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Somatic exercises

trust, safety, security

[Work trusting self a bit more in the beginning]

in order to start getting into our bodies, let's all stand

start moving within the environment
[Feeling safe and secure within yourself]

walk around the area, 
what are you seeing, what are your eyes seeing
what are you hearing?

As  you are doing that take notice of your breathing
is it shallow or is it deep.
touch your belly to feel your breathing

take your time, to take a deep breath in
and let it out as natural as possible

as you are focusing on your breath what is it doing to your gaze?
can you slow down your breath
without making your heartbeat stop
wherever you are in the space, take one of your hand s and look at it,

the other hand will be used to slowly take in every aspect of your hand
feel wit h little pressure how is your hand made, which parts ben d in which direction
continue to notice that you are breathing fluidly

o n e hand is more active , the other one i s more passive discovering the other one
you can turn it around, 
you can look at the other side, 

you can use one hand to mass ag e the other

our hand is connected to the rest of bod y --is  end of our nervous system
through our hands we can connect to almost all the body parts
do you notice any difference to the foot connected to that hand ?

feel the diffrenece between the hand that has received and give n
and feel the diffreence between the 2 FEET

F eel whether you wa n t to swap the hands

if you wanna change the position in the space feel free,
also keep your breathing fluid.

as you discovered your hands, 
we are going to discover an other person 's hands
find whoever, ideally somebody you don't know yet

one person is in o b servatio n mode,
you can also be a trio

if you feel tension, move that part to release that tension.

if you feel like giving more pressure, 
and if you feel th at the other person trusts you, 
and you can go a bit further

now the person receiving c an be less passive and start also  move the hand
you can respond consciously to what is happening to your hand

as your consiously mov e
you can swap roles,

But as you swap, b efore moving to massage, you want to discover the hand of the person
the mobilty of the hand, the wrist,...

and e ver y giver and receiver
notice your posture, without fixi n g it
notice your breathing.

release your hands next to your bodies
feel the difference between both hand, 

now, continue the hand connection, 
into palm to palm,

fac e each other
and start to move your partner through the hand,
go down, move around in the space
see how putti n g more or less pressure
makes your partner less mobile

without usi n g words, communicate just through the palm of y our hands
figuring out what makes the other move, 
and maybe evaluating your level of trust

and find an ending
find a way to disconnect from you partner

keep the same partner
hold one hand, both of you clos ing your eyes
continue to explore movement through your hands
change levels, raise up, around the space

One person, can open their eyes . And Guide your partner
initiat e this  by placing their hand on your face-up palm, with the other follow ing
Take care of others moving in the space

B e a wa re of their breathing
and how they are feeling
feel secure

the person who's eyes are close d , you have some freedom, and room to feel secure in the space
K eep the contact through the palm

T ry not to talk, communicate through the palm
slowly slow down
be aware of each other's breathing
start closing it down by pausing,
blink your eyes and look around the space and feel how you are doing
now switch roles [1 minute beyond]

becoming eve

take your hands, rub them together , when they become really hot put them on your eyes
remove your hands from your eyes
look to your hands, and focus on  your hand s ,
Now f o cus beyond your hand on something beyond the wall,
pu t the hand back in, change your position in space
 see eeverything which can make you focus on the beyond the wall
 all th ethings, the wires, all the frequencies,
 [2 minutes for this]
 // sounds come in ///
 change position in the space again, focus on the hand,
 observe everything from you till the end of the space by removing your hand
noticing the objects the people, the air, the available space and the sounds
 where do the sounds coming from 
 are they interrupting, passing by
 Can you alter them by your presence
start moving in the space
see hear and feel

notice how your feet are meeting the floor
observe the projections and how you can change them
how many chair are there, start counting  the ones that are open, how are they facing...
how does the air feel on your body/skin
and does the sound affect your feeling  of your skin

choose one person/
in the group,
and try to know where that person is in the group, you don't have to follow
notice stil the rest of the space, while you notice where the person is
now choose an object, sound, or device in t he space
and make sure you know what that device is doing,  while you still know what that person is doing,

are you still aware of the rest of the environment?

now add an object or another human and try to know where they are always in the space
are you still aware of the object/human... as you are walking through the space
do you now what they are doing?
where ...what they are doing, how they are doing it
and could you influence one of the three.
now try to influence one or more of these surveilled objects/people/sound

how would you do that?

And now i think you are ready to go through the public key learning for Diffie Helman
[I have a little video which explains the Diffie Helman key, which is the basic b/n any kind of cryptography between

Take a break, relax -- because our preparing for our final stage. And we are become machines!