For the presentaton, see:

Empty your pockets backpacks wallets 

1 / present yourself using one of your objects
2 / sort the collection according to different paramaters (color shape typology)
3 / determine as many as possible sources where the objects might be described
4 / in which way could you consider the objects to be either :

End of the day ; discuss how archive could be crossed differently, 
make groups, different approaches to itineries through the archive 

Denk aan een pad dat je aflegt door de objecten heen 
twee groepen van drie

Your are metadated through your pockets
common examples:



german law on checking id cards against db's when crossing borders
* nationalen Datenbanken der Mitgliedstaaten zur Einreiseverweigerung
* eingesetzt und ausschließlich die Daten über gestohlene, missbräuchlich  verwendete, abhanden gekommene und für ungültig erklärte Dokumente in  den einschlägigen Datenbanken abgefragt werden.
* Auf nicht systematischer Grundlage können die Grenzschutzbeamten jedoch  bei der Durchführung von Mindestkontrollen bei Personen, die das  Gemeinschaftsrecht auf freien Personenverkehr genießen, die nationalen  und europäischen Datenbanken abfragen, um sicherzustellen, dass eine  solche Person keine tatsächliche, gegenwärtige und erhebliche Gefahr für  die innere Sicherheit, die öffentliche Ordnung, die internationalen  Beziehungen der Mitgliedstaaten oder die öffentliche Gesundheit  darstellt.


Are you registered in DE?

Are you registered in a EU country?

Health data = extremely personalised,*
so it needs to be anonimised for statistical purposes

What if you died in 2010, in Iceland, of 
"Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of  abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without  mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure "?
(one hit)


Sim card registration db
hardware mac address, gps, 'homebeaken'
, pictures metadata
userprofiling, searchresults
aps: Itunes music , lastfm, googlempas

photo metadata

* Imagine you are taking a picture with your phone of famous contemporary architecture that is under copyright protection
mac address + geolocation + exif data + sim card registration + credit card info 
=> detection of real time copyright infrinchement and immediately paying your fine is possible; 

According to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the NSA is targeting Exif information under the XKeyscore program.[20]

Nasa XKS:

Death by unreliable metadata

Public transport
if you buy an eticket, you need to bring the credit card you paid with as identification: 
    credit card = id card ? 
What if someone else pays for your ride ?

"This system is based on electronic certificate used together with a unique ID, 
such as an ID card or a credit card ID) for ensuring security and for protection against fraud. "

Image of ID / ticketing system:

registered house keys
copy with card only

drivers license

