Welcome to Constant Etherpad!

These pads are archived each night (around 4AM CET) @ http://etherdump.constantvzw.org/
An RSS feed from the etherdump also appears on http://constantvzw.org/

To prevent your public pad from appearing in the archive and RSS feed, put or just leave the following (including the surrounding double underscores) anywhere in the text of your pad:


Changes will be reflected after the next update at 4AM.

First things first: fork on Github or import into http://gitlab.constantvzw.org

--> http://gitlab.constantvzw.org/FS/CriticalFork (but how does Matthew keep track?


--> author
"by Matthew Plummer-Fernandez  http://www.plummerfernandez.com "


use the wiki?

something about twitterbots https://twitter.com/institutesOf

where does the structure come from
where does the input come from and what does that say

"It consequently identifies (and 'trains' its creators about) tired tropes in sci-fi."
How does this generate institution, or paradies them, mirrors