"The workshop is a visual brainstorm meant for designers, artist and developers from different backgrounds interested in alternative software workflows. Using operating systems as metaphor we try to imagine systems that are both structured and open. What kind of conditions are needed for collaboration and exchange? What granularity of modules do we need, and what possible connections can we make? We try to think not just about software, but extend to standards, fileformats and actual creative work." "Between 2007 and 2013 I had the opportunity to realise graphic work for Linux Audio Conference 2008/2009, make art 2009/2010, chmod +x art 2010, Linuxwochen Linz 2010/2012 and the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013 using F/L/OS Software only. Instead of using F/L/OS replacements within a workflow common for proprietary design work, I took the chance to explore a world of software and approaches which were new for me, but actually have been around for quite some time. In which way does this 'step back' in computing history provide any insights for my current and future use of tools? The talk collects failures, learnings and attempts that contribute to my current conception of a F/L/OS approach to design, graphic design in particular." Christoph Haag studied design at the Department of Hybrid Space/Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Approaching graphic design from the commandline and the commandline from a design perspective, he is currently extending usage into programming. Lives and works in Augsburg, Germany. www.lafkon.net README Extend etherpad's collaborative writing approach with optional commandline magic. On an etherpad (e.g. http://lgru.pad.constantvzw.org:8000/etherpash) you can use markdown and define commands (lines start with a %). The commands will be executed while the etherpad is converted to pdf using pdflatex. Commands are defined in i/bash/*.functions. Execute ./etherpad2pdf.sh to render a pdf file. You may provide an additional function file, e.g. ./etherpad2pdf.sh i/bash/my.functions NEEDED SOFTWARE: pandoc texlive-extra-utils texlive-generic-extra texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra texlive-fonts-recommended "A collection of transformer scripts to produce a printed collection of interviews ..." Bonjour, Je me présente, je m'appelle Xavier Klein et j'ai terminé mes études en Juin 2013 avec l’obtention d'un DSAA Design Graphique (Bac+4) à Olivier de Serres à Paris. Je bénéficie du coup de la bourse Léonardo qui me permet de faire un stage conventionné en Europe. J'ai fait mon diplôme et mon mémoire sur la place des logiciels libres et des pratiques informatiques alternatives dans le design graphique. OSP a été une source majeure dans ma réflexion et dans ma pratique. De plus, je suis actuellement en train monter avec d'autre jeunes designers une structure semblable en France, notamment avec Antoine Gelgon, qui est passé par chez vous. Je serai donc extrêmement heureux s'il m'était possible de faire un stage a OSP. Je dois impérativement commencer le stage au plus tard le 1er mars pour une durée maximale de 6 mois mais je suis disponible avant. Je vous laisse mon site web : http://xavorklein.free.fr/ Cordialement, Xavier Klein