
    if focus is on cybersecurity in networks:
if the project was developed differently: 
distinction between characterization vs design people
Drawing parallels between the clean slate approach and game changing technologies
Privacy Red team?


chat with:
    Christopher Yoo

Fred Schneider
Jen Rexford:

    Measurement Oriented Security:

How about the UPenn people: what exactly are they working on (cybersecurity and differential privacy)

Vyas Sekar - CMU - middle boxes

Sharon Goldberg

David Clark

Alex Halderman

Stephanie Forest - UNM, computer security, bioengineered stuff and awareness of internet governance issues

Avi Rubin - Hopkins, firewalls

Rebecca Wright - discrete math, Rutgers

Joan Feigenbaum

Mutu also atRutgers

Notes of Meeting with Jen Rexford (amazing meeting)

Niksun Company -> Walter Willinger (also teaching a course this year on cybersecurity)

Notes from Walter Willinger Slides:


        Dwell Time:
            The objective is to reduce dwell time and to identify damage done. It is about being able to account for the damage. 

        The attacker model:

            The life-cycle of the attacker is often described through the "intrusion kill chain":

            Sings of APT activities:

            Do we assume a strategic attacker: the gaming technologies propose using behavioral analysis to identify malicious/abnormal behavior, deception to attract attackers, and obfuscation to make their lives harder. What are the assumptions about the attacker's skill set: could they not employ adversarial algorithms, obfuscation, and deception themselves? 

Where do attacks come from?

According to Walter:
The role of visualization: