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Friday 4th December 2015
Look further into text generators  (after Relearn + K. Goldsmith's Reading session) 
WTC25, 12-20h

Workshop ideas:

Dates of confirmed workshops:

Threads from before and now:

Notes from today: 

About Distant Reading
Franco Moretti from Stanford Literary Lab 
& also Turing Love Letters ref / Love Letters Generator

A house of Dust
db of adj, verbs, nouns - simple replacements

viral infection of text by another text
-> gives the taste of invador

Presentation Mia
Follow-up on Poet assistant   http://pad.constantvzw.org/public_pad/Poetry%20generating%20softwares)

curatorial rol of human
most markov chain or ngrams
-> most interesting results?
-> less challenging?

why so early, so passionate, to make poetry
why poetry? related to turing test
very similar results
reason for making it so different
cfr Turing Love Letters

1st things to test as meeting between humans and computers
Herman De Vries
related to Zero mouvement / Holland

Is it serious poetry gerators?
Markov Chain looks like poetry

-> easy to do poetry, open field for language 'what is poetry'?

more complex approach, result might not be so interesting
'distant reading': analysing big data (18th century literature), how it is written, next step: how to write
'not necessary to read books anymore'
Franco Moretti

semantical approach
syntactical approach

Phd in Computational Biology
tools from Computational linguistics to analyse genome
genome - specific text
find patterns
huge databases of text now / parts of them we don't know what it is
big corpus of texts, try to find patterns in it

overproduction, you can't consume anymore - what would you with them then?
what are the side-effects of overload of poetry?
no validation system/Poetry Rank as exists for analogue poetry tradition
-> too easy? no authenticity?
plastics got there, 'exclusive plastic' now

Mia & Martino is setting up a local radio (illegal)
produce poetry for radio?
see algolit radio show @ Désert Numérique http://desert.numerique.free.fr//archives/?id=1011&ln=fr

Gijs text generator from youtube subtitling tool   
markov chain based on speeches by obama
candidate speeches
president speeches
promises he couldn't keep
Relearn: someone trained neural network to train algorithm with Shakespeare
wanted to do the same thing with obama, first sketch

recurrent neural network
based on text you're feeding it


recreate new speeches based on automatic subtitling
human touches the robot
possible because Obama talks in a very systemized way!!! protcollarian
-> remake videos & messages, 1984
-> 'watch the library'
cfr Le petit Journal (France)
patterns of speech, iterative aspects

Cognitive exhaustion
We all talk in templates
Hypothesis: When we write a text or talk, we recycle structures. We have a very small number of structures when we talk. 
Trying to detect such repetitions.
Searching for certain genes and structures.
But being able to be able to detect it despite of mutations.

This works on regular language
the levenshtein distance is linear in time

Relate through: Translation to syntactical structure
translating symbols to the function of the word.
What is the use: 
In the hope of it to teach us something. - -> hope, mystery vs. knowledge 
(The mythology of the algorithm)
create an instant linguistic expansion tool
-> texts that are simple in syntax, rich in semantics (ex song) or vice versa

Semantic decontamination
As a way of getting people into detox. To enrich/enlarge their vocabulary.
Thesaurus python script - Searching synonyms - using it to rewrite. 
Also analog - finding lists of words. - with the goal to expand.

A really, really applied workshop idea:
running neural networks
on a raspberry pi 
from June onwards?

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