digraph { *rankdir TB *pagedir TB * "Questions" -> "http://note.pad.constantvzw.org/p/considering" -> "h" *"Graphviz" -> "http://note.pad.constantvzw.org/p/bau-tools-workshop" -> "here you can edit the graph" * *"Questions" -> "F/LOSS and design education: why" *"Questions" -> "Tools of the Trade" *"Questions" -> "Institutions engaging with communities" *"Questions" -> "How to teach tools in designschools" * *"Questions" -> "Can students link the skills learned with free soft with the owner soft that they find in professional environment? Are there difficulties?" * *"Questions" -> "Considering your tools: how?" *"Questions" -> "Mixing self-education and formal education" *"Questions" -> "Teaching programming?" *"Questions" -> "Platforms" *"Questions" -> "tensions between proprietary and free software" *"hi! I am Gloria. how to solve a professional work with high level of difficulty that free soft can’t resolve? Do you use owner software?" [style=filled fillcolor=bisque] *"Questions" -> "hi! I am Gloria. how to solve a professional work with high level of difficulty that free soft can’t resolve? Do you use owner software?" * *"Questions" -> "social inertia. how to change the focus from tools towards design process?" * *"When you teach do you only use open-source software" [style=filled fillcolor=lightskyblue] *"Questions" -> "When you teach do you only use open-source software" * *// Hi, that's Ramon. *qRamon [label="I think your Work deals with some issues concerning the role played by 'technocracy' in the design process... Do you think about the designer as reflective practitioner? To what extent you think of it as a critical practice?" style=filled fillcolor=lavenderblush] * *"Questions" -> qRamon * *"Questions" -> "what's your experience with design universities introducing F/LOSS and in which way do they oblige you to teach industry standards like Photoshop, etc." * *// two slahses // are comments * *"F/LOSS and designeducation: why" [style=filled fillcolor=gold] *"F/LOSS and designeducation: why" -> { *"Tools" -> "Tools of the Trade" *"Methods"-> " we need more examples..." *"Experiences" -> "list experiences of F/LOSS software at design universities" *} [style=filled fillcolor=gold] * *"Considering your tools: how?" -> { *"Toolbending" *"Close-reading of code, interfaces" *"Reading (texts, mailinglists, licenses)" *} * * "Tools of the Trade" -> { *"responding to immediate expectations of employers vs lifelong learning" *"designers make tools or use tools?" -> "new tools for new situations" -> "Digital Craftsmanship" *"what kind of professional? what trade?" *"Know your tools" -> "Digital Craftsmanship" *} * *"hi! I am Gloria. how to solve a professional work with high level of difficulty that free soft can’t resolve? Do you use owner software?" -> { *"It happens" *"Sometimes the client demands a certain workflow" *"It happens less and less" *"Now, clients actually ask for different tools" *"Tailormade software" *} * *"When you teach do you only use open-source software" -> { *"Sometimes we combine" *"Depends on the situation" *"Typography works great using only open tools" -> "Is it because typographers traditionally have a closer relationship to technique?" *"Another class is ón tools. Open tools allow for a closer inspection" *} * *qRamon -> { *"At first it was a guess, what happens if we start to use other tools?" *"It changed out way of working" *"It showed us we needed to question our tools and their influence" *"Also questions the way graphic design works, and the relationship to clients" *"If you enter this world, leave good taste at the door" -> { *"Later we started to also embrace the esthetics of our tools" *"And also started to control it" *} *} }