- feb 4-18 blender-basis - gstreamer / 4 samedi ou dimanches ? mi avril? - atelier pure-data ? - atelier axoloti ? Pieter écrit à johannes - reprise blender-basis ? - alternative visualisation exploration tool presentation ? mars ous les mardis 17hOO - atelier videomapping -- madmap / puredata / lgpt(?) -- (! mapping festival 7–17 May 2015 geneva) avril / mai / juin ? - dossier education-permanente demande de reconaissance : http://www.educationpermanente.cfwb.be/index.php?id=13400 ... Il leur est loisible de prendre contact avec Monsieur Quentin PONCELET (tel : 02 413 25 01) afin d’obtenir toutes informations complémentaires dont ils souhaiteraient disposer. ... *Atelier 1 : Axe 1 « Participation, éducation et formation citoyennes »–Mouvements *Atelier 2 : Axe 1 « Participation, éducation et formation citoyennes »– Associations *Atelier 3 : Axe 2 « Formation d’animateurs, de formateurs et d’acteurs associatifs » *Atelier 4 : Axe 3.1. « Production de services, de documentation, d’outils pédagogiques et/ou culturels » *Atelier 5 : Axe 3.2. « Production d’analyses, de recherches et d’études sur des thèmes de société » *Atelier 6 : Axe 4 « Sensibilisation et Information » demande soutien projet ponctuel (ie. for relearn??) http://www.educationpermanente.cfwb.be/index.php?id=559 relearn : proposal on workshops on culture of education/ pedagogie / Thursday oct 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP Un premier workshop Gstreamer le 15 novembre par Pieter annoncé sur le Wiki de Flat au hackerspace Annoncer e workshop par email. CROWDFUNDING Il concerne l'ensemble des activités de F/Lat et on continue à demander une participation aux cours Reprendre les suggestions d'olme pour des package - artists/engineer gives 50€ = fund 5*1h in a collective courses - company gives 300 € = fund 1 day of development for 1 project - fundation gives 1000€ = fund 2,5 days workshop for local community - city gives 3000€ = fund 7,5 month space rent La campagne Comment se passe une campagne de crowdfunding. Publier une première page qu'est ce que tu offre pour combien... Fin novembre Une video qui présente e projet et ses intervenants, il faut l'axer sur le fait que on a de l'expérience dans le domaine et la communauté bruxelloise. Auprès de qui faire la promo / discuter l'idee? ABELLI (association belge pour le logiciel libre) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LE SITE INTERNET Faire un portail participant pour les cours avec possibité de s'inscrire. portal LES COURS : - 15nov : gstreamer -- - autres : plutot debut janvier -- -- -- -- annoncer ceux que l'on a avec un prix de 50/80? Gstreamer voir pus haut hack 101 ? Pieter processing Roman https://github.com/OpenTechSchool-Brussels/data-visualisation-with-processing *U-go ? lui demander un descriptif (5 lignes) *Unix for beginners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LVRML 6-7 nov logis : un francais (hosted at Nat) + deux allemands (ils ont des logis, si on ne trouve pas) corriger programme + flyer LVRM (ajouter pairi daiza, retirer italierns?, ajouter roman WebVR) lieu: - 5 stands - projection en plenum - tables + chaises ok avec ce qu'il y a pub: faut qu'on s'y mettre (faut plus d'inscriptions!!!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday oct 13th I had a talk w/Roman, he is super ok to join in f/lat he is in phase with Olme VR research strand as he does a lot himself He is also ok to pull out his processing class for our course session he suggested to contact Ptr chatted w/Hugo, he is definetily in likes the Idea he knows all details 3 or 4 weeks and budget cost for teacer and rent. He would teach the usual python class data viz web oriented python. Generally web oriented stuff, he is also interested in D3 ???? and will ask a friend of his that works with it. We Are thinking of organising courses in F/Lat >> think of a year long cursus to accompany artists along some project/trajectory : teaching=accompany best is to have regular/fidel people than big turnover (exhausting/expensive) Structure of Courses: it would be great to give 2 sessions per month that could last around 1 month / 1 session per week starting nov 15th Il faut Cost per workshop: $ 175 rent $ 200 prof $ 25 administration ---- total = 400 = 5*80/participants Modalities Option 1 open bookepping with teacher Option 2 Crowdsourcing that means we make a live overview of the money that comes in on F-Lat website + emails to participants from nov 19th until dec 19th evenings 3 hours 6pm till 9 pm or WE? * - G Streamer Pieter * - Python ask Hugo and let him choose the topic from jan 7th til feb 7th * - Project management/ Bookeeping for artists/technicians php compta (marc ) * from feb 7th till mar 7th * - wordpress- cassiopea * - * * Annoncer ça sur la page internet edu.f-lat. pour Jeudi prochain + blurb flier * * DEUXIEME FORMAT sessions on the whole year, once a month *Pure-Data *discussion with YB in Novembre for organising regular pd workshop *Libre VR *regular meeting to develop VR with free/libre tech * HOW to announce It ** Get in touch with art schools so they send their students ** Ask people what they would like as a class. ** Olivier do you want to announce to Smart? ** MAKE WEBSITE ** promo qui pousserait nos workshop Zinneke Café Numérique * FLAT-DEV * Contacter Radio panick + Zinneke + Neutrinet pour penser des ateliers RADIO * Zinneke : Structures en bois pour des chars avec la CNC de Olivier Questions: * Who will give the courses * * sept29: ptr_, olme had chat at hsbxl to launch the idea -- we'll see what comes out (Ugo/frdgr/tom?..) * * we invite people to give a course *vague ideas of teaching competencies : (to complete:) *- Cecile : sensors/puredata for scene and installations, electronic soldering, robotics *- Olm- : 3D/VR, puredata, network, sound and video topics, scene and installation, python, arduino *- FrankieZafe : 3D/VR, puredata, data treatment, OpenFrameworks, scene and installation, python, arduino *- Natacha : sensors, pure-data, network, data treatment, python, arduino, *- Ptr_ : sensors, electronics, C++/ASM, network, crypto, database, sysadmin *- Fred : *- ... *- ... * * *What do we provide teachers * * space / projector / public relations (secretariat kinda) / open bookkeeping on educational cashflow * * payment (will see how much money we get in and where we get with open bookkeeping) * * Do we (F/LAT) need to make money on this? ** cover the costs (rent etc...) yes ** a little more is welcome but only after paying the teachers ** keep an open bookeepping on that part of the .edu activity. * * Who will take the courses * * will depend of course :-) graphists / webdesigners / theater-tech / video-art / sound-art / designers / art plastique / scene / scenography / danse-choregraphy / music / graffity / ... * * other ASBL structures they can help promote (zinneke for example) * * *It can also depend on the way we announce it how to also get to broader general public > do we want "general public" aka "amateurs" or professionals/students that do take it "seriously"/long term/depp commitment ... ? * *Discuss with OSL (opensoundlab) how do they do it how do they finance is it only from people paying the classes (maybe propose osl to share some). *they are probably not interrested by WTC25 ... what else could we add ? *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * *see *http://f-lat.org/kiwi/doku.php/fr:intern:cursus:index *http://f-lat.org/kiwi/doku.php/fr:intern:dossiers *http://f-lat.org/kiwi/doku.php/fr:intern:start * * *proposals for topics : * *Visual and audio for artists *Pure data - patching circles whom should we invite to give it a nice flavor *lots of topics and fields -> need to make a program proposal *audacity + Ardour3 audio editing/DAW *kdenlive/blender ? cinelerra ? (constant? ) video editing *Mixxx (DJ) *mapmap/LPMT (projection mapping) *blender game engine (interactive art) * * *Training for lpi 101 (?)linux professional institute exam (level1):https://www.lpi.org/study-resources/lpic-1-101-exam-objectives/ * *Python programming *Matplotlib and pygame: how to render your personnal self quantified data into a small desktop game. *> to develop - bindings in OSC, blender/bge, pure-data, websocket * *e-textile & e-objects with arduino/microcontrollers and Rpi/olinuxino / ESP8226, etc... * *VR for artists and designers : visualisation of projects - VR exploration/experimentation beyond stereo-types (pun intended) * *code4kids&parents (see wiki) : creative coding and free game sessions for kids and parents *introduction to 3D printing * * proposal for courses gstreamer (on RPi2) introductory course on basic use of gstreamer for transcoding and streaming of video/audio; and the basic development of media-players / streaming solutions using raspberry-pi2 ( ptr_) unix toolbox (http://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.xhtml) -- unix commandline 101 (ptr_) - hacking101 (ptr_) bits/bytes signals ; main concepts in digital computing, historical background and such *a digital computer: what is this thing? *addresses & data *reading data: binary - hex - ascii - TLV - asn.1 *example: rgb *example: serial communication *example: ip packets *(extra: compression * redundancy) *ip networks[edit] *looking at packets & protocols : wireshark *the internet / routing packets *varia ? (not now..) - webserver & general communication security (ptr_, probably longer course) practical introduction to communication security for digital publishers *tacticaltech *password managers (keepass, unix pass) *ssl certificates (https) *and the setup on apache / nginx *textsecure/signal (android/iphone) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to promote/announce them > need a slick frontpage and a music video (really!) - we need to attract people by our talent too, not only basic course offering... Meetup? they announce paiying courses also but the paiement has to go through meetup itself > ask for donation, not paid course ;) Using other people's network, existing asbl mailing list , local cultural centers, commune go to schools of art go to art academia go to registered art/dance/theatre/music companies announce to schools by the CFWB network (probably need subsidies as it would be too expensive for the schools)