, Stein, Schwitters, Robbe-Grillet 'La jalousie'   reading) + Markov Chain mix (Kavan, Robbe-Grillet, Rhys + birdcall : http://www.cequisecret.net/taxonomy/term/64)
Michèle Métail: http://www.oulipo.net/fr/oulipiens/mm
Kurenniemi's frequencies

- some text-to-speech as voice of the 'presenters'?

- discussion

-   music? serialism Steve Reich, Philip Glass? music in the public domain   (Rachmaninov, Fats Waller, Edith Piaf...), open source music (playlist   VJ14), field recordings around the venue, Dj automatist with   archive.org/Andre Castro, 
Conlon Nancarrow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conlon_Nancarrow