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Monday 8th of august 19:00 
confirm presence: Marthe, lieve, miljan, Samyra
mim 3 inhabitants/lodgers

hypes&grypes (where/w/ho are you)

- discuss decision-making on leaving S14 (from different roles/perspectives)

shortterm - ?

(between 7 Sept-14sept)


- formalize alternative economy - 

before winter:
room uit
kraan lekt /
gat  opgevuld worden
plankske vervangen
kleding marthe verwijderen
shuifdeur /schilderdeur 

extra maand /terug betalen > uitstel , probbeer spreiding

artistic intervention
alternative economy
formal in house labour  . pay for job  (max 12 euro)
formal outsourcing of expertise

- lieve&renaud move out 
- 10 nov paul goes up 
- electricity - schematics
- gutter repair
- insurance follow up > percentage / pay

sugar, peper, salt, oil,coffee, herbs

cleaning products, toilet paper
washing powder