Algorithmic Uncertainty

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Extra City
Summer School #2 - 11/09-15/09* 
*DAY 1 (11/09): Making public domain - */Artistic and social practices at the intersection of the on –and offline world./
How can digital artistic and social practices expand the possibilities of making public domain?
Today the on –and offline world are immensely intertwined, a  disconnection seems no longer possible. Not only do social media  platforms have an increasing impact on our perception of the world, but  beyond that concepts like the ‘smart city’ and ‘the internet  of things’ are buzzing around. These terms are popular among  protagonists from the creative industry, Sillicon Valley-adepts and  policy makers. In most cases they see an opportunity in data mining for  economic and political use, and the optimalization of the  management of public space.
However, on the other side, there is a long tradition of activists,  artists, thinkers, hackers, advocating for the Internet as a free zone  to create tools for resistance. They build for example open source  technology, question author rights, create new currencies  (e.g. Faircoin), and invent ways to fight against the privatization of  knowledge.
On the first day of the seminar we will hear theorists, artists, hackers  about the dangers and possibilities of the digital public domain. As  the Internet is maturing we see more its limits and possibilities. What  do we gain with the dissolution between on  –and offline? What are the downsides?

*Day program 11/09:*
10h-10h15: Welcome and introduction by the moderator of the day (Extra City)
10h15-11H15: Lecture: Geert Lovink - Social Media Abyss (40 min. +20 min. questions)
11h15-11h30: Break
11h30-12h30: Lecture: ?
12h30-13h: Discussion: Geert Lovink,… Moderator:…
13h-14h: Lunchbreak
14h-17h: Three workshops:
Larbitslab, Max Dovey (and collectif?), Femke/Constant?
17h-18h: final debate: everyone
18h-20h00: Dinner
20h00-21h30: Lecture and discussion: Evgeny Morozev (tbc.)


Booklet Extracity
Deadline: August 4th
the size of this booklet is going to be A5 with stapled binding, 4 pages per invited guest, and printed in 1 color. very important!: all texts should be delivered in english as we have a very diverse group of guests and audiences!

Verloop Workshop

Hoe maak je gebruik van materiaal uit het publieke domein?
Wat als we de database als platte tekst online willen publiceren?
Wat willen we gebruiken?


7:57u Brussel Zuid
8:45 Antwerpen Berchem
9:10 Middelheim aankomst






15:45 - 16:00 = PAUZE

16:00 - 16:50

16:50 - 17:00



'The public domain always arrives too late. Seventy years is a long long time to wait in the culture we live in, of sharing knowledge, works and sources.' (Femke Snelting, during Public Domain Day in Koninklijke Bibliotheek Brussels, May 2017,