Previous meeting:

Thu 3rd November
Algorithmic Models for text analysis & connect to context where it is used & metaphors around it & visualisation

Presentation Uncertainty Detected
the creation of a model to predict uncertain sentences in scientific articles

Please do not use/distribute as such, has still small bugs in it:

STILL TO DO : write functions and save them in separate scripts, f.ex. vectorize, plotting

From here on, the algorithm (in this case SVM) will search for patterns in the model (the model = all the vectors together)


Proposal: Spend another meeting on only the correlating action in training a model. We could prepare watching a few video's and further discuss them in another Algolit session. 
Side proposal: use a set of 5 software packages to compare the results, using the same algorithm and (if possible) the same reduced set of vectors
plot the plotters using plotter as a way to see how the machine thinks
try 3D representation

INTERMEZZO after lunch: Gijs shows his latest version of 'Your weekly address'
Markov chain generated texts is read by video fragments of Obama's youtube speeches. 
Machine reads fast. Gijs discovered that bigrams & trigrams work well to generate the video, unigrams make us dizzy :-)
= new Big data grammar for legibility of machines for humans

Proposal to create list of these works on the algolit wiki.

side note: